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Job Analysis
The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. A job is a bundle of related tasks. Work is understood as physical & mental activity that is carried out at a particular place & time, according to instruction in, return for money. Job analysis is the process of collecting job related information helps in the preparation of job description & job specification.

Job Description
A list of a jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions and supervisory responsibilities-one product of a job analysis. A statement containing items such as job title, job location, job summary, duties, machines, tools & equipment, materials used, supervision given or taken, working conditions, hazards.

Job Specification
A list of a jobs human requirements, that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on-another product of a job analysis. A statement of human qualifications necessary to do the job such as education, experience, training, judgment, initiative, physical effort, physical skill, responsibilities, communication skills, emotional characteristics, unusual sensory demand such as sight, smell etc. 4/9/12

Uses of Job Analysis Information Personnel Planning

Recruitment and Selection Job Evaluation & Compensation Training & Development Performance Appraisal Discovering Unassigned Duties Legal Compliance Health & Safety Employee Discipline Work Schedule

Steps in Job Analysis

Decide how youll use the information, since

this will determine the data you collect and how you collect them.

Review relevant background information such

as organization chart, process chart and job descriptions.

Organization chart is a chart that shows the organization wide distribution of work titles of each position and interconnecting lines that show who reports to and communicate to whom. 4/9/12

Select representative positions. Actually analyze the job. Verify the job analysis information with the

worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor.

Develop a job description and job


Methods for collecting job analysis information

Interview Questionnaire Observation Participant Diary/Logs


Quantitative techniques
PAQ (Position Analysis Questionnaire) It is

highly specialized instrument for analysing any job in terms of employee activity.(194 elements)

DOL (Department of Labor) A standardized

method by which different jobs can be quantitatively rated, classified, and compared based on data, people and things scored.
MPDQ (Management Position Description

FJA (Functional Job Analysis) It takes into

account the extend to which instructions, reasoning, judgment, and mathematical and verbal ability are necessary for performing job tasks.

Internet-Based Job Analysis A Final Point: Use multiple sources to collect

the data.

Writing Job Description

Job identification Job summary Responsibilities and duties Authority of incumbent Standard of performance Working conditions Job specifications

Writing Job Specification

Specifications for trained versus untrained


Specification based on judgment Job specification bases on statistical analysis


Job Analysis in a JOBLESS world

Job enlargement Assigning workers

additional same-level activities, thus increasing the number of activities they perform. from one job to another to enhance work team performance and/or to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points to prepare the person for an enhanced role with the company.

Job rotation Systematically moving workers

Job enrichment Redesigning jobs in a way 4/9/12

Job engineering It focuses on the tasks to be

performed, methods to be used, workflows among employees, layout of the workplace, performance standards & interdependence among people & machine.
Socio technical systems approach focuses

on organizations as being made up of people with various competencies who use tools, machines & techniques to create goods & services.
Dejobbing Broadening the responsibilities of

the companys jobs, and encouraging employees not to limit themselves to whats on their job descriptions. 4/9/12

Competency-based job analysis

Competencies Demonstrable characteristics

of a person that enable performance of a job.

Competency based job analysis Describing

a job in terms of the measurable, observable, behavioral competencies an employee must exhibit to do a job well. employees training, appraisals, and rewards on fostering and rewarding the skills and competencies he or she needs to achieve his or her goals.

Performance management Basing your


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