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Presented by: Sunil Pandey Sandeep Yadav

Table of contents
What is Data Warehouse ? What is CRM ? Data Warehousing & CRM Disadvantages

Data Warehouse
A data warehouse is an information delivery system.
This system integrate & transform enterprise data into information suitable for strategic decision making. Data warehouse: Building blocks
Source data Data staging Data storage Information delivery Metadata Management & control

CRM has played a major role in the development of business. CRM is a strategy used to learn more about customers needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. Customer approaches the organization for product or service with certain expectations. To recognize and fulfill this expectations of the customer is the basis for CRM.


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Many companies have started to implement CRM & are using it to enhance their business strategy with regards to their customers. For example:

Data Warehousing & CRM

Competition has forced many companies to pay greater attention for retaining customer & winning new ones. Thus customer focus has become the watchword. Concentration on customer experience & customer intimacy has become the key to better customer service. More & more companies are embracing customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Transformation of simple data warehouse to CRMready data warehouse.

CRM-Ready Data Warehouse

A data warehouse must hold details of every transaction at every touchpoint with each customer. This means sales of any unit of any product to any customer must be gathered in the data warehouse repository. We therefore not only need sales data in detail but also details of every other type of encounter with each customer. Detailed data provides maximum flexibilities for the CRMready data warehouse.

CRM-Ready Data Warehouse

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To make our data warehouse CRM-ready, we have to enhance some other functions like cleansing & transformation. These functions are more involved & complex. Before taking the customer name & address records to the data warehouse, we have to parse unstructured data to eliminate duplicates, combine them to form distinct households and enrich them with external demographic and psychographic data These are the major efforts are needed for CRM ready data warehouse.

Data warehouse implementation projects are expensive and have a high risk of going wrong.
Studies on data warehousing that have been released during the past two months raise questions regarding the success of customer data warehouse projects.

A study of 1,600 companies released in March by The Data Warehousing Institute, Seattle, found that 41 percent of respondents said they are experiencing difficulties with their implementation and 42 percent found that the data warehouse implementation met their expectations. But CRM-ready data warehouse is essential for a business to have consistently clean, reliable customer-level data that is continually accessible enterprisewide.


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