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How to Build Social Intelligence in Your Organization

What do we see in the market today?

Speed of making a decision is becoming incredibly important

Analytical tools are still too complicated for business users to use

Data insights get lost outside of the BI system

We live in a Social World

Bringing Social to BI

Think and Work Together

Share insights and learn from others Build the Corporate Intelligence

Key requirements for Social BI

Personalization, individual workspaces Desktop integration (email, search, etc)

Annotations, discussion threads

White boarding Presence awareness Chatting, Instant Messaging Searching Subscribing Friending

Where do you begin?

#1 - Focus on business goals & business users

Keep the end user in mind from the start Unite the IT department with less technically savvy business users Users should control the flow & content, while IT group secures the data & subsequent analysis.

#2 - Decouple the data collection from the business analysis

Data Collection
Continuously collect, cleanse and properly structure data from multiple sources Keep business users out of the complexities of the data

Business insight
Let business users define their needs & goals Increase the velocity of your insight generation Allow for continuous change & evolution

#3 - Work-in your ad-hoc teams

Define your ad-hoc teams
By areas of interest (NOT by org chart) Add BI experts to these teams

Gradually add teams to the pool of users More people using the system collaboratively improve the level of the suggestiveness

#4 - Tie analysis to decision making processes

Decision makers must have accurate insights in front of them Add the insight to decision making processes Use the Insight-evolution traceability of the system to ensure proper documentation of the decision making

#5 - Faster, stronger enterprise

Collaborative decision environment Cultural transformation Shift away from the data-centric approach to the knowledge- and wisdom-centric method

How do you empower business users?

Key Requirements for Self-Service BI

Rich Data Visualization Interactivity

Self-Service Analytics
Web 2.0 features (wikis, tags, like buttons, etc.) Discoverable capabilities (no right click) Self-designed dashboards

Intuitive & Interactive for Business Users


Necto End-to-End BI Suite

Social Intelligence
Automated Insights




(i.e treemaps)

Office Integration

Complete Web-based experience

Collaborative decision making platform

To build the Corporate Intelligence

User Scenarios

Empowering field organizations

As a VP Sales, most of my team are remote and in the field, I need them to have tools for discovery and collaboration between themselves and HQ.

Collaborative decision making platform to find the right insight and people quickly

James Madden VP Sales
Increased customer satisfaction Increased revenue per customer Decreased idle time and operational costs

Empowering Sales & Operations planning

As a VP Operation, my task is to synchronize the key stakeholders in the sales and operation planning process, ensuring an efficient supply chain and delivery .

Social intelligence helps us align the relevant members & engage in cross functional discussions

Garry Jones VP Ops
Efficient supply chain process On time delivery according to plan Learning from past mistakes, improving our process after each collaborative meeting

Empowering Ad-hoc project teams

We are tasked to deal with a key integration project, consolidating data from the enterprise, analyzing it and making decisions on the best path forward.

We sit in different offices, homes, and different time zones, social intelligence increased our productivity.

Gail Sanders Team Leader Ben Spencer Team Member Julie Cohen Team member Sandy Gibson Team member

We successfully used the power of collective intelligence to make better decisions. All the data, context and process is kept in the system helping the enterprise grow its corporate intelligence.

Empowering Management teams

As a CEO, I ensure the company execute out strategy according to our plans. I need to measure our progress and align our resources to deal with market conditions.

Measure the companys performance and find areas that need more attention. Via social intelligence I can point to specific data and ask for further investigation by the relevant team members.

Jack Mead CEO
All the executives are aligned. Productivity is higher, as measurement, analysis and collaboration is done in one place. We execute better according to our strategy.

Welcome to the next Generation of BI

Over 1,600 customers worldwide

Financial Services Manufacturing Healthcare Retail & Distribution Telecom, Media & Entertainment

Customers ranked Panorama in the top third of vendors for OLAP and dashboard capabilities, with a higher proportion of users using the product for ad hoc analysis (29%) than other users of products/vendors featured within this year's Magic Quadrant.

Learn more
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