Geo Synthetics

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Geosynthetics are man-made materials used to improve soil conditions. The word is derived from:

Geo = earth or soil + Synthetics = man-made

Geosynthetics are typically made from petrochemical-based polymers (plastics) that are biologically inert and will not decompose from bacterial or fungal action. While most are essentially chemical inert, some may be damaged by petrochemicals and most have some degree of susceptibility to ultraviolet light (sunlight).

Geo-synthetic has been defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as A planar product manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, rock, earth, or other geotechnical engineering

related material as an integral part of a

man-made project, structure, or system.


Polypropylene Polyethylene Polyester Polyamide Polystyrene

Poly Vinyl Chloride


Geotextiles are
flat, permeable, polymer-synthetic or natural textile

can be nonwoven, knitted or woven. are used in contact with soil or other materials in civil

engineering earthworks and building constructions.

can provide separation, filtration and reinforcing

functions in a structure.

Geotextiles (woven and Interwoven)

belong to geosynthetic materials that fulfil a reinforcing

function in a ground structure.

are formed by a flat polymer structure, by a system of

mutually perpendicular longitudinal and cross drawn elements which can be bonded continually by weaving, welding or binding.
their mesh structure allows penetration of particles of

soil/rock through mesh apertures and formation of particle interlocking.

polyester woven pvc coated geogrid

HDPE high density Polyethylene geogrid

Geogrids samples

are polymer products, made by connecting two or more types of geosynthetics, e.g.

geogrid with nonwovens.

are used both for soils (separation and reinforcing function) for asphalt pavements (reinforcing function, especially for



a very low permeability synthetic membrane liner or barrier used with any geotechnical engineering related material so

as to control fluid migration in a human-made project,

structure or system.
primary function of geo-membrane is always as a barrier

against liquids or vapours.


Abrasion Resistance UV Stability

Biological Resistance
Chemical Resistance Wet/Dry Stability Temperature Stability Long term durability


Separation means keeping two layers of soil (with different functions) apart in order to prevent in mixing and thus deterioration of their functions in the structure. Geotextiles are often used as separators to prevent road base materials from penetrating into the underlying soft subgrade, thus maintaining the design thickness and roadway integrity.

We meet such requirement most frequently in case of transportation (road and railway) constructions or under flat foundation constructions.

With and without the use of geosynthetics as separators

Filtration involves the establishment of a stable interface between the drain and the surrounding soil. In all soils water flow will induce the movement of fine particles. Initially a portion of this fraction will be halted at the filter interface; some will be halted within the filter itself while the rest will pass into the drain. The complex needle-punched structure

of the geotextile provides for the retention of fine particles

without reducing the permeability requirement of the drain

Soil Reinforcement
Soils have no tensile strength so they are not able to transfer all of forces arising in a structure when it is loaded. The tensile forces created can be transferred using geosynthetics materials - geogrids, geotextiles or geocomposites. The geosynthetics products used as a reinforcing element, hence the term reinforced soil.

Soil Reinforcement using geosynthetics

The function of Geocomposite drains is to gather water, which is not required functionally by the structure, such as rainwater or surplus water in the soil, and discharge it through the drainage pipe.

For instance, behind the retaining walls we need drainage and filter layers
to carry the water to the drainage holes or to the drainage pipes at the bottom.

Drainage applications of geosynthetics find use in retaining walls, sport

fields, dams, canals, reservoirs. In traditional methods we generally use gravel or sand as drainage layers.

Erosion Control
Erosion of earth embankments by wave action, currents and

repeated drawdown is a constant problem requiring the use

of non-erodible protection in the form of rock beaching or mattress structures. Beneath these is placed a layer of

geotextile to prevent leaching of fine material. The geotextile

is easily placed, even under water. Erosion control geogrids installed on steep slopes of embankments prevent in washing soil particles from surface.

Erosion and drainage control using geosynthetics

Shore lined with geosynthetic material



The civil engineering structures need to have protection against potential ecological disasters (floods, draughts, earthquakes, global warming) . Geosynthetics provide such protections with minimum cost. Geo-techs are difficult or impossible to degrade. However, in view of their inert nature they can be disposed off without the danger of contamination. Geosynthetics assist the environment by acting as a containing barrier for toxic materials. The functional lifetime of geosynthetics is extremely long, in many cases over 100 years.



Commonly accepted as durable, long lasting and environmentally safe solutions to geotechnical engineering projects. The cost of geo-synthetics applied usually between 3 to 5 per cent of the total cost of projects. For a number of projects, savings of 30 per cent in total project costs have been reported. Minimizes the regular repair and maintenance costs directly.

Prevent accidents, increase efficiency of structures, minimize pollution and leads to efficient use of natural resources.


Long-term performance of the particular formulated resin

being used to make the geosynthetic must be assured by using proper additives including antioxidants, ultraviolet screeners, and fillers.
Clogging of geotextiles, geonets, geopipe and/or

geocomposites is a challenging design for certain soil types or unusual situations..

Handling, storage, and installation must be assured by

careful quality control and quality assurance.

The rapid growth in the geosynthetic market the world over has lent confidence to the civil engineer in their use. One should not be tempted to imagine geosynthetics are magical materials to yield excellent results, without due consideration of the problem or soil geosynthetic interaction. Such a blind approach could lead to disaster. The future appears to be more promising with stronger & more durable geosynthetics emerging into the market along with fibrous system to be mixed with soil for giving more hope as well as challenge to the Geotechnical engineer in the years to come.

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