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Presented By:

Anirban Saha Abhik Jana Debajit Dey Rajneesh Agrawal Viswas Kumar kushwaha

Problem Description
Opinion mining is the area of research that attempts

to make automatic systems to determine human opinion from text written in natural language.
It seeks to identify the view point (s) underlying a text

span; an example application is classifying a product review as good or bad with bar charts.

Consider, for instance, the following scenario. You wan to

purchase a product. So you are looking review to compare the products. For this, you go through many pages and if you are not comfortable with internet you might be get frustrated.
But, If you get a graphical representation of feature with of

the products. You will be more happy in comparing the products.


State of the Art

Opinion retrieval was first presented in the TREC 2006

Blog track, and the objective is to retrieve documents that express an opinion about a given target.

The Proposed Technique

Opinion Mining works in following stages:
Step 1: Collect the product reviews from the given

pages. Step 2: Analyze all the reviews of every product. Identify product features and opinion orientations for each review. Stage 3: Users can visualize and compare opinions of different products using a user interface.

Extracting reviews from web

From set of product review page URLs extract reviews

of desired products store reviews separately as pros and cons.

Automated Opinion Analysis

Explicit features and implicit features: Some

features are genuine features, i.e., <photo>,<use>, <manual>, <option>. However, <16MB> is a value of feature <memory>, which we call an implicit feature. Synonyms: Different reviewers may use different words to mean the same produce feature.

Preprocessing of Review Sentences

Tokenizing: tokenizing is done on the basis of some

delimiter i.e. the sentence is divided in smaller parts from the place where we encountered the delimiter. Adjective tagging: here a list of adjectives is used and all terms matching these adjectives are tagged. Counting the frequency of features: The generated product features together with their frequency counts are saved in a candidate feature list.

In this We have used the fuzzy values and crisp values

ranging between 0 and 1 for positive reviews and 0 to -1 for negative reviews. For example: If the reviews are like camera is good, camera is excellent, camera is very excellent. These three statements are assigned .25, .50 and 1.0 respectively. Similarly, If the reviews are like camera is not good, camera is very bad, camera is very much bad. These three statements are assigned -.25, -.50 and -.75 respectively.

Architecture Diagram



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