1.analog Data Analog Signal

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BASIC CONCEPTS & ANALOG DATA, ANALOG Click to edit Master subtitle style SIGNAL


Analog Data, Analog Signals (AM, FM, PM)

Analog Data (sound waves) Analog Signal
Telepho ne

Digital Data, Analog Signals (ASK, FSK, PSK)

Digital Data (Binary Voltage Pulses)
Analog Signal (Modulated on carrier frequency)
Mod em

Analog Data, Digital Signals (PAM, PWM, PCM)

Analog Data (Voice or Video) Digital Data

Digital Data, Digital Signals (NRZ, Bipolar, Manchester)

Digital Data

Digital Signal

BASIC CONCEPTS Base band and Pass band signals. Base band Signals The original message/signal generated from an information source is known as Base band signal. This signal may be a combination of two or more messages! The base band signal may be analog as well as digital. The base band transmission is preferred at low frequencies and short distances.

BASIC CONCEPTS Pass band signal : The modulated signal is called as Pass band (or Band pass) signal a Pass band transmission. The generated frequencies (lower! higher side bands) are called Band pass frequencies. If a I kHz signal amplitude modulates a 200 KHz carrier, the pass band frequencies generated are 199 KHz (200-1) to 201 (200+1) kz. The pass band transmission is preferred at high frequencies and for long distances. The T.V. and satellite transmission are examples of pass band transmission. This transmission may be analog as well as digital.

Time domain and frequency domain.

In time domain representation of a signal, The signal is a time varying quantity. Time domain specifies the amplitude of the signal at a particular instant of time.

(b) The Time domain signal can be converted into Frequency domain by Fourier series.

Errors in communication systems Errors In Communication System : When a distortion occurs in the received message, an error is said to have occurred. The distortion may be a frequency, phase or any other distortion. . . These are following reasons which produce errors: 1. Band Width : When the band width allowed to a transmission is not sufficient it causes an error. The band width allowed to the AM transmission is only 10 kHz but a human ear requires a band width of 15 kHz for full satisfaction. Hence AM. Transmission lacks fidelity. The bandwidth allowed to F.M. transmission is 200 kHz and it can reproduce a transmitted signal to our full satisfaction. 2. Noise : The noise is another reason that produce error. The unwanted sound is called noise. There are many

Advantage of using a high frequency carrier for transmission For transmission h.f. carrier is used so that the signals gains strength and go to large distance. AM and FM broadcast bands AM broadcasting-kilohertz. FM broadcasting-megahertz.

B.W. requirement for various signals. By limiting the band width for a signal, more channels can be accommodated. The band width requirement for a signal mainly depends upon the modulating signals. The audio signal occupies a band width upto 15 KHz but when a carrier is modulated by the audio signal the modulated signal will certainly need more band width. Here we are giving B.W. of few signals.

1. The audio signal need B.W. of about 20 Hz to 15 kHz for transmission. 2. The video signal needs a BW of about 4 MHz, while a fax signal needs a BW of I kHz only. In T.V. the picture is scanned in 1/30 seconds while a FAX needs 10 minutes to

Radio broadcasting, Transmission and Reception. Radio (wireless) Broadcasting, transmission and Reception : The process of sending radio T.V. signals by an antenna to multiple receivers which can simultaneously pick up the signal is called broadcasting In simple words to radiate radio wave from a station into space is broadcasting or, to send signal in all directions (broad) is called broadcasting. After the waves are thrown into the space, the transmission start and all the receivers in the range can simultaneously pick up the signal. This is called reception. There is a little difference between broadcasting and transmission. However, the process of reception is quite different. Important components of this network are shown in next slide:

Radio broadcasting, Transmission and Reception

Radio does not mean radio receiver. The radio means wireless. (ii) Radio means radiations for wireless transmission. The principle of radio broadcasting, transmission and reception described above are same for radio, as well T.V. signals and also for all such wireless devices. (iii) Radio is the abbreviated form of radio telegraph or radio telephone. (iv) Broadcasting means to send out in all directions. (v) (a) AM. radio broadcast band: Its range is 5401600 kHz. The stations are a assigned every 10 kHz in the above band. (b) F.M. radio broadcast band: Its range is 88-108 MHz. The stations are assigned every 200 Hz in the above band.

BASIC CONCEPTS Transmission and reception of T.V. signals. The T.V. signal has sound as well as picture; Both are processed through separate circuits. When a person speaks in a T.V. station before a T.V. (video) camra, his sound as well as picture, both are converted into electric pulses. Note that the camera has an in built microphone. These electrical Pulses are modulated and transmitted through the antenna. The signal transmitted is called the composite video signal, which contains sound as well as picture; in the form of electrical energy. -



Digital Technology:

cost and size. .


Continuing drop in

Data Integrity: Repeaters rather than amplifiers, so effects of noise are not cumulative. Possible to transmit over longer distance keeping integrity of data. Capacity Utilization:

Economical to build transmission links of very high bandwidth. A high degree of multiplexing is needed.

Security and privacy: Encryption Techniques

Integration: By treating analog and digital data digitally, voice, video and data can be integrated

Scenario No. 1


Telephon e

Public Switch

Radio tower

Radio tower

Public Switch

Telephon e

Modulating Signal Modulated Signal

The signal that modulates or changes the characteristics of the carrier.

The resultant of the modulation is called a modulated signal.


It is a sinusoidal wave, at higher frequency (than that of modulating signal) used for modulation purpose. Mathematically it is expressed as

e = E c sin( c t + ) = E c sin( 2f c t + )

where, e = instantaneous value of the voltage Ec = Maximum amplitude of carrier wave fc = frequency of carrier wave = Phase of carrier wave

Varying one of the characteristics (i.e. frequency, amplitude, or phase) of the carrier wave, with the modulating signal is called modulation. So, there are three types of modulations 1. Amplitude Modulation (AM): where the amplitude of the carrier wave is varied according to the modulating signal. 2. Frequency Modulation (FM): where the frequency of the carrier wave is varied according to the modulating signal. 3. Phase Modulation (AM): where the phase of the carrier wave is varied according to the modulating signal.

WHY DO WE NEED MODULATION ? There are 3 main reasons to modulate a signal on to a high frequency carrier 1. A large number of radio transmitters are trying to transmit at the same time. It is necessary for the receiver to pick up only the wanted signal and to reject the rest. One way to do to this is to assign a carrier with a known frequency to each transmitter, modulate this carrier with the signal, and then design the receiver to pick up only that known carrier frequency and reject the rest, using appropriate filtering methods. Then the original signal is removed from the received carrier. The same concept is used in carrying a large number of telephone conversations over a single pair of wires or optical fibre.


Audio is in the range approx. 20 - 20000 Hz.. . o The size of antenna should be at least /4,

c =
f 0 3 x1 = 200 00

= 00 1 0 5

35 = 0 7

m = .7 k 3 5 m

This much size of antenna is practically impossible. If more than one station starts transmitting at the same AF (Audio Frequency) there would be a lot of interference.


One of the most fundamental forms of modulation used in telecommunications is am- plitude modulation (AM). The transmission of music and speech in the commercial AM broadcast band is an example of the widespread use of AM.

Defining AM
Amplitude modulation is defined as a carrier frequency whose amplitude is varied in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of a modulating voltage. The carrier frequency much higher than that of the modulating voltage. It is usually a Radio Frequency (RF) signal in the Mid-Frequency (MF) range of 300 kHz to 3 MHz or, higher. In contrast, the frequency of the modulating voltage is typically an Audio Frequency (AF) signal in the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

Modulating signal (sine wave) and modulated carrier

Modulating signal (Audio) and modulated carrier

A carrier is described by v = Vc Sin ( c t + ) To amplitude modulate the carrier its amplitude is changed in accordance with the level of the audio signal, which is described by v = Vm Sin ( m t ) The amplitude of the carrier varies sinusoidally about a mean of Vc. When the carrier is modulated its amplitude is varied with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal. The amplitude of the variation of the carrier amplitude is Vm and the angular frequency of the rate at which the amplitude varies is m. The amplitude of the carrier is then: Carrier amplitude = Vc + Vm Sin ( m t ) and the instantaneous value (value at any instant in time) is v = {Vc + Vm Sin ( m t )} * Sin ( c t ) = Vc Sin ( c t ) + Vm Sin ( m t ) * Sin ( c t ) Using Sin A * Sin B = Cos (A - B) - Cos (A + B) this becomes v = Vc Sin ( c t ) + Vm Cos ( ( c - m) t ) - Vm Cos (( c + m)t)

1. Amplitude Modulation Derivation

This is a signal made up of 3 signal components

carrier at

c (rad/s)

Frequency isfc = c/2 Hz

upper side frequency c + m (rad/s) Frequency is ( c + m)/2 = fm + fc Hz

lower side frequency c - m (rad/s) Frequency is ( c - m)/2 = fm - fc Hz

The bandwidth (the difference between the highest and the lowest frequency) is BW = ( c + m ) - ( c - m)=2 * m Rad/s ( = m/ Hz)

A p u e( ) mlit d V

L wr oe s e id f e u ny r qec

C r ie ar r

U pr pe s e id f e u ny r qec

A g la nu r F e u ny r qec

- c m

+ c m

Bnw t a d idh =* 2 m

The spectrum of these signals is shown. This is described as the signal in the frequency domain, as opposed to the signal in the time domain. In this case the audio signal is made up of a single frequency. In this example the angular frequencies (expressed in Radians/sec, or kRad/sec, or Mrad/sec) are show. In most cases however the frequency is shown (expressed in Hz, or kHz, or MHz).

Modulation Index (or Modulation Factor or Depth of Modulation) The Modulation Index or degree of modulation is the ratio of the peak amplitude of the modulation voltage, to that of carrier voltage. It is also called depth of modulation. It is a V Modulation Index = m = m number between 0 and 1. V

Remember if the modulating signal is too high, (i.e. the modulation index is greater than 1), it will cause the carrier to cutoff for a period of each cycle. As a result a part of the envelope will be chopped-off; this is called over modulation, which must be avoided.

Previous Eqn can be re-written as v = Vc Sin ( c t ) + (Vm Cos ( (c - m) t ) - Vm Cos ((c + m)t) ) * Vc /Vc v = Vc { Sin ( c t ) + m [ Cos ( ( c - m) t ) + Cos (( c + m)t) ] }

1 0 . 5 17

C re ai r r
1 . 5 1 0 . 5 25 33 41 49 57 65

5%ou to 0M l in da





-. 0 5 1

-. 0 5 1 -. 1 5

1 0 . 5

M u tn S nl o l igi a da g
2 1 . 5 1 0 . 5 17 25 41 49 57 33 65 0 -. 0 5 1 -. 1 5 2

10 m u to 0%o l i n da







-. 0 5 1

3 2 1

10 M u to 5%o l i n da




1 2 3










The carrier is representedvcbyVc sin c t =

v m = Vm by And the sinusoidal modulating signal is representedsin m t

c c AM The resultant AM wave vis = Vc sin c t + 2 cos( c m )t 2 cos( c + m )t




vA = s a t n In t n a e o s v lt g o A w v u o ae f M ae M Vs In t n a e o s v lu o C r ie w v u a e f ar r ae c inc t = s a t n m c v cs o( 2 m c v cs o( 2 c m ) t c +m ) t =L w r S e a d ( S ) o e id b n LB = p e S e a dU Upr id b n ( S) B


Since power is proportional to the square of voltage, the power versus-Frequency spectrum for amplitude modulated wave is shown, each sideband has a power content equal to m2 Pc/4, where Pc is power content of the signal at the carrier frequency. Thus the total powerVc is
mVc/2 Pc PT=m2Pc/4 + m2Pc/4 + PC
mVc/2 m2Pc/4 m2Pc/4

Fc fa fc fc + fa

Fc fa fa

fc fc +

Voltage and Power Frequency

Percent Modulation in an AM transmission. Combining terms, PT = m2Pc/2 + Pc Pc/PT = 1/(1+m2/2) for m = 1 Pc/ PT = 2/3

Therefore for 100% modulation 2/3rd of the total power goes in carrier


The power of an AM signal is givenP P = as
AM carrier


Since the information lies only with the modulating signal, not with the carrier so some times we Suppress Carrier to save the transmission power. On the other hand, the frequency spectrum of a standard AM waveform, shows that the frequency response is symmetric about the carrier frequency, i.e. the upper and lower sidebands are of same amplitude and at the same distance (on frequency scale) to the carrier. So, some times we suppress a sideband to save further power. Depending on these facts the following are some types of AM.

Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier (SSBSC)

Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSBSC)

Radio receivers for receiving Full Wave signals are cheap to produce but the transmitter must be capable of transmitting a lot of power. It is used for broadcast radio stations in the Medium Wave band because there will be only one transmitter for a country the size of Ireland but millions of receivers so that the aim is to keep the receivers as cheap as possible. Radio receivers for SSB or Carrier Suppressed signals are expensive to produce, but the transmitter need not be capable of outputting a high power level. It is used for ship to shore communications (e.g. between a fishing boat and the harbour master) or for other one-to-one communications. In this case there are as many transmitters as receivers, one per boat, so that there are no major cost savings if the receiver is made a little cheaper, but there will be major gains if the transmitter can be made cheaper. In addition the power on the boat (or plane, or other vehicle) may be limited and will be needed for lighting and other functions, so that it is desirable that as little of it as possible is needed for communications.

An unusual form of AM is that used in television broadcasting . A TV signal consists of the picture , video signal and the radio signal which have different carrier frequencies. The audio carrier is frequency modulated, but the video information amplitude modulates the picture carrier. The picture carrier is transmitted, but one sideband is partially suppressed. Video information typically contains frequencies as high as 4.2 MHz. A fully amplitude modulated television signal would then occupy 2(4.2) = 8.4 MHz. This is an excessive amount of bandwidth that is wasteful of spectrum space because not all of it is required to reliably transmit a TV signal. To reduce the bandwidth to the 6 MHz maximum allowed by the FCC or TV signals, a portion of the lower sideband of the TV signal is suppressed leaving only a small vestige of the lower sideband. Such an arrangement is known as a vestigial sideband signal.

Vestigial Sideband (used commonly for TV video signal transmission)






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