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Prof. Dr.

Nurten GALP


Dolam kannda1000 alyuvara 1akyuvar der. Granll; bazofil, eozinofil, ntrofil (Polymorphonuclear) Granlsz; lenfosit, monosit (mononkleer) Lkositozis; bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarda saylarnn artmas Lkopeni; viral enfeksiyonlarda saylarnn azalmas

Agranulocytes Monocytes They are the cells of Mononuclear Phagocytic System (reticuloendothelial system - RES) spleen & bone marrow. They are motile and phagocytic, capable of destruction of several types of bacteria including tuberculosis bacteria. Their numbers increase in chronic inflammatory conditions. They are relatively large, and in tissues they enlarge and become macrophages. Macrophages are present in many tissues and are numerous in places where foreign agents tend to invade the body (lungs, gut, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen, and under the skin). Macrophages in these tissues make what is called the mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS). It used to be called the reticuloendothelial system. Macrophages, as the name implies, are large eaters. They can ingest many bacteria and dead neutrophils. They are an important third line of defense.


Monocytes share the "vacuum cleaner" (fagositozis) function of neutrophils, but are much longer lived as they have an additional role: they present pieces of pathogens to T cells so that the pathogens may be recognized again and killed, or so that an antibody response may be mounted.


Lymphocyte are much more common in the lymphatic system. The blood has three types of lymphocytes: B cells : B cells make antibodies that bind to pathogens to enable their destruction. (B cells not only make antibodies that bind to pathogens, but after an attack, some B cells will retain the ability to produce an antibody to serve as a 'memory' system.) T cells:
CD4+ (helper) T cells co-ordinate the immune response and are important in the defence against intracellular bacteria. CD8+cytotoxic T cells are able to kill virusinfected and tumor cells. y T cells possess an alternative T cell receptor as opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and share characteristics of helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells.

Natural killer cells: Natural killer cells are able to kill cells of the body which are displaying a signal to kill them, as they have been infected by a virus or have become cancerous.

Neutrophils deal with defense against bacterial or fungal infection and other very small inflammatory processes and are usually first responders to microbial infection; their activity and death in large numbers forms pus.






Human Neutrophil: Phagocytosis of Strep

Human neutrophils are white blood cells that serve as professional phagocytes: their primary function is to eat and kill bacteria and they arrive quickly at the site of a bacterial infection. This neutrophil, ingesting Streptococcus pyogenes, was imaged in gray scale with phase contrast optics and colorized. http://www.cellsali m

Platelets, which are cell fragments, are seen next to the "t's" above. (Many of the other micrographs on this page contain them as well.) Platelets are important for proper blood clotting. Each cubic millimeter of blood should contain 250,000 to 500,000 of these. If the number is too high, spontaneous clotting may occur. If the number is too low, clotting may not occur when necessary.

The red blood cells here are normal, happy RBC's. They have a zone of central pallor about 1/3 the size of the RBC. The RBC's demonstrate minimal variation in size (anisocytosis) and shape (poikilocytosis). A few small fuzzy blue platelets are seen. In the center of the field are a band neutrophil on the left and a segmented neutrophil on the right.

A normal mature lymphocyte is seen on the left compared to a segmented PMN on the right. An RBC is seen to be about 2/3 the size of a normal lymphocyte.

Here is a monocyte. It is slightly larger than a lymphocyte and has a folded nucleus. Monocytes can migrate out of the bloodstream and become tissue macrophages under the influence of cytokines. Note the many small smudgy blue platelets between the RBC's.

In the center of the field is an eosinophil with a bilobed nucleus and numerous reddish granules in the cytoplasm. Just underneath it is a small lymphocyte. Eosinophils can increase with allergic reactions and with parasitic infestations

There is a basophil in the center of the field which has a lobed nucleus (like PMN's) and numerous coarse, dark blue granules in the cytoplasm. They are infrequent in a normal peripheral blood smear, and their significance is uncertain. A band neutrophil is seen on the left, and a large, activated lymphocyte on the right.

The RBC's in the background appear normal. The important finding here is the presence of many PMN's. An elevated WBC count with mainly neutrophils suggests inflammation or infection. A very high WBC count (>50,000) that is not a leukemia is known as a "leukemoid reaction". This reaction can be distinguished from malignant WBC's by the presence of large amounts of leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) in the normal neutrophils.

The RBC's here have stacked together in long chains. This is known as "rouleaux formation" and it happens with increased serum proteins, particularly fibrinogen and globulins. Such long chains of RBC's sediment more readily. This is the mechanism for the sedimentation rate, which increases nonspecifically with inflammation and increased "acute phase" serum proteins.

The RBC's here are smaller than normal and have an increased zone of central pallor. This is indicative of a hypochromic (less hemoglobin in each RBC) microcytic (smaller size of each RBC) anemia. There is also increased anisocytosis (variation in size) and poikilocytosis (variation in shape).

The most common cause for a hypochromic microcytic anemia is iron deficiency. The most common nutritional deficiency is lack of dietary iron. Thus, iron deficiency anemia is common. Persons most at risk are children and women in reproductive years (from menstrual blood loss and from pregnancy). HTML/HEMEIDX.html

Monocytes are able to develop into the professional phagocytosing MACROPHAGE cell after they migrate from the bloodstream into the tissue and undergo differentiation

Steps of a macrophage ingesting a pathogen:

Steps of a macrophage ingesting a pathogen:

a. Ingestion through phagocytosis, a phagosome is formed b. The fusion of lysosomes with the phagosome creates a phagolysome; the pathogen is broken down by enzymes c. Waste material is expelled or assimilated (the latter not pictured) Parts: b. c. 1. pathogen 2. phagosome 3. lysosomes 4. Waste material 5. Cytoplasm 6. Cell membrane


ekirdek indeksi= ubuk ekirdekli ntrofil paral ekirdekli ntrofil *kan tablosunun sola kaymas; ubuk ekirdekli ntrofil orannn
artmasdr. artmasdr.

*kan tablosunun saa kaymas; paral ekirdekli ntrofil orannn

nsan, at ve kpekte ntrofil, ruminantlarda lenfositler kan tablosun hakim. *Kanatllarda ntrofilllerin karl olan hcrelere heterofil denir. *Kemik iliinde myelocytlerden geliirler. *Ntrofiller granllerinde bolca lizozom(hidrolotik oksidatf enzimler) tarlar. *Diapedesis amiboid hareketler yaparlar. *bakteri toksinleri doku ykm rnlerini sindirirler. *Enfeksiyon balangcnda ntrofiller pirojenler retirler,bunlar beden ssnn artmasna neden olurlar.

Carbohydrate Recognition at Infection Site


Eosinophils primarily deal with parasitic infections and an increase in them may indicate such. Eosinophils are also the predominant inflammatory cells in allergic reactions. The most important causes of eosinophilia include allergies such as asthma, hay fever, and hives; and also parasitic infections.


Neutrophils deal with defense against bacterial or fungal infection and other very small inflammatory processes and are usually first responders to microbial infection; their activity and death in large numbers forms pus.


ap 12-20 mikron, iri krmz granll,saylar %3-4 Allerji, anaflaktik ok, deri ve paraziter hastalklar Stres, ACTH ve adrenal kortikosteroid dzeyleri ykseldiinde der. Antijen-antibadi reaksiyonu-hcre paralanmasHistamin- E artar. NaCI zehir MSS E birikir


**% 0.5-1 orannda bulunurlar, **10-12 gn yaarlar. ** Heparin ve histamin, daha az miktarda serotonin, bradikinin ve lizozomal enzimler salarlar. ** Bazofiller, mast hcrelerine benzerler. Mast hcreleri timus bezi ve lenf yumrularndan, bazofiller (granlleri su erir) kemik iliinden kkn alr. Bazofillerin granlleri suda erir, mast hcrelerinin erimez ** Allerjik olaylarda kapiller geirgenlik artar, bazofiller ve mast hcreleri eozinofilik kemotaksik faktr salarlar. ** yanglarda kandaki saylar artar. ** ACTH ve kortikosteroid,tiroid hormonlar saylarn azaltr. **lkbaharda,bazofiller i parazitlerin vucuttan uzaklamasn salar. Basophils are chiefly responsible for allergic and antigen response by releasing the chemical histamine causing inflammation.


Kemik ilii ve dalaktaki retiklo-endoteliyel hcrelerden kken alrlar. Hareketli, aplar 12-22 mikrondur. eperleri dzensiz, stoplazmalar mavi, ekirdekleri at nal eklindedir. Monositlerde lzozomal granl ve mitokontri boldur. Diapedesis yoluyla kan damarlar dna knca ileri derecede etkinlik kazanrlar, mikro-organizmalarda savama yetenei kazanm bu olgun hcrelere makrofaj ad verilir. Amip benzeri hareketlerde yabanc cisme yaklap onu fogosite ederler. Sregen enfeksiyonlar, tberkloz, bruselloz gibi hastalklarda saylar artar.


makrofajlar Karacierde Kupffer hcreleri Subcutan dokulardaHistiositler Beyindekileremikroglia
Akcier alveollerinde bulunanlara Alveollar

Lenf dm,dalak ve kemik iliindeDoku makrofajlar

Makrofajlar dokulara tutunur, lenfokin ve kemotaksik uyarmlarla dokulardan ayrlp bakteriostatik proteinleri ve paralayc enzimleri ile bakteri, virus ve doku ykm artklar ile yal alyuvarlar ortadan kaldrrlar.

Lenfositler Lenfositler
*Kemik ilii,lenf dmleri, dalak, timus, tonsil, payer plaklarnda retilirler. *Kemik ilii lenfatik sistem hcreleri henz farkllam lenfositleri olutururlar.Bunlar dolam kanna girerler ve olgunlaacaklar yerlere giderler. * aplar 14-16, 7-10 mikron, *sitoplazmalarnda azurofil granller var. *fagostoz(-), *B Lenfosit-immunoglobulin (antibadi)-svsal B. *T, Lenfosit, bakteri-virus-mantar enf.hcresel B.

*Sitotoksik-effektr-ldrc: hcre zerine tutunup lizozamal enzim ile (T8) Virus, mantar, tberkloz basili,tmr hcrelerini yok eder. *Yardmc T hcreleri (lenfokin salar, T4)

Sitotoksik,basklayc ve makrofaj hcrelerinin etkilerini artrr.

*Basklayc T hcreleri (dzenleyici,supressor), T8 Sitotoksik ve yardmc T hcrelerini basklar.

*Bellek: (aylarca-yllarca canl kalabilir) effektr

akyuvarlarn yaam sreleri

*Granll akyuvarlarn yaam sreleri ortalama 9 gndr. Kanda 6-10 saat,yangsal alanlarda 2-3 gn kadardr. *Monositler 24-72 saat kan dolamnda kalr, sonra dokulara (3 ay) geerler. *B Lenfositler, 1 hafta-1 ay (doku) *T Lenfositler, 1-3 yl (doku) Lenfositlerin byk ounluu ortalama 100-200 gn yaam sresine sahiptir.

Akyuvarlarn zellikleri
1- Diapedesis: Akyuvarlarn klcal damarlarn aralklarndan kp kandan dokuya gemesidir. 2- Taxis : Akyuvarlarn takzis yaratan etkenlere (k, kimyasal maddeler vb.) doru hareketl etmeleri ya da bunlardan uzaklama olaydr (+ ve takzis) 3- Phagositosis: Akyuvarlarn canl ve cansz maddeleri ilerine almalar (yemeleri) olaydr.

Fagositozisi kolaylatran Faktrler

a. b. c. Yzeyin przl olmas Yzeyin pozitif elektrik ykl (+) olmas, Opsoninlerin mevcudiyeti. Fagositozisi kolaylatran antibadilere (antikorlara) opsoninler denir. Opsoninler ve komplement bulunduunda fagositozis 100 kat kadar artabilir. Komplement: Normal serumda bulunan ve enzim aktivitesi gsteren bir takm proteinler. Antijen canl bir hcre ise, komplemet antijenantibadi kompleksi ile birleerek hcrede lysis yaratr.

An Antibody Molecule


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