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: G0602 / Bahasa Inggris 3 : 2007

Reading from Market Leader Pertemuan 4


1. Reading from Market Leader-Intermediate Business English Course Book Unit 9 & 10 (p.79 & 87). 2. Summarizing the content of the two reading passages. 3. Assignment to be done in Self Access Learning Center (SALC).

Bina Nusantara

Learning Outcomes

Mahasiswa dapat menerangkan isi bacaan tentang fair trade dan quality

Bina Nusantara

Reading 1.
Read the passage on page 79 and answer these questions 1. What does the article say about: a) b) c) d) e) Denise Sutherland? Juan Valverde Sanchez? Nicaraguan farmers? Sainsburys, Starbucks and Carrefour? The World Trade Organization (WTO)?

Bina Nusantara

Reading 1.
Read the passage on page 79 and answer these questions 2. What do these numbers from the article refer to? a) $500m b)400 c)500,000 d)36 e)25

3. Why are Denise and Juan having problems selling their products? 4. What are the benefits to local producers of fair trade? 5. How did fair trade begin?

Bina Nusantara

Reading 1.
Choose the word a), b) or C that is the odd one out in each group and matches the definitions
1. state of continuing to live or exist 2. slowly bringing to an end 3. to make sure people know about a new product 4. an official limit on the quantity of goods 5. people or companies that make or grow goods, food, materials 6. all the people who buy a particular product or use a particular service 7. very successful 8. the situation of being poor
Bina Nusantara

a) Ruin a) Phase out a) prohibit a) tariff

b) bankruptcy c) survival b) lead b) ban b) quota c) Dominate c) Promote c) Subsidy c) producers c) commodity c) booming c) wealth

a) consumers b) clients a) product a) falling a) prosperity b) niche b) declining b) poverty

Reading 2.
Read the article on page 87 and match the headings to the correct paragraphs. Two of the headings have been done for you a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Company strategy Focus on detailed testing High cost: increased reliability Industry admiration for top quality Innovation in working practices Looking to the future Manufacturing at home ensures quality Loyalty for product that lasts

Bina Nusantara

Reading 2.
Match these people from the article to the summary of their views.

1. Markus Miele 2. Nick Platt

3. Andrea Guerra

a) Miele is admired and respected by other manufacturers. b) Making one of the companys factories compete with other supplies keeps them competitive. c) The company is able to keep its customers because there is confidence in its products

Bina Nusantara

Reading 2.
Read the article again. Tick the factors below which have contributed to Mieles success.
1. It has excellent quality control in its factories. 2. It changes its position in the market according to demand and fashions. 3. Its prices are very competitive. 4. It uses a lot of outside suppliers. 5. It spends more money than other manufacturers on creating new products.

6. It does a lot of testing.

7. It focuses on every detail of production. 8. Each component lasts a long time.
Bina Nusantara

Reading 2.
E. Match words or phrases from the article to these definitions 1. The most important company of its type in the world (noun, paragraph 1) 2. Measures of quality by which the process of producing goods in factories are judged (noun, paragraph 1) 3. To sell products more cheaply (verb, paragraph 1) 4. Providing all the things that are needed without help from outside (adjective, paragraph 2) 5. Employing another company to do work for you (verb, paragraph 2) 6. A high price for something special (noun, paragraph 4)
Bina Nusantara

Mahasiswa diwajibkan mengunjungi Self Access Language Learning Center (SALLC). Tugas yang dilakukan ketika belajar di SALLC adalah sbb: 1. Latihan listening comprehension dari bahan TOEFL yang tersedia di SALLC.

Bina Nusantara




Bina Nusantara

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