Job Evalution, Promotion, Transfer, Demotion

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Presented by:Mr.Harshal Thombare (27) Mr.Vishal Kohale (20) Mr.

Bharat Jadhav (19)

Meaning: Job evaluation means determining the relative worth of a job in an organization by comparing it with other jobs within the organization and job market outside.
According to Edvin B. flippo, job evolution is a systematic and orderly

process of determining the worth of a job in relation to other jobs.

To establish satisfactory wages and salary differentials. To select employees more accurately. To promote employees goodwill. To provide management with a basis for proper control. To determine the rate of pay for each job. Miscellaneous purposes.

Rate the job and not the man (i.e. employee) Easily Explainable elements of rating Uniform understanding of elements of rating Exposure of plan to employees Participation of foremen in rating

Indicate relative worth of different jobs. Useful for introducing a satisfactory wage structure. Promotes employees goodwill Provide scientific base for promotion & transfer. Avoid injustice to workers. Adjustment of existing job within the wage structure. Removes grievances & disputes amongst employees.

The ranking or grading method. The factor comparison or weight-in-money method. The point rating method.

Securing acceptance from employees. Creating / forming job evaluation committee.

Finding/ deciding the jobs to be evaluated.

Analyzing & preparing job description. Selecting the method of evaluation.

Classifying jobs.
Installing the program. Periodical review.

MEANING:Promotion of employees from lower position to higher position is one aspect of promotion policy of management.

DEFINITION:According to Edwin Flippo ,promotion involves a change from one job to another that is better in terms of status & responsibilities.

Promotion means giving higher position. Internal promotions are better than new recruitment from external sources. An employee gets an opportunity to work at to higher level due to promotion. Workers normally prefers promotions. Promotions is rightly treated as a reward or a appreciation of efficiency. Promotion include horizontal or vertical dray promotion. Adequate publicity should be given to the promotion policy of the company.

Retirement or resignation. Transfer of supervisory staff. New post may be created. Open new branches, regional offices, divisions.

TO EMPLOYEES Higher salary. Higher status. Change in the nature of work. Non monetary benefit. Higher position. Incentive to work efficiently. Psychological satisfaction.

TO MANAGEMENT Raise the moral of employees. Develops second line leadership. Facilitate the progress of management. Reduce the rate of labor turnover. Develop cordial relationship. Ensure orderly functioning.

Rules of promotion should be precise. Wide publicity to promotion policy No scope for partiality, favourism or in justice In promotions Based on scientific work performance Opportunity of promotions should be provided to every worker Stability to promotion policy Promotion should not be forced

MERITS: Simple & objective. Wide acceptability. Provide security & definiteness. Reduce the rate of labour turnover. Exact & impartial. Avoids partiality & favoritism.

DEMERITS: Simple & mechanical method. No encouragement to learn & grow. Affect moral of meritorious workers. Unscientific. Management are not favorable. Leads labour turnover.

ADVANTAGES: Promotion are given to capable persons. encouragement to workers to take the interest In the work. raises moral of workers. Support from management and qualified workers. Scientific & rational.

LIMITATIONS: Difficult & complicated method. Ample scope for favoritism. lacks wide acceptability. no guarantee of promotion. merits are base for promotion is not definite as exact.

Difference : Promotion by merits & promotion by seniority

Promotion by merits
Ability, interest, qualification

Promotion by seniority Length of service are taken into Account. employees & trade unions favors Promotion on seniority basis simple & objective method. It gives sense of security government sector.

are taken into account.

Acceptable:- management always

favors promotion on merit basis.

Types of method:- complicated

method. Security of promotion:no guarantee of promotion. Where used:- private sector

Meaning Transfer is defined as a lateral shift

causing movement of individuals from one position to another usually without involving any marked change in duties, responsibilities, skills needed or compensation.

Purposes / reasons for transfer

1. Variation in the volume of work.
2. Rectification of poor placement. 3. Satisfying personal needs of employees. 4. Meeting organizational needs. 5. Solution to poor performance. 6. Providing relief & to punish employees.

1. Production transfer.
2. Replacement transfer. 3. Versatility transfer. 4. Shift transfer. 5. Remedial transfer.


1. Transfer from one place / department / plant to the other.
2. Inter-departmental transfer.

3. Intra departmental transfer.

Demotion is the reassignment of a lower level job to an employee with delegation of responsibilities and authority required to

perform that lower level job and normally with lower level pay.

Reasons For Demotions

Unsuitability of the employee to higher level jobs.
Adverse business conditions.

New technology and new method of operation demand new and higher level skills.
Employees are demoted on disciplinary


Demotion Principles
Specification of circumstances.
Specification of superior.


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