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By Will Mayall NW Startups 05-Jan-2011

Filesystem Check
The first thing you need to know is that

/var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 file NEVER shrinks! Keep a daily log of the size of ibdata1 to predict the disk consumption rate. ls ltr /var/lib/mysql > LS_MYSQL_05JAN2011.doc Also keep track of all the filesystems. df h > DF_H_05JAN2011.doc

The Ugly Truth

To shrink a shared InnoDB tablespace:
1. Stop the Application. Backup *all* InnoDB tables with mysqldump.

2. Drop all of the InnoDB tables. Stop MySQL.

3. Physically delete the ibdata1 file at the filesystem interface. 4. Start MySQL Server, which recreates a new, small tablespace file. 5. Restore all your InnoDB tables using the mysqldump, which expands the ibdata1 tablespace file as needed.

Check Database Sizes

Check the size of the databases daily.
tee DATABASE_SIZES.doc select sysdate(); SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name",sum(

data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB",sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;

Verify Database Sizes

Data Base Name db1 db2 db3 db4 Data Base Size in MB 0.18750000 763.43750000 1499.75097656 1798.89062500 Free Space in MB 450.00000000 5025.00000000 5100.00000000 5100.00000000




Check the Number of Users

Its a good idea to know your users as you are their

client. Therefore, get a daily count of users and compare it from the pervious day. Make a note of new users.
5-jan-2001 QUERY COUNT select count(*) from mysql.user; 32

Check the Growth of Tables

Its a bad idea to do select count(*) of tables, but since

this is a new application, knowing the table growth rate out weighs the performance hit. mysqlshow -uUSER -p -t db4 --count

Run the Daily

The Perl Script can be used to tune the

MySQL Configuration file.

./ --host HOSTNAME--user --pass --forcemem 4000 --forceswap 2000

>> MySQLTuner 1.0.1 - Major Hayden <> >> Bug reports, feature requests, and downloads at >> Run with '--help' for additional options and output filtering [--] Performing tests on ssiakrlnxsai06:3306 Please enter your MySQL administrative login: wmayall Please enter your MySQL administrative password: [--] Assuming 4000 MB of physical memory [--] Assuming 2000 MB of swap space -------- General Statistics -------------------------------------------------[--] Skipped version check for MySQLTuner script [OK] Currently running supported MySQL version 5.1.44-enterprise-gpl-pro -------- Storage Engine Statistics ------------------------------------------[--] Status: -Archive -BDB -Federated +InnoDB -ISAM -NDBCluster [--] Data in MyISAM tables: 0B (Tables: 1) [--] Data in InnoDB tables: 2G (Tables: 209) [!!] Total fragmented tables: 209 -------- Performance Metrics ------------------------------------------------[--] Up for: 41d 12h 37m 39s (8M q [2.480 qps], 342K conn, TX: 87B, RX: 38B) [--] Reads / Writes: 43% / 57% [--] Total buffers: 41.0M global + 2.7M per thread (500 max threads) [OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 1.4G (35% of installed RAM) [OK] Slow queries: 0% (1K/8M) [OK] Highest usage of available connections: 30% (153/500) [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 8.0M/105.0K [OK] Key buffer hit rate: 99.9% (4M cached / 4K reads) [!!] Query cache is disabled [OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (185 temp sorts / 32K sorts) [!!] Joins performed without indexes: 24595 [OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 4% (33K on disk / 699K total) [!!] Thread cache is disabled [!!] Table cache hit rate: 0% (64 open / 202K opened) [OK] Open file limit used: 0% (6/2K) [OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (7M immediate / 7M locks) [!!] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 2.4G/8.0M -------- Recommendations ----------------------------------------------------General recommendations: Run OPTIMIZE TABLE to defragment tables for better performance Enable the slow query log to troubleshoot bad queries Adjust your join queries to always utilize indexes Set thread_cache_size to 4 as a starting value Increase table_cache gradually to avoid file descriptor limits Variables to adjust: query_cache_size (>= 8M) join_buffer_size (> 128.0K, or always use indexes with joins) thread_cache_size (start at 4) table_cache (> 64) innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 2G)

Check the Global Status

During peak traffic, checking the global status can

help identify variables that are being exceeded.

echo "show global status\G" | mysql -uUSER -p


Run mysqlreport To Identify Problems

The mysqlreport Perl Script can be used to help

identify problems. It currently lives on sun3 in my home directory. Run it at least Daily so you have history of the Database Engine Status. For more information on mysqlreport visit: /home/wmayall/mysqlreport-3.5/mysqlreport --user wUSER password PASS --host HOSTNAME --port 3306


Run mytop to Identify Queries

The mytop Perl Script lives on sun3 and is a real time

monitor of the MySQL SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST command. The s option is for number of seconds, 1 is the fastest, pressing the f key will Freeze the screen and you can capture any DML that is currently in the PROCESSLIST.
mytop --host HOSTNAME--db DATABASE--user USER --pass PASS -s 1
Thread 343078 was executing following query: SELECT * FROM GL_Detail_CurPeriod WHERE GL_Detail_CurPeriod.Year_Period<

'201104' And GL_Detail_CurPeriod.TransactionNo= '040087 -- paused. press any key to resume or (e) to explain --


Database Indexing
Taking the query from the previous page you can run an Explain Plan as follows:

Explain SELECT * FROM GL_Detail_CurPeriod WHERE GL_Detail_CurPeriod.Year_Period< '201104' And GL_Detail_CurPeriod.TransactionNo= '040087\G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: GL_Detail_CurPeriod type: range possible_keys: Period_Account,Period_TransType,TransactionNo key: Period_Account key_len: 6 ref: NULL rows: 1 Extra: Using where 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Identifying Indexes
The MySQL Optimizer chose the Period_Account

Index for the above query. Using the CREATE TABLE command, you can verify if the optimizer choose the BEST Index: show create table GL_Detail_CurPeriod\G

KEY `Period_Account` (`Year_Period`,`GLAccount`), KEY `Period_TransType` (`Year_Period`,`TransType`,`SubType`),

KEY `TransactionNo` (`TransactionNo`,`Year_Period`), KEY `GLPairID` (`GLPairID`)


Identifying Indexes Continued

The MySQL Optimizer will CHOOSE the

Period_Account Index because there were no Records where the Year_Period < 201104 AND TransactionNo = 040087 This is Probably a User Error, they should have used <= or just = for the Year_Period. Therefore, in the example above, MySQL would CHOOSE: GL_Detail_CurPeriod.Year_Period instead 0f the TransactionNo Index.


Helpful Unix Commands

Get to know your filesystem (/etc/fstab), eg. ext3 vs ext4. fs_spec- desc FS, fs_file desc mount point, fs_vfstype desc the type of FS, fs_mntops desc mount option, fs_freq desc determines FS dump, fs_passno used by fsck To increase I/O performance change the fs_mntops from the defaults.
fs_spec /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 LABEL=/boot tmpfs devpts sysfs proc /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 /dev/root_vg/SVOL fs_file / /boot /dev/shm /dev/pts /sys /proc swap /sroot fs_vfstype ext3 ext3 tmpfs devpts sysfs proc swap ext3 fs_mntops defaults defaults defaults gid=5,mode=620 defaults defaults defaults defaults fs_freq 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 fs_passno 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2

ext3 vs ext4
ext3 Introduced in 2001 ext3 supports journaling which

improves speed. There are three levels of journaling for ext3 lowest, medium, highest risk check. ext4 With the stable release of ext4 in 2008, this becomes one of the best file system out there. Transferring speed is really good, but its not depending on the file system itself, it also relies on hardware specifications, operating system, Kernel and many more dependencies.

ext3 vs ext4
Ext3 ext4

Stands For
Original OS Max Volume Size Max File Size Max Filename Length Journaling

Third Extended Filesystem

Linux 256TB 16GB 2TB 254 bytes Yes

Fourth Extended Filesystem

Linux 1 EB Limited to 16TB 16TB 256 bytes Yes


iostat d 2 20 Linux 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 (sun3)


Device: sda sda1 sda2 sdb sdb1 dm-0 dm-1 dm-2 dm-3 dm-6 dm-7 dm-4 dm-5

tps Blk_read/s Blk_wrtn/s Blk_read Blk_wrtn 14.74 34.90 657.39 125671896 2367081118 0.00 0.00 0.00 4008 70 14.74 34.90 657.39 125664816 2367081048 52.76 126.00 594.84 453707252 2141843080 52.76 126.00 594.84 453682084 2141840696 82.79 34.11 654.87 122836906 2357997664 0.41 0.78 2.52 2823440 9083384 79.12 125.98 506.98 453605050 1825482272 65.79 39.87 506.98 143557370 1825482272 0.00 0.00 0.00 104 8 0.30 0.00 2.43 184 8753896 0.00 0.00 0.00 64 8 0.08 0.00 0.62 104 2246000

iostat -cx 2 20 avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 8.31 0.06 4.41 0.78 0.00 86.44


vmstat 2 20
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- --system-- -----cpu-----

r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 0 0 195676 32156 91552 2179016 0 1 42 325 3 5 8 4 86 1 0



You need to know MySQL is NOT Parallel. It will only use one CPU. top top - 11:51:29 up 41 days, 16:17, 205 users, load average: 0.51, 0.95, 1.04 Tasks: 1052 total, 2 running, 1050 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 4.6%us, 7.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 87.3%id, 0.5%wa, 0.2%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st Mem: 4307708k total, 4272308k used, 35400k free, 92480k buffers Swap: 2064376k total, 195676k used, 1868700k free, 2173336k cached

PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 2328 root 19 0 408m 20m 3352 S 4.3 0.5 632:25.87 lsassd 2235 root 16 0 26404 1552 1188 R 2.6 0.0 591:17.20 vmware-guestd 16404 wam 16 0 29084 2844 1488 S 2.0 0.1 2:55.76 top

Netstat can be used to help Identify who is accessing

the database remotely. netstat -ntp |grep :3306


MySQL Performance Tuning

The Default MySQL Configuration file is too small for

most Applications. There are a handful of parameters that will make your life as a DBA have more time to surf the web instead of doing DBA work. The following changes should give you the most performance boost. It is always good practice to monitor performance using mysqlreport, mytop, show global status, and the other Unix commands discussed earlier.


For I/O Bound performance changing this parameter from

1 to 2 will give you the best performance increase. The Default value of 1 means each update transaction commits (or each statement outside of the transaction) will need to flush log to the disk which is rather expensive, especially if you do not have Battery backed up cache. Many applications are OK with this value set to 2 which means do not flush log to the disk, but only flush it to OS cache. The log is still flushed to the disk each second so you normally would not lose more than 1-2 seconds worth of updates. Value 0 is a bit faster but is a bit less secure as you can lose transactions even in case MySQL Server crashes. The value set to 2 only causes data loss with full OS crash without battery backed up RAM or Disks.

Ive seen innodb_log_file_size to be the second best

performance increaser. Very important for write intensive workloads especially for large data sets. Larger sizes offer better performance but increases recovery times so be careful. I normally use values 64M-512M depending on server size. The current size is 100M for db4, which is fine.


Again, the default of 8M is just too small. This is like

the SGA for Oracle. Would you create an 8M SGA for a 2GB Oracle database? It is best practices to cache the entire database, there is no reason not to.


This is a tricky one. You can actually see a

performance hit if you get this wrong! Increase it gradually over time, check SHOW GLOBAL STATUS check the Opened_tables value, you do NOT want Opened_tables increasing during peak times. I suggest setting the value to 128 and go from there. It currently is set to 64 on db4.


The Query Cache will put often used queries into

cache. I noticed the user queries using the NO_CACHE Hint, but enabling cache could be of benefit to Ad-Hoc queries. I suggest setting the value to 8M. It is currently disabled in db4.


Thread creation/destructions can be expensive, which

happens at each connect/disconnect. I normally set this value to at least 16. If the application has large jumps in the amount of concurrent connections and when I see fast growth of Threads_created variable I set it higher. The goal is not to have threads created in normal operation.


Scripts for Checking Bottlenecks

Check iostat #!/bin/sh #./ > REPORT.doc & x=1 while [ $x -le 60 ] do echo "START RUN TIME" date /usr/bin/iostat -d 2 20 x=$(( $x + 1 )) echo "END RUN TIME date sleep 60 done

Scripts Continued

Check vmstat #!/bin/sh #./ > VMSTAT_REPORT.doc & x=1 while [ $x -le 60 ] do echo "START RUN TIME" date /usr/bin/vmstat 2 20 x=$(( $x + 1 )) echo "END RUN TIME" date sleep 60 done

Scripts Continued

Show MySQL Status #!/bin/sh #./run_show_global_status.ksh > GLOBAL_STATUS_REPORT.doc & x=1 while [ $x -le 60 ] do echo "START RUN TIME" date echo "show global status\G" | mysql -uUSER pPASSWD x=$(( $x + 1 )) echo "END RUN TIME" date sleep 60 done

Scripts Continued

Show MySQL Full Processlist #!/bin/sh #./run_show_processlistsh > PROCESSLIST_REPORT.doc & x=1 while [ $x -le 60 ] do echo "START RUN TIME" date echo "show full processlist;" | mysql -uUSER pPASSWD x=$(( $x + 1 )) echo "END RUN TIME date sleep 1 done

Scripts Continued

Check mysqlreport #!/bin/sh #./ > LOOP_MYSQLREPORT.doc & x=1 while [ $x -le 60 ] do echo "START RUN TIME" date /home/wmayall/scripts/run_mysqlreport_dl4prod.ksh x=$(( $x + 1 )) echo "END RUN TIME date sleep 60 done



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