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Adistributed control system(DCS) refers to acontrol systemusually of amanufacturing system, processor any kind ofdynamicsystem. In which thecontrollerelements are not central in location (like thebrain)butaredistributedthroughoutthesystem With each component sub-system controlled by one or more controllers. The entire system of controllers is connected by networks for communicationandmonitoring.

First Generation: The Early DCS
The introduction of microprocessor-based control occurred shortly before 1980 with simple single-loop controllers. This technology quickly evolved into a DCS with control processor redundancy, high-density input/output (I/O) systems, and a human machine interface(HMI). Perhaps the most significant feature of the early DCS was the ability to geographically distribute control system processors and I/O components

econd Generation: The Open SystemDCS

The open system DCS provided standard communication interfaces for connecting the various automation subsystems. Enterprise management solutions, also enabled by the open system, provided new opportunities for fleet management centers to improve operations by remotely monitoring processes, analyzing unit efficiencies, and supporting coordination between operatingunits.

Third Generation: The Extended AutomationDCS focus on increasing operational efficiency Thecurrent business goals
and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The third-generation DCS employ powerful object-oriented design technology to enable efficiency improvements within daily operations and maintenance (O&M)activities. Asset optimization is available to improve production reliability through improved process stability as well as through asset monitoring for predictive maintenance. Control system technology also now integrates several field bus protocols, thus enabling more flexibility in designs as well as improved data formaintenance.

Distributed Control System Architecture

Engineering Workstation (EWS) for project development, including configuration of graphics, logic, alarms, security, etc. Operator Workstation (OWS) provides the operator interface, including color graphics, faceplates, alarms, logging, trends, diagnostics, etc. Process Historical Archiver (PHA) stores and retrieves historical data

Components In The Architecture

Field Control Unit (FCU) executes sequential and regulatory logic and directly scans I/O. I/O Subsystem supports I/O from all the standard industry suppliers SCADA Data Server (SDS) interfaces UCOS to PLCs, Field bus technologies, RTUs, PLC I/O, and other devices.

microFCU small PLC that executes sequential and regulatory logic and directly scans onboard I/O. Networking and Communications supports redundant and nonredundant fiber optic and Ethernet localnetworks The LAN/WAN can be extended to other sites inside or outside the plant using such remote communications

Local Control Unit Data Acquisition Unit Batch Sequencing Unit Local Display Bulk Memory Unit

Basic Controller (CB) Extended Controller (EC) Multifunction Controller (MC) Advanced Multifunction Controller (AMC)

How DCS control is better

Back up scheme -A back up computer -Analog Controller -Manual loading stations -Various combinations of above Reduction of wiring cost


1. DCS is process oriented, while SCADA is data acquisition oriented. 2. DCS is process state driven, while SCADA is event driven. 3. DCS is commonly used to handle operations on a single locale, while SCADA is preferred for applications that are spread over a wide geographic location. 4. DCS operator stations are always connected to its I/O, while SCADA is expected to operate despite failure of field communications.

Computer Control Networks

Supervisory(host) Computer Operator Control Panel Main Control Computer Operator Control Panel Archival Data Storage

To other Processes

Data highway

To other Processes

Local data acquisition and control computers

Local Computer

Local Computer

Local Computer


DCS Elements-1
Local Control Unit: This unit can handle 8 to 16 individual PID loops. Data Acquisition Unit: Digital (discrete) and analog I/O can be handle. Batch Sequencing Unit: This unit controls a timing counters, arbitrary function generators, and internal logic. Local Display: This device provides analog display stations, and video display for readout. Bulk Memory Unit: This unit is used to store and recall process data.

DCS Elements-2
General Purpose Computer : This unit is programmed by a customer or third party to perform optimization, advance control, expert system, etc Central Operator Display: This unit typically contain several consoles for operator communication with the system, and multiple video color graphics display units Data Highway : A serial digital data transmission link connecting all other components in the system. It allow for redundant data highway to reduce the risk of data loss Local area Network (LAN)

Modes of Computer control

1.Supervisory Control Mode 2.Direct Digital Control Mode
signalsfromdigital computer


LocalPID controller

SupervisoryControlmode Flowmeasurement tocomputer valvesetting fromcomputer


Interface between digital computer and analog instruments (A/D) Transducers convert analog signals to digital signals. (Sensor Computer) (D/A) Transducers convert digital signals to analog signals. (Computer Valve)

Data resolution due to digitization

Accuracy depends on resolution. Resolution depends on number of bits: Resolution = signal range 1/(2m -1) m = number of bits used by the digitizer (A/D) to represent the analog data

Data Resolution
Signal = 0 - 1 Volt, 3 bit digitizer:
Binary representation 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Digital Equivalent 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Analog equivalent 0 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7 5/7 6/7 1 Analogrange covered to1/140 to3/141/14 to5/143/14 to7/145/14 to9/147/14 to11/149/14 to13/1411/14 to14/1413/14

Utilization of DCS
DCS vendor job:

Control Engineer Job:


Built-in PID control:

How to Tune the PID control?

Advanced control topology

Two-ways Data Bus

PI system PI interface

++ PIinterface:C orFortran




DCS Vendors
Honeywell Fisher-Rosemont Baily Foxboro Yokogawa Siemens

Advantages of DCS
Access a large amount of current information from the data highway. Monitoring trends of past process conditions. Readily install new on-line measurements together with local computers. Alternate quickly among standard control strategies and readjust controller parameters in software. A sight full engineer can use the flexibility of the framework to implement his latest controller design ideas on the host computer.

Additional Advantage

Digital DCS systems are more flexible. Control algorithms can be changed and control configuration can be modified without having rewiring the system.

Distributed Control System Example Of Thermal Power Plant

Safe operation of plant Lowest cost of generation Longest equipment life Minimum environmental effect Maximum efficiency Energy conservation

Benefits of DCS
High reliability Improved response time Improve operator interface to plant Improve accessibility of plant data to engineering & management personals Historical storage and retrieval system

DCS hardware
Controller card - Input cards(4-20 mA, thermocouple,RTD,Digital) . -Outputs cards(4-20mA, digital) -Power supply module. -Commnucation card -Cables Controller with input/output card

DCS architecture

Operator work station

Alarm monitoring graphic display Trend display operator guidance display System & diagnostic display Control Bar chart Sequence display Fault analysis display

Event activated logs- alarm log,trip analysis,start up log Time activated logs-shift log,daily log Operator demand logs-summary log,performancelog,maintenance log Sequence of events log

Boiler control system

Burner management system Secondary air damper control Aux pressure desuper heating system Soot blower control Hp by pass

Turbine control system

Turbine governing system Turbine protection Automatic turbine run up system Turbine stress controller Lp by pass Sequence controls for turbine driver Generator aux monitoring


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