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Tendon and Ligament

Roles of Ligaments and Joint Capsules


Assist in Stabilization of Joint Restrict Movement Prevent Excessive Motion

Roles of Tendons

Attach muscle to bone Transmit tensile loads Position of muscle relative to joint

Mechanical Behavior of Tendons and Ligaments

Both are viscoelastic tissues x Visco - a small amount of load results in quite a bit of deformation (relative) x Elastic - refers to Elastic Region x Importance of viscoelastic qualities?

Properties of Tendon
can sustain high tensile loads x flexible to allow changes in direction of muscle pull

Properties of Ligament

guides movement resists applied force

Mechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament

Strength x Stiffness

Damage to Tendon and Ligament


When load is great enough to cause injury, damage is dependent on:

x rate

and x amount of load

(0,0) - A: Toe Region x A - B: Elastic Region x B: Yield Point x B - C: Plastic Region x C: Ultimate Failure Point

Load-Deformation Curve for Tendon and Ligament

Comparison of Bone to Tendon and Ligament


Identify similarities and differences between these tissue types.

Mechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament

Strength x Stiffness

Injury Mechanisms
Injury occurs when tissue is loaded beyond its physiological range. x Microfailure occurs before the yield point is reached.

Injury Mechanisms cont.


When yield point is exceeded, the ligament begins to undergo gross failure. Results in abnormal joint displacement

Displacement results in...

3 Clinical Categories of Ligament Injury


Negligible Clinical Symptoms (Grade 1)

x no

joint instability can be detected clinically

Severe Pain (Grade 2)

x joint

instability can be detected clinically x strength and stiffness decreases by 50%


3 Clinical Categories of Ligament Injury cont.


Severe Pain (Grade 3)

x severe

pain experienced during the injury with less pain after the injury x joint is completely unstable x most collagen fibers have ruptured

Noyes Study (1977)

Rhesus monkeys x 8 wks immobilization x returned to mobilization x at 12 mo. mechanical properties were comparable to nonimmobilized ligaments. x Drumroll?

Amount of force produced by muscle x Stress comparison between tendon and muscle x Loading Rates

Additional Factors Important in Tendon Injury

Factors Affecting Biomechanical Properties of Tendon and Ligament


Aging Pregnancy Mobilization vs. Immobilization NSAIDs


Researchers suggest that a deficiency in mechanisms that minimize peak forces may cause osteoarthritis.

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