Corporate Social Responsibility

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Submitted to: Mr Anoop Mohanty Assistant Professor LFBAA, LPU.


What does it mean??

Corporate social responsibility is basically how companies manage business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.

Why CSR??
Growing investor pressure

Business as a part of society

Long run self interest of business Avoidance of government intervention

Ethical Legal

Dimensions of CSR
Philanthropic Economic

Types of CSR programs:

Cause Promotion

Cause related marketing

Corporate social marketing

Corporate Philanthropy Community Volunteering Socially responsible business practices

Human Sustainability
Mission to make India heart healthy

Environmental Sustainability
Water Replenishment Waste to Wealth

Human sustainability:
Aim of the Heart Health Mission is to make Indians heart healthy by raising awareness about their risk of heart disease.
Quaker Oats partnered with Chennai Police and Kochi Police.. The engagement with Quaker Oats included an online health check-up, personalized diet counseling by nutritionists, and a Quaker Oats Heart Healthy breakfast for all police personnel.,the site had seen more than 3 lakh people participate till the end of March 2011, for checkups.

Water replenishment:
Goal is to conserve, replenish and thus offset the water used in our manufacturing process through community water recharge projects and water conservation projects in agriculture.
It was able to give back to the community more water than it consumed in its manufacturing processes, positive balance by 4.3 billion liter, a fact verified by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd.

Waste to Wealth:
PepsiCo India continues to strengthen its Solid Waste Management
initiatives in partnership with Exnora, an environmental NGO. It provides a clean environment to more than 450,000 people across in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Haryana. Includes door-to-door campaigns and street plays to motivate people to segregate organic and inorganic garbage at source to enable recycling. It is built around community and government participation to help the program evolve into a self-sustaining model.

Tata Tea partnered with Janaagraha to launch Jaago Re One Billion Votes, a campaign to mobilize citizens of India to register and cast their votes in the assembly elections. It was a drive against apathy and cynicism towards political system.

se Khilana Bandh Pilana Shuru!

Save Our Tiger:

1. Initiative taken by Aircel to promote awareness regarding the plight of our national animal and the urgency for its protection from extinction. 2. Partnership with WWF to create a Support Initiative Fund and to work in the protected areas of the Brahmaputra Valley.
3. Broadcast media, Print media, Electronic media,

Out of home media.

4. Aircel & NDTV have drawn up a Tiger Agenda. This agenda to be taken to all the chief ministers of tiger states and they will be asked to act now on the following matters - from filling all vacancies in the forest department, to notifying buffer zones around tiger parks to taking stringent anti-poaching measures.

Corporations must communicate their CSR initiatives to promote a positive image about the company in peoples mind. With increasing and widespread commitment of corporate resources to CSR, attention is now shifting to the strategic formulation, implementation, and measurement of the market returns to CSR initiatives.

It is important for corporations to take stakeholder CSR priorities seriously, bearing in mind the triple bottom-line of People, Planet & Profit. This will not only help in the overall betterment of the country, but will also help corporations gain valuable mind space in the stakeholder community.

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