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Facultad de Economa y Negocios UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE


Juan Pablo Muoz Concha MBA, University of Chicago

The Research Process






V. Data Analysis and Interpretation





V. Data Analysis and Interpretation

EDITION: Is the process of reviewing the questionnaires or data collection forms to make sure that they are complete, that answers are consistent and that instructions were followed.

CODIFICATION: Is the process of assigning numbers to the answers, to facilitate the process and analysis of results.

V. Data Analysis and Interpretation

TABULATION: Is the process of classifying the answers in different categories, in a simple or crossed way, to analyze results.

ANALYSIS: Is the process of calculating statistics or applying statistical tests or techniques, to facilitate data interpretation and transform data in useful information for Marketing decision making.

Types of Data Analysis

UNIVARIATE ANALYSIS: Analysis of one variable at a time, to describe or estimate something about the target population, on the basis of the sample estimation
BIVARIATE ANALYSIS: Analysis of two variables at a time, to establish the relationship or association between them. MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS: Analysis of more than two variables at a time, to establish the dependence or interdependence relationship between them.

Basic Types of Scales

Measurement: Means assigning numbers (or symbols) to the carachteristics or attributes of objects, according to certain rules. Basic Types of Scales 1. Nominal Scale: The numbers are used to identify or classify the
objects in categories. 2. Ordinal Scale: The numbers are used to order the objects, in relation to a carachteristic or attribute. 3. Interval Scale: It does not have an absolute 0 and the numbers are used to qualify/evaluate or compare objects, in such a way that the distances between the numbers, correspond to the distances between the objects, in relation to the carachteristic or attribute being measured. 4. Ratio Scale: It has an absolute 0 and the numbers are used to measure or quantify a carachteristic or attribute of the object.

Types of Scales and Statistics


What type of scale is it?


Mean Standard Deviation or Variance Median Interquantile Range Mode Realative and Absolute Frequences by Category

Types of Scales and Statistics

The type of measurment scale determines the statistics that can be used.
Less Powerful

Scale Nominal
Ordinal Interval

Mode, Absolute and Relative Frequency Median, Interquartile Range Arithmetic Variance Mean, Standard Deviation,

Ratio More Powerful

Geometric Mean Armonic Mean

2 2X S pp sX X

V. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Population Parameters and Sample Estimates

Parameters and Statistics Population Sample Mean or Average x Proportion or Percentage p Variance s N Size n Standard Error of the Mean x Sx Standard Error of the Proportion p Sp

Univariate Data Analysis

Central Tendency: Arithmetical Mean

Dispersion: Standard Deviation, Variance

Inferential: z Test, t Test

Central Tendency: Median

Descriptive Scale Ordinal

Dispersion: Interquartile Range

Inferential: Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test

Central Tendency: Mode

Descriptive Nominal
Dispersion: Frequency

Inferential: Chi-Square Test

Univariate Data Analysis

Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency Measures
1. Mode: Is the value of the variable that has the maximum
frequency. Appropriate for data measured in nominal or superior scale. It is less sensible than the median and the mean, to extreme values of the variable. 2. Median: It is the middle point or the value of the variable below which is the 50% of the elements and above which is the 50% of the elements. Appropriate for data measured in ordinal or superior scale. It is less sensible than the mean to extreme values of the variable.

3. Arihtmetic Mean: It is the sum of the values of the variable, divided by the size of the sample (average). Appropriate for data measured in interval scale or superior.

Univariate Data Analysis

Descriptive Statistics: Dispersion Measures
1. Frequency: Is the number (absolute frequency) or the percentage

(relative frequency) of elements that are placed in each value or category of the variable. Appropriate for data measured in nominal or superior scale.
2. Interquartile Range: Is the difference between the value of the variable in Percentile 75 (third quartile) and the value of the variable in Percentile 25 (first quartile).Appropriate for data measured in ordinal or superior scale. It is less sensitive than the standard deviation in the presence of outliers or extreme values. 3. Standard Deviation: Is the square root of the summatory of the difference between each value of the variable and the arithmetic mean, elevated to the square and divided by the sample size minus the number of variables (degrees of freedom). Appropriate for data measured in interval or superior scale.

Univariate Data Analysis

Descriptive Statistics: Form Measures
1. Asymmetry (A): A variable is distributed simmetrically if their is the same number of values on both sides of the mean, equidistant from the mean two by two, so that each pair of values equidistant from the mean, has the same frequency. On the contrary, the distribution will be asimmetric, The asymmetry will be positive if the distribution is inclined to the right of the mean (high values) and it will be negative if it is inclined to the left of the mean (low values).
2. Kurtosis (K): Is a measure of the height or frequency of a variable in the central zone of the distribution. A distribution has a positive kurtosis (leptokurtic) when it has a higher concentration of frequencies near the mean, or is higher than a type of distribution such as the normal distribution. A distribution has a negative kurtosis (platikurtic)), if it has a lower concentration of frequencies near the mean or is lower than a type of distribution such as the normal distribution.

Univariate Data Analysis

Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis Test
1. z test: It is used for data measured in interval or superior scale, when: a) n is of any size and the standard deviation of the population or sample is known. b) n is greater than 30 and the standard deviation of the population or sample is unknown.

2. t test: It is used for data measures in interval or superior scale, when n is lower than 30 and the standard deviation of the population or sample is unknown.

Univariate Data Analysis

Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis Test
STATES OF NATURE Ho True Ho False Right Decision Type II Error Probability = 1- Probability = Don`t reject Is the Confidence Ho Level Type I Error Reject Ho Right Decision DECISION

Probability= Probability = 1- Is the Significance Is la Potence of the Test Test Level

Univariate Data Analysis

DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS EXCERCISE 1 The diameters of 50 screws were measured and are contained in a SPSS archive.
1. 2. Construct lthe frequency table for the Diameter variable. Calculate the standard deviation, the asymmetry and kurtosis coefficients, the median, the mode, the first and the third quartile, the sixth and seventh decile and the 54, 47 and 82 percentiles. Can we say that the data come from a normal distribution? Construct the absolute frequencies and accumulated absolute frequencies Histograms, Construct the relative frequencies and accumulated relative frequencies Polygons. Study the symmetry of the distribution.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Univariate Data Analysis

DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS EXCERCISE 2 The values of the blood ph in 80 individuals are contained in a SPSS archive. 1. Perform an exploratory analysis of the ph data, including a box plot, a stem and leaf diagram, and the simmetry and normality analysis. Construct the absolute and relative frequencies histograms. Construct the absolute and relative accumulated frequencies histograms.

2. 3.

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