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Environmental Pledge

Josh Davis Joseph Morris Emily Popp Cameron Rochelle

Think Green
Everything WE do has an Impact on the Environment. When we breathe, we produce carbon dioxide which plants absorb and convert back into oxygen. Unfortunately, many of the things we do cause harm to the Environment and are not easily converted back for positive reuse.

As our technology and knowledge of the environment has grown, we have come to realize that the environment is a finite resource and at the rate we have been consuming it, we will not have enough to sustain the human population for much longer. There are many steps being taken to teach and encourage conservation of these resources but every human needs to be a part of that conservation movement to make a lasting impact on the environment.

Rhodes College has the ability to be a part of that movement and educate its students about conservation.

Environmental Quality Economic Perspective Social Quality

Humboldt State University Graduation Pledge
"I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work."
Created in 1987 as a voluntary pledge at graduation, its purpose is to remind us of the importance of every decision we make and of the opportunities for proactive involvement that exist in all aspects of our daily schedules.

Harvard University
Harvard Green Campus Initiative emPOWER Harvard Harvard Graduation Pledge 2001

"Those that love the world serve it in action." -W. B. Yeats

Environmental Statements:

Getting Started:
Presented our rough draft to our Environmental Geology class. Took suggestions from classmates. Gathered a long list of suggestions of ways to get involved on campus. Narrowed the list to ten different options of environmental involvement. Once approved by classmates, we sent it to the Implementation Group who then proposed our pledge to Dean Stackman.

How Our Pledge Differs From Other Templates We Drew From:

The pledge is for the freshman to sign upon entering Rhodes, rather than a graduation pledge. It is set up check-box form where students can choose two to three forms of environmental involvement.

Rhodes College Environment Pledge

I, ________________ pledge to remain environmentally conscious and to apply the knowledge I glean from my years at Rhodes College in a way that raises awareness of the importance of *sustainability. In order to better my environment, I promise to commit myself to two to three of the following:
*Sustainability: Developing enough to satisfy human needs, but still preserving to provide adequately for future generations.

Rhodes College Environment Pledge

(Circle those that you can commit to and implement into your personal lifestyle)
Only do laundry when it is possible to do a full load. Dress warmer and keep the heat lower during the winter. Buy reusable cups/utensils/flatware as opposed to paper, plastic or Styrofoam. Use natural light whenever possible and always turn off dorm light when gone. Walk/ bike ride when possible and when driving, carpool. Keep a personal recyclable box in your dorm room. Monitor shower time and do not let sink run while brushing teeth/washing face. Always make double-sided copies. Use cloth towels instead of paper. Spread the word: encourage roommates and friends to recycle and get involved.

Taking the Pledge Further

We are in the process of setting up the pledge so students can sign it online. Hopefully this will make the process efficient, accessible and less daunting. As of now, our pledge is most appropriate for students, as most of the involvement options pertain to dorm living. We have been approached with the idea of making a pledge tailored specifically for faculty, and this is in the works.


We would like to acknowledge the following people for having assisted us in our research: Michelle Green Professor Carol Ekstrom Dean Stackman Environmental Geology 214

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