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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

The Importance of Micro Training Needs Inside Answers To Micro Training Needs Outside Answers To Micro Training Needs A Control System for Solving Micro Training Needs Summary

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Micro Training:

Catalysts & Transformers

It is an approach: Informal Learning processes in organizations and companies. Active process of knowledge creation within social interactions, rather formal learning. Facilitate by supporting ways of communication and collaboration,. A session comprises a time span of 1520 minutes for each learning session. A session can be held face-to-face, online or embedded in an e-learning scenario.

Business Communication Today, 9e

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Importance of Micro Training Needs

Business Communication Today, 9e

Importance Of Micro Training Needs

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Designing And Locating Appropriate Training Program: How to ensure that trainees acquire the necessary behaviors? Applying those behaviors on their jobs Acquisition without application is inadequate Micro Training Putting teeth into career planning Assessment center programs Major step in HRD of organization Micro ??? Generally perceived as millionth of a particular part. Its very hard to predict a training need for just one person in a million person organization Collecting Data Performance appraisals Assessment centre's Selection certification Career planning] But none of the above will be useful unless there is a relevant and implemented program as a result of data gathering

Responding To Individual Training Needs

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

>There are some reasonably definite objectives >The requesting manager is prepared to assign work to trainees that will permit use of new insights, skills or attitudes >The requesting manager is prepared to reinforce application of the new behavior >The training developmental or educational activity can be cost effective >The trainee understand why this program is happening?

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Implementation of Micro Training Needs


Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Indentify needs

Criteria to evaluate

Search for methods

Deliver the program

design the event

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Inside Training Needs

Check existing Programs

Catalysts & Transformers

Self Study Program

Special Assignments

Field Trip


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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Inside Training Needs

Check Existing Program

Catalysts & Transformers

Field Trip

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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Inside Training Needs

Special Assignments

Catalysts & Transformers


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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

T & D Officers use such activities to satisfy the micro training needs: Seminars Workshops Local trade Night school Self-study Conventions Conferences


Seminars A meeting for an exchange of ideas

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Workshops An educational seminar or series of meetings emphasizing interaction and exchange of information among a usually small number of participants


Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Local Trade Night School

Catalysts & Transformers


Conferences It is a meeting of people that "confer means compare about a topic

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Conventions A large gathering of people who share a common interest

Few Active Groups Serving as Discipline Or Specialty Within The T&D

The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) The National Society for Performance & Instructions (NSPI) And OD Networks are among the largest. The National Society Of Sales Training Executives ICEDS for training directors in the insurance field CHART for hotel and restaurants trainers CUNA for credit union training managers

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers


Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

University Program
They may be short seminars They may be One-night-a-week programs Such release programs sometimes lead to degrees.

Catalysts & Transformers

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Rehabilitation Program
These programs often covered by health insurance companies.

Catalysts & Transformers

Rehabilitation Counseling:
Counseling focused on helping people who have disabilities achieve their goals.

The delivery of rehabilitation services over telecommunication networks and internet to get their employees aware.

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Renewal Program

Catalysts & Transformers

Renewal is the act of bringing up again a motion that has already been disposed off. (It is based on rebuild old foundations and lasts from a month to a year.) It can be beneficial in such ways renewal programs can increase participation. If there is a new plan design this a great time to explain the benefits and answer questions. This is also a medium to talk about voluntary benefits.

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Self Study
Train employees through intellectual materials Books, Training magazines Software audio visual presentations. Audiotapes filmstrip projectors. Trainer should consider on these areas Are the behavioral outcomes clearly defined? Is the content clearly specified? Feedbacks from previous users.

Catalysts & Transformers

Professional Conferences

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

A professional conference is a meeting of professionals in a given subject or profession.

Behavioral Learning System. Intellectual Bazaars / Head Trips.

They are helpful to bring: State of the art Ideas

Outreach Programs

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Informal Consultation with employers and employees who are having difficulty being successful in their task and corporate environment

Consider on these areas

Communication difficulties. thought processing. Balance co-ordination challenges. Behavioral & social, emotional challenges.

Benefits of Micro Training

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Development Efficiency Effectiveness

competencie s

Polished skills motivatio n

In a Desired Manner.

Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Control System for Micro Training Need

Catalysts & Transformers

Micro Training needs come from all part and all level of organization.

Solutions can be expensive

The solutions are mostly evasive


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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Control System cont.

Catalysts & Transformers

T&D efforts make possible the implementation of training

Trainers should be have control over the process & evaluation

Its a responsibility of trainers to make sure that the investment in training is utilized.
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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Why a control system is needed?

Eliminates duplicate searches.

Catalysts & Transformers

Make a databank for future micro training needs.

Increases the selection of effective, appropriate solution.

Increases the probability that the learnings application.

Increases the selection of appropriately priced training program.

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Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership

Why a control system cont..

Make a databank of vendors information.

Catalysts & Transformers

Keeps the T&D officer informed about the genuine training needs.

Check the trainees actively involvement in setting goals and training investment.

Provides data to monitor the spending on training, education, & development.

Assure that training is an investment, must be justified and evaluated.

Business Communication Today, 9e


Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership


Catalysts & Transformers

Micro training need is a tool to enhance the collaboration, communication and organizational or individual performance. All process must be re-checked, redefined and executed by professionals and then evaluated later for better output

There should be every person involved in every step. And contributed accordingly.

Business Communication Today, 9e


Rab`s Centre for Creative Leadership Catalysts & Transformers

Business Communication Today, 9e


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