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X-Rays and Imaging

The discovery of X-rays

100 years ago, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German scientist, discovered x-rays...

Roentgens apparatus for studying x-rays .

He accidentally discovered X-rays in November 1895 while studying cathode rays in a low pressure gas discharge tube. Roentgen placed various objects between the tube and the screen, and the screen still glowed. Finally, he put his hand in front of the tube, and saw the silhouette of his bones projected onto the fluorescent screen. Immediately after discovering X-rays themselves, he had discovered their most beneficial application.

X rays are electromagnetic radiations having low wavelength from about 10-8 m to about 10-11 m. Wavelengths of Diagnostic x-rays: 1 to 0.1 and that of Therapeutic x rays are 0.1 to 10-4 . They propagate with a speed of light and are unaffected by electrical and magnetic fields. To measure the energy of an X-ray photon we need the X-ray to give all its energy to some kind of detector. There are several classes of these detectors.They include: Proportional Counters Microchannel Plates Semiconductor Detectors Scintillators Phosphors NEADs Single Photon Calorimeters


Characteristic radiation

The production of "characteristic" X-rays was first observed in 1909 by Charles G. Barkla and C.A. Sadler. If the projectile electron interacts with an inner-shell electron of the target atom rather than an outershell electron, characteristic xradiation can be produced.

Bremsstrahlung Radiation

As the projectile electron passes by the nucleus, it slows down, changes its course, and leaves with reduced kinetic energy in a different direction. These types of X-rays are called Bremsstrahlung Xrays. Heavier elements (like tungsten) are best. In this type of interaction, the kinetic energy of the projectile electron is converted into electromagnetic energy.

Properties of x Rays

They are not detected by human senses (cannot be seen, heard, felt, etc.). They travel in straight lines at the speed of light. Their paths cannot be changed by electrical or magnetic fields. They pass through matter. They have enough energy to ionize matter and can damage or destroy living cells. There are three distinct properties of X-rays that can be used practically: (i) Absorption (ii) Fluorescence (iii) Diffraction

Application of x-rays

Nondestructive testing Medical Microcardiograohy Skiagraphs Diagnostic x rays Lithography Angiography Abdominal studies GIT studies Quantum mechanics

Advantages & Disadvantages



X-rays are relatively inexpensive compared to CT scans and other imaging studies. The equipment is readily available in most hospitals and many doctors' offices. The examinations are painless and quick. This destructive power is used in X-ray therapy to destroy diseased cells. X-rays involve exposure to radiation, which has a cumulative damaging effect. Plain X-rays often do not provide adequate details about internal organs, blood vessels, and other soft-tissue structures. One of the dangers in the use of X rays is that they can destroy living tissue and can cause severe skin burns on human flesh exposed for too long a time.

Production of x-rays

X rays are produced in a specially constructed glass tube which basically comprise 1. A source for the production of X rays 2. A energy source to accelerate the electrons 3. A free electron path 4. A means of focusing the electron beam 5. A device to stop the electrons.

X-ray tubes
An X-ray tube is a vacuum tube that produces X-rays. The essential components of an X-ray tube are an airtight vessel, usually of glass, and two electrodes sealed into it. Common X-ray Tube Terminology Focal Spot Size mAs kVp Beam Coverage Duty Cycle The tube current and exposure time affect the dose and therefore the darkness of the image.The two processes are:

Arcing process Gettering process

Stationary tubes & Rotating tube

Stationary and rotating anode tubes are the two types of x ray tubes: Stationary tubes: It is vacuum diode in which the electrons are generated by thermoionic emission from the filament of the tube. Rotating tube:The rotating anode tube is used in X-ray diagnostics in numerous ways. a large disk-shaped tungsten anode is rotated at high speed (3000 to 9000 revolutions per minute).

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