Microbial Physiology

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Is the study of the vital life processes of organisms. Means how these processes normally function in living organisms.

Ex: just like in anatomy -> human physiology

Concerns the vital life processes of microorganisms Microorganisms pertains to Bacteria Bacteria is the choice of study since it is inexpensive to maintain in the laboratory since they reproduce rapidly. In 24 hours the offspring of a single E.Coli cell would outnumber the entire human population on earth!

All bacteria needs

Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic acid They need energy, carbon and other additional nutrients-> to build necessary cellular materials. Essential nutrients such as essential amino acids and fatty acids-> must be continually supplied to an organism -> in order to survive.

Phototrophs = uses light as an energy source

Photosynthesis= the process by which organisms

convert light energy into chemical energy.

Chemotrophs = use either inorganic or organic chemicals as an energy source.


Chemolithotrophs (simply litothrophs)

Are organisms that use inorganic chemicals as an energy source.

2. Chemoorganotrophs (simply organotrophs) - are organisms that use organic chemicals as an energy source.



Autotrophs- use carbon dioxide (CO2) as their source of carbon. ex: plants, algae, cyanobacteria Heterotrophs- are organisms that use organic compounds other than CO2 as their carbon source. ex: - humans, animals, fungi and protozoa - saprophytic fungi (live on dead and decaying organic matter) - parasitic fungi, bacteria

Photoautotrophs- are organisms that use light as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source. Ex: plants, algae, cyanobacteria, purple and green sulfur bacteria. 2. Photoheterotrophs- like purple non sulfur and green non sulfur bacteria use light as an energy source and organic compounds other than CO2 as a carbon source.

Chemoautotrophs- use chemicals as a carbon source. Ex: nitrifying, hydrogen, iron and sulfur bacteria 3. Chemoheterotrophs- use chemical as an energy source and organic compounds other than CO2 as a carbon source. Ex: all animals, all protozoa, all fungi and most bacteria, all medically important bacteria.

is the study of microbes in the environment and their interactions with each other. Microbes are the tiniest creatures on Earth, yet despite their small size, they have a huge impact on us and on our environment. Microbial ecology can help answer some of our most practical questions such as "How can we improve our lives?" as well as basic questions such as "Why are we here?"

Microbial ecology can show us our place in the cosmos -- how life originated and how it evolved, and how we are related to the great diversity of all other organisms.

The study of microbial ecology can help us improve our lives via the use of microbes in >environmental restoration,
>food production (ex: vinegar)

>bioengineering of useful products such as antibiotics, food supplements, and chemicals. The study of these bizarre and diverse creatures that are everywhere yet nowhere to be seen is fascinating and a pursuit that appeals to the curiosity and playfulness in us.

Most types of microbes remain unknown. It is estimated that we know fewer than 1% of the microbial species on Earth. Yet microbes surround us everywhere -- air, water, soil. An average gram of soil contains one billion (1,000,000,000) microbes representing probably several thousand species.


Algae and plants- are phototrophs, they are producers of food and oxygen for chemoheterotrophs (such as animals) Saprophytic decomposers- chemoheterotrophics, breaks down the dead organic matter into small inorganic and organic compounds in soil, water and air.


3. Chemotrophs- recycles and utilized the compounds 4. Photoautotrophs- contribute energy to the ecosystem by trapping energy from the sun and using it to build organic compounds (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid) from inorganic materials in the soil, water, and air.

Metabolism- refers to all the chemical reactions that occur within any cell Metabolic reactions- refers to chemical reactions Like humans, microbes also has metabolic processes. Metabolic reactions are enhanced and regulated by enzymes known as METABOLIC ENZYMES.

Are biologic molecules (proteins) that catalyze (speed up or accelerate) the rate of biochemical reactions. The enzymes produces by any particular cell are governed by the genotype of that cell. The presence or absence of any particular enzyme is part of the phenotype of that cell. All the enzymes that a cell is capable of producing need not be present in the cell at a given moment in time.

Enzymes are produced to meet the metabolic needs of the cell as determined by the internal and external environment. The unique three dimensional shape of enzymes fit the combining site of substrate (like key fits into a lock) The chemical reaction change the substrate to form a molecule and produced as product. The enzyme is ready for another attachment of substrate.

Ph range Temperature Substrate concentration- e.g. Antibiotics

Substrate can acts as inhibitor to block the

metabolic pathway causing bacteria to die.

If the environment is too acidic, basic, hot, or cold or contains too much or too little substrate the enzyme will not operate at peak efficiency and the reaction will not proceed at its maximum rate.

Heavy metals (ex: lead, zinc, mercury and arsenic)

They usually acts as poisons to the cell They inhibits enzyme activity by replacing the

cofactors at the combining site of the enzyme inhibiting normal metabolic processes. Ex: disinfectants (contains mineral ions)

Any molecule that is a nutrient, an intermediary

product, or an end product in a metabolic reaction. Either breaking down or building (synthesizing) compounds.


Catabolism all catabolic reactions in a cell catabolic reactions means breaking down of larger molecules into smaller molecules, requiring the breaking of bonds, this is referred as degradative reactions hydrolysis reaction (ex. Lactose to glucose + galactose) Whenever chemical bonds are broken, energy is released.


Anabolism Refers to all anabolic reactions that are occurring in a cell. Anabolic reactions require energy Anabolic reactions involve the creation of bonds, it takes energy to create chemical bonds (requires stored energy) Smaller molecules are bonded together to create larger molecules referred as biosynthetic reactions.

This is a high energy compound found within a cell, they are the most important ones. They are the major energy storing or energy carrying molecules in a cell. ATP are found in a cell since they transfer energy from energy- yielding molecules, like glucose, to an energy- requiring reaction. Considered as a temporary, intermediate molecule. If ATP is not used after it is formed it is soon hydrolyzed to ADP adenosine diphosphate

Used as an emergency energy source by the removal of another phosphate group to produce adenosine monophosphate (AMP)

Stepwise occurrence of biochemical reactions that leads to yield ATP molecules Two Common Processes: 1. Aerobic Respiration of Glucose- using O2 to catabolize glucose
It has 3 Phases:

One six-carbon molecule of glucose is converted to two three- carbon molecules of pyruvine acid which yields to two ATP molecules. Can take place in either the presence or absence of oxygen (since oxygen does not take place on this phase)

The pyruvic acid molecules produced during glycolysis are converted into acetyl-CoA (acetyl-coenzyme A)molecules, which combines with oxaloacetate to produce citric acid which yields to two ATP molecules plus several products (NADH, FADH and hydrogen ions)

NADH, FADH and hydrogen ions enter electron transport system or respiratory chain (O2 enzyme) referred as oxidase (oxidase test for gram-negative bacillus) yielding to 34 ATP molecules.

Usually takes place in an anaerobic environment Different steps: 1. Glycolysis- does not need oxygen and very little energy (2 ATP) molecules is produced by glycolysis. 2. Conversion of pyruvic acid into an end product -the end product produced depends on specific organism. Ex: yeasts (Saccharomyces spp.) and bacteria (Zymomonas spp.) converts pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and CO2 - yeasts; are used to make wine, beer, other alcohol beverages and bread. - lactic acid (gram negative bacteria)- they convert pyruvic acid to lactic acid; used in variety of foods products (chesses, yogurt, pickles, cured sausages); in humans, lack of O2 during exertion would result pyruvic acid to convert lactic acid which deposits into the muscles tissues resulting to muscle soreness (exhausted)

3. Conversion of pyruvic acid to propionic acid

Propionicbacterium spp. use in production of

swiss cheese Other end products are: acetic acid, acetone, butanol, butyric acid, isopropanol and succinic acid.

Question: why does fermentation reaction are ineffecient t catabolize glucose?

Fermentation reaction produce very little energy (2 ATP molecules), therefore they are inefficient to catabolize(speed up) glucose. Aerobes and facultative anaerobes are much more efficient in energy production than obligate anaerobes because they are able to catabolize glucose via aerobic respiration.

Are paired reactions in which electrons are transferred from one compound to another Figure 7-6 An electron has been transferred from compound A to compound B. Two reactions have occurred simultaneously. Compound A has lost an electron oxidation reaction While comp B has gained an electron reduction reaction Oxidation- is the loss of an electron Reduction is gain of an electron.
Electron has a negative charge. When a compound receives an electron, its electrical charge is reduced

Algae, plants, and photosynthetic bacteria Derived their energy from the sun by photosynthesis. Chemosynthetic organisms- use a chemical source of energy and raw materials to synthesize metabolites and macromolecules for growth and function of the organisms.

Genotype- complete collection of genes Phenotype- physical traits, attributes, or characteristics

Phenotype characteristics of bacteria: Presence or absence of certain enzymes Structures such as capsules, flagella, and pili Phenotype is the manifestation of genotype which means: * an organisms phenotype is dictated by that organisms genotype *for ex: an organism cannot produce flagella unless it possess the genes necessary for flagella production.

As with humans, animals and plants, the genetics of microbes involves DNA, genes, the genetic code, chromosomes, DNA replication, transcription, and translation= all part of molecular genetics.

Group the students into 4 Discuss the 4 phases

1. Lysogenic conversion- the bacterial cell will exhibit new properties 2.Transduction- means to carry across 3.Transformation- a bacterial cell becomes genetically transformed after uptake of DNA fragments from the environment 4.Conjugation- the transfer of genetic material

Making an engineered antibodies, antibiotics, and drugs for synthesizing important enzymes and hormones for treatment of inherited diseases and for making vaccines Genetically engineered microorganisms can also be used to clean up the environment
Ex: marine bacterium- to get rid of toxic wastes

such as oil spills at sea

Use to treat human diseases which involves insertion of a normal gene into cells to correct a specific genetic or acquired disorder that is being caused by defective gene.

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