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Introduction to Sales Management

Selling Concept Vs Marketing Concept

Starting Point




The Selling Concept

Factory Existing products Selling and promoting Profits through sales volume

The Marketing Concept

Market Customer needs Integrated marketing Profits from satisfied customers

Sales Management
The Planning, direction and control of personal selling, including recruiting, selecting, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying and motivating the personal sales force

Basic Elements:
Planning Coordination Controlling Motivating

Sales Management
Objectives of Sales Management
Achieving sufficient Sales Volume Providing Profitability Improving Market Share Improving Corporate Image

Key Decision Areas:

Determining the Size of the Sales Force Type & Quality of Sales Force Designing the Sales Organization

Sales Manager
Duties & Responsibilities
Getting the best output from his/her team Setting targets Controlling distribution expenditure. Advising company on various media, Sales etc Monitoring the Companys Sales Policies Analyzing the activities of the competitors


Key Focus Areas/ Challenges:

Designing & managing Sales force Sales Force Authority Target setting Sales Forecasting

Methods of Selling
Tele Marketing Sale on Internet Mail Order Sales Sales Through Large Scale Fixed Shop Retailers Sales Through Wholesalers & Retailers Direct Selling

Sales Strategies
Relationship Strategy Double Win Strategy Instant Service Hard Sell Versus Soft Sell Client Centered Selling Strategy

Sales Organization
Sales Organizations are structural entities, which
executes a combined sales plan and are designed to carry out mutually agreed business goals with clear structures, roles and responsibilities for each person, group and department

Sales Organization consists of a group of individuals

working with a sales function orientation for achieving both quantitative and qualitative goals

Sales Organization
A Successful Sales Organization:
Defines the duties and responsibilities of each member helps in the effective flow of upward and downward communication for taking sales related decisions Coordinating with other departments

A good sales organization always aims at achieving the sales target at the minimum cost with Maximum efficiency

Functions of Sales Organization

Planning Functions:
Sales Forecasting Sales Budgeting Selling Policy

Administrative Functions:
Selection of Salesmen Training Salesmen Control of Salesmen Remuneration of Salesmen

Executive Functions:
Sales Promotion Execution of Customer orders

Developing A Sales Organization

Major concerns:
Formal & Informal Organizations Horizontal & Vertical Organizations Centralized & Decentralized Organizations The Line & Staff components The size of the company

Developing A Sales Organization

Factors influencing the Structure:
Product/Service related factors Organization related factors Marketing Mix related factors

Organizational Design
Line Organization Organization by Territory Organizational design by Management Fn Activity/Function based Organization Team based Organization Organization by Product Organization by Customer Hybrid Sales Organization

Selling Skills
Close the Sale Utilization of Selling time effectively Image building of the company with their professional approach Achieving long term business goals

Proper Selling Skills

Selling Skills

What makes a Good Sales Person???

Selling Skills
Maintenance Selling Vs Developmental Selling

Selling Skills
Who is a Successful Seller???
Successful sales persons are born, and it is difficult to acquire skills that can turn an average Sales Person into a successful one - DISCUSS -

Selling Skills
To be a Successful Salesperson:acquire a variety of Selling Skills Communication Skills Listening Skills Conflict Management & Resolution Skills Negotiation Skills Problem Solving Skills

Communication Skills
Communication Process
Sender Message Channel Receiver


Communication Skills
Non - Personal Communication
Product Info, Company Info, Awareness Building etc

Personal Communication
Personal visit Telephone E-mail

For effective Personal Communication:

Dress code Body movements Home work

Communication Skills
Managing Body Language
Personal appearance Posture Gestures Facial expressions Eye contact Space distancing

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