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Improvement to the I-195 Interchange with Faunce Corner Road

Robert Drown, Brenton Medeiros, and Dr. Marguerite L. Zarrillo

The I-195 exit 12 interchange with Faunce Corner Road is one the most congested intersections in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. While this interchange has had several redesigns over the past few years, it continues not to meet adequate levels of service for typical peak hour traffic. One of the major problems is the Faunce Corner Road intersection regulating ramp traffic on and off I-195. To alleviate the backups that occur in this area, multiple changes were investigated. Simulations were created using VISSIM traffic modeling software, by PTV vision. The current existing interchange and a new proposed design were both simulated for this research project. In addition, traffic volume predictions were made for the year 2030 and the interchange was again simulated using both designs. In order to accomplish the objectives of this study, the traffic at the exit 12 interchange had to be properly integrated with the traffic at the intersection regulating ramp traffic on and off I-195, the Faunce Corner Road and Cross Road/Comfort Lane intersection. Results of the VISSIM simulation of the entire interchange with the intersection indicated large queues, creating backups onto Faunce Corner Road southbound. This in turn, negatively affected the I-195 offramps. The proposed changes include redesigns of the I-195 interchange and the Cross Road/Comfort Lane intersection. Additional results from VISSIM indicate that in order to handle volume increases of nearly 37% as projected for the year 2030 the Cross Road/Comfort Lane intersection will require several additional approach lanes. This will increase the intersection's capacity for reasonable cycle lengths. The I-195 westbound off-ramps were also redesigned for a future projection. Newly designed ramps lead to a new signalized intersection. Finally, the Faunce Corner Road overpass was widened to accommodate additional lanes.
Faunce Corner Rd/I-195 EB ramps (Un-signalized)

The microscopic simulation program for multi-modal traffic flow modeling program VISSIM by PTV-Vision is used to simulate real life traffic conditions in a given network of roadways, signals, and walkways. This advanced simulation system allows for the user to take known or projected data and input this data into the simulation. The program is then able to simulate the flow of traffic, whether pedestrian or vehicular, and give the user a detailed visualization of how traffic will flow in a given system based on advanced algorithms for traffic flow. Users are then able to use the computer system to improve the network of roadways and see how the users improvements will affect the system. This gives the user the greatest option to improve quality and safety while choosing the economical decision for re-development. Effectiveness of proposed improvements can be analyzed before the additional labor and construction costs are incorporated. This gives officials a clearer prospective on how to make improvements to roadways while ensuring an economical approach. A simulation was created to recreate the current roadway conditions. Predicted traffic volumes for the year 2030 were then used in the simulation to determine the trouble areas. A third simulation was created using the 2030 predicted traffic volumes and modifications needed to increase the capacities of the trouble intersections. After initial trial runs of each simulation, standard deviations were calculated to determine the amount of simulation runs needed to achieve data with at least eighty-five percent confidence. It was determined that five simulation runs would suffice for this confidence. Data collection nodes were placed on all approaches to intersections, I-195 off ramps, and I-195 itself. The mean queue delay time was collected at these data collection nodes for all three simulations.

Faunce Corner Rd/I-195 EB ramps (Signalized)

Data Comparison of Simulations

Roadway Segment Mean Queue Delay Time (Current Conditions) Mean Queue Delay Time Mean Queue Delay Time (Current Road (Proposed Redesign) 2030 Moderate Projections)
923.8 sec 841.24 sec 52.64 sec 14.46 sec 149.3 sec 202.06 sec 503.4 sec 180.34 sec 1.93 sec 1.29 sec 1.15 sec* 3.53 sec* 12.84 sec 4.69 sec 2.48 sec 1.34 sec

Faunce Corner Rd/Cross Rd/Comfort Ln (Signalized)

I-195 EB off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd SB I-195 EB off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd NB I-195 WB slip off-ramp t Faunce Corner Rd NB I-195 WB loop off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd SB Faunce Corner Rd NB to I-195 WB on-ramp

133.82 sec 96.34 sec 0.7 sec 2.9 sec 48.26 sec 102.58 sec 94.46 sec 77.46 sec

One of the most congested intersections in the Dartmouth, Ma area is the I-195 exit 12 interchange with Faunce Corner Road. This interchange is categorized as a partial cloverleaf, consisting of two cloverleaf-style exits for Faunce Corner Road northbound and diamond-like exits with Faunce Corner Road southbound. Originally the Faunce Corner Road overpass consisted of a simple two-lane road with breakdown lane son both sides. The two cloverleaf-like exits were un-signalized intersections. Over the past several years, major developments have occurred both north and south of this interchange, dramatically increasing congestion in this area and the surrounding intersections. These additions to the area led to a partial redesign of the overpass and the intersection at the I-195 eastbound on and off ramps. The overpass redesign eliminated the breakdown lanes, shifted the Faunce Corner Road northbound lane to the right, and created a second lane for Faunce Corner Road. The second lane of the intersection with I-195 eastbound on and off ramps gained actuated signals.

Faunce Corner Rd SB LT to Comfort Lane

Proposed Redesign
(2030 Moderate Growth Predictions)

Faunce Corner Rd SB Thru (Cross Rd/Comfort Ln) Faunce Corner Rd SB RT to Cross Rd

Roadway Segment

Level of Service (Current Conditions)

Level of Service (Current Road 2030 Moderate Projections)


Level of Service (Proposed Redesign)

I-195 EB off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd SB I-195 EB off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd NB I-195 WB slip off-ramp t Faunce Corner Rd NB I-195 WB loop off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd SB Faunce Corner Rd NB to I-195 WB on-ramp Faunce Corner Rd SB LT to Comfort Lane Faunce Corner Rd SB Thru (Cross Rd/Comfort Ln) Faunce Corner Rd SB RT to Cross Rd



Faunce Corner Rd/Cross Rd/Comfort Ln

Faunce Corner Rd/I-195 EB Ramps

Problem Statement
Over the past 20 years there has been substantial development of the surrounding area. Many medical complexes have opened on Faunce Corner Road north of I-195, including the Hawthorne Medical Associates complex. Many of the once dormant retail plazas south if I-195 have reopened with major stores, such as Lowes and Best Buy. These additions have increased traffic volume on the area significantly, which prioritized the lane addition to the southbound side of Faunce Corner Road on the I-195 overpass. It is predicted that in the year 2030, the signalized and un-signalized intersections might see traffic volume increases of 15.4% and 17.8%, respectively (1). A higher estimate for the 2030 traffic volumes is for an increase on average of 46% (1). Since the signalized intersection at the I-195 eastbound ramps is currently categorized as level of service C, there is a possibility that this intersection may not be able to handle the predicted 2030 volumes. The un-signalized intersection at the I-195 westbound ramps is already categorized as level of service F and would not be able to withstand any increases in traffic volumes.

After performing several simulations, it has been determined that the following improvements. Lanes were added to Faunce Corner Rd and Cross Rd at the Cross Rd/Comfort Ln intersection. The proposed redesign included three lanes for both the northbound and southbound of Faunce Corner Rd to go through the intersection and additional left turn lane for Cross Rd. The three lanes for Faunce Corner Rd north and south continued to the signalized intersection with the I195 eastbound ramps. At this intersection, the I-195 east off-ramp to Faunce Corner Rd south had an additional lane. The cycle lengths for both this intersection and the Cross Rd intersection were increased to increase the capacity of these intersections. Additional lanes were added to the Faunce Corner Rd overpass, increasing the amount of lanes to a total of six lanes, three lanes in each direction. Exits 12 a and b for I-195 west were combined into one relocated slip off-ramp that leads to a new signalized intersection. The new off-ramp had three lanes that turn to Faunce Corner Rd south and one for north. Faunce Corner Rd was widened to three lanes north and south and two left turn lanes for the I-195 west on-ramp. These modifications resulted in significantly reduced queue delay times and improved level of services, the worst being LOS B.

Faunce Corner Rd Overpass

Faunce Corner Rd/I-195 WB Ramps

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