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Effectiveness in communication.

Essence of Communication.
• We communicate
• We communicate always
• Meaning of communication is the
response one gets.
Shared space

Intended Perceived
meaning meaning
Verbal Message B’s
A’s A B reality
Non verbal message
Basic components of
• Sender
• Receiver
• Message
• Feedback
• Replication
• Understanding
• Noise
• Noise
• Mind of receiver
• Mind of sender
• Communication filters
• Semantics
• Emotions
• Attitudes:beliefs,enforced by emotions
• Role expectations
• Non verbal messages
• Eye contact
• Gestures
• Send clear messages - make use of
repetitions,select words carefully,time the
Changing attitudes
• Provide feedback(positive feedback
equals positive behaviour)
• Change the conditions & consequenses
• Observed behaviour (provide positive role
• Provide opportunities for personal
• Attitudes are acquired from peers from
personal experiences.
• To change attitudes: Effect the
Four basic communication
• Emotive (High dominance – High Sociability)
• Displays action oriented behaviour
• Is Informal
• Natural Persuassiveness
• Director (High Dominance – Low Sociability)
• Projects a serious attitude
• Expresses strong opinions.
• May project indifference.
• Reflective (Low Dominance – Low Sociability)
• Formal & deliberate
• Seems preoccupied
• Prefers orderliness.
• Supportive (Low Dominance – High Sociability)
• Listens attentively
• Avoids the use of power
• Decisions are made and expressed in a
thoughtful and deliberate manner.
Style Flexing
• Attempt to alter your style to meet the
needs of another person.
• A temporary effort to act in harmony with
another persons dominant communication
Self Disclosure
• A form of communication that involves letting
others know what you think,feel & want.
• Purpose
• To improve accuracy of communication
• An increased self awareness
• Stronger healthier relationships
• Stress reduction

Criteria for developing Self
• Repair damaged relationships
• Avoid judgmental attitude
• Discuss situations as they happen
• Accurately describe your feelings and emotions
• Select proper time & place
• Avoid over whelming others with self disclosure
• Watch for non verbal clues.
Never allow Emotions to
Pollute Thinking.
You cant help the way you feel
but you can control the way you
Positive Reinforcements
• Tool to improve communications
• Psychological ingredient is recognition.
• Support from Mazlow
• As each lower level need is satisfied, the need at
next level demands attention.
• Support from Skinner
• Any living organism will tend to repeat a
behaviour if that bhaviour is followed by a
Responding to Value
• Never accept doubts or criticism from
others and even more important from
• Criticism comes when sweeping,universal
statements are made about
specific,individual actions.
• If some one says “That will never work”
• Respond with “Never”? “Ever”? Nowhere in the
world,Never in history….
• If some one say :”That was really stupid”
Acknowledge the value judgement and ask for
exceptions.Respond with “While I admit that it
might have looked stupid to you,out of all of
it,what part of it wasn’t stupid? Ask for
something positive .Or ask”Exactly,what made it
look stupid to you?”
But & And.
• But diminishes or erases that which
preceds it ex: You idea is good But….
• People move from positive to Negative
• Positive ….But ……Negative
• Negative ….But….. Positive
• Others teach communication But this
workshop is better.
If & When
• If I reach my goal
• When I reach my goal
• Try the word is not bad but the emotion &
usage is not good.
Barriers to Communication
• Arguing
– Blaming
– Disagreeing
– Excusing
– Claiming impunity
– Minimizing
– Pessimism
– Reluctance
– Unwilling to change
• Interrupting
– Talking over
– Cutting off
• Denying
– Inattention
– No answer
– No response
– Sidetracking
• Ignoring
– Challenging
– Discounting
– Open hostility
Handling Conflict
• Persons striving for their own preferred
outcome,which if attained,prevents others
from attaining their preferred out come
which results in hostility and a break down
in communications.
communication that indicates a
problem that needs to be

• Anger is common
• Is form of communication
• Happens every day
• Anger & conflict must be acknowledged
• Anger is healthy
Five ways to deal with anger
• Confrontation
• Avoidance
• Withdrawal
• Compromise
• Smooth over
Causes of Conflict
• Breakdown in Communication
• Clash of Values
• Clash of personalities
Assumptions of Win Win
• People want to work out their problems
• A solution is possible
• People respect each others rights
• People respect each others integrity
• People respect each others capabilities
• People share common goals.
• Good communicator should always avoid
Win/Lose & Lose/Lose situations
• Neither of these are adequate solutions.
• Always assume attitude of patience
• Define the problem
• Collect facts & opinions
• Consider the facts
• Define your expected results
• Implement the selected solution.
Always seek to deal with
issues,not with emotions.
• Explore the difference
• State what is important
• Temporarily lift restrictions
• Invite and suggest alternate choices
• Acknowledge others right to differ
• Explain decision and why.

Become an Active Listener.
• What does listening mean to you…..

• Keeping quiet….
• Active Listening
• How do you respond
• Response should be non judgemental
Listening skills
5 basic reasons we do not
• Listening is hard
• Competition
• The rush for action
• Speed differences
in the rate of
speaking and
• Lack of training
4 Types of listeners

• The Non-Listener HEARING

• The Marginal Listener

• The Evaluative Listener

• The Active Listener

How to improve your
listening skills?
• Maintain eye contact with the instructor
• Focus on content than on the way that it is
being said.
• Avoid selective listening
• Avoid distractions
• Ask questions to stay active and
• Face the speaker
• Maintain eye contact
• Respond appropriately – say yes, nod, etc.
• Do not be preoccupied with your own
• Person who responds emotionally is not
listening actively.
• Person who allows emotions to interfere in
response is saying “Listen to me –I know
Artful Critique
• Be specific: Use three steps of
• Specificity is important for praise also.
• No character or personality assassination
• Offer a solution: Else it leaves other
person frustrated, inefficient,
deficient(include suggestions about how to
take care of these problems)
• Be present: Face to Face
• Memo makes communication impersonal.
• Be sensitive: Empathy- be attuned to the
impact of what you say & how you say it
on the person at the receiving end.

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