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Identifying People (page 40)

1. Is the new secretarys name Bill or John?

(A) He paid those bills yesterday.

1. What did he pay yesterday? 2. Did he pay those bills yesterday? 3. Did he pay those bills yesterday or didn't he? 4. He paied those bills yesterday, didn't he?

(B) I think hes called Bill.

1. 2. Do you think he's called Bill? 3. Do you think he's called Bill or don't you? 4. You think he's call Bill, don't you?

(C) Hell fill those orders for you.

1. What will he fill for me? 2. Will he fill those orders for me? 3. Will he fill those orders for me or won't he? 4. He will fill those orders for me, won't he?

1. Is the new secretarys name Bill or John? (A) He paid those bills yesterday. (B) I think hes called Bill. (C) Hell fill those orders for you.

2. Whose name is the reservation under?

(A) Its under the table.

1. Where is the book? 2. Is the book under the table? 3. Is the book under the table or isn't it? 4. The book is under the table, isn't it?

(B) Its under my name.

1. Whose name is the reservation under? 2. Is it under your name? 3. Is it under your name or isn't it? 4. It's under your name, isn't it?

(C) Its the same.

1. What do you think this exercies? 2. Is this exercies the same? 3. Is this exercies the same or isn't it? 4. This exercies is the same, isn't it?

2. Whose name is the reservation under? (A) Its under the table. (B) Its under my name. (C) Its the same.

3. Who didnt go to the meeting yesterday?

(A) Martha wasnt there.

1. Who didn't go to the meeting yesterday? 2. Didn't Martha go to the meeting testerday? 3. Didn't Martha go to the meeting yesterday or did he? 4. Martha didn't go to the meeting yesterday, didn't he?

(B) Yes, he did, and he told me all about it. 1. Did he do and he tell you all about exercies? 2. He did and he told you all about exercies' didn't he?

(C) It was a very informative meeting.

1. What do you think about the meeting? 2. Was it a informative meeting? 3. Was it a informative meeting or wasn't it? 4. It was a informative meeting, wasn't it?

3. Who didnt go to the meeting yesterday? (A) Martha wasnt there. (B) Yes, he did, and he told me all about it. (C) It was a very informative meeting.

4. Whos helping you with that report?

(A) Its Susans.

1. Whose report is it? 2. The report is Susan's, isn't it? 3. Is the report Susan's? 4. Is the report Susan's or isn't it?

(B) Erics working on it with me.

1. Who's helping you with that report? 2. Is Eric working on report with you? 3. Is Eric working on report with you or isn't she? 4. Eric's working on report with you,

(C) Yes, its very important. 1. Is this exercie important? 2. This exercie is important, isn't it?

4. Whos helping you with that report? (A) Its Susans. (B) Erics working on it with me. (C) Yes, its very important.

5. Whats the directors name?

(A) Let me give you the directions.

1. Why don't you give me the directions? 2. Do you give me the disections? 3. Do you give me the directions or don't you? 4. You give me the directions, don't you?

(B) We have the same one.

1. What do you think about us? 2. Do they have the same one? 3. Do they have the same one or don't they? 4. They have the same one, don't they?

(C) Its Mrs. Sullivan.

1. What's the director's name? 2. Is the director's name Mrs. Sullivan? 3. Is the director's name Mrs. Sullivan or isn't it? 4. The director's name Mrs. Sullivan, isn't it?

5. Whats the directors name? (A) Let me give you the directions. (B) We have the same one. (C) Its Mrs. Sullivan.

6. Who did you invite to the picnic?

(A) No, the picnics not at night. 1. Is the picnic at night? 2. The picnic at night, isn't it?

(B) Everybody in the office.

1. Where are they? 2. Are they in the office? 3. Are they in the office or aren't they? 4. They are in the office, aren't they?

(C) Well go inside if it rains.

1. What will we do if it rains? 2. Will we go inside if it rains? 3. Will we go inside if it rains or won't we? 4. We will go inside if it rains, won't we?

6. Who did you invite to the picnic? (A) No, the picnics not at night. (B) Everybody in the office. (C) Well go inside if it rains.

7. Is that man your new assistant?

(A) Yes, he started working for me yesterday. 1. Did he start working for you yesterday? 2. He started working for you yesterday, didn't he?

(B) No, he doesnt need any assistance. 1. Does he need any assistance? 2. He needs any assistance, doesn't he?

(C) I love my new apartment.

1. What do you think about your new apartment? 2. Do you love your new apartment? 3. Do you love your new apartment or don't you? 4. You love your new apartment, don't you?

7. Is that man your new assistant? (A) Yes, he started working for me yesterday. (B) No, he doesnt need any assistance. (C) I love my new apartment.

8. Whose computer needs repairs?

(A) George is an excellent repairman.

1. Who is an excellent repairman? 2. Is George an excellent repairman? 3. Is George an excellent repairman or isn't he? 4. George is an excellent repairman, isn't he?

(B) Johns hasnt been working since yesterday.

1. When has John's been working? 2. Has John's been working since yesterday? 3. Has John's been working since yesterday or hasn't John's? 4. John's has been working since yesterday, hasn't John's?

(C) Judy is our computer expert.

1. Whose is our computer expert? 2. Is Judy our computer expert? 3. Is Judy our computer expert or isn't he? 4. Judy is our computer expert, isn't he?

8. Whose computer needs repairs? (A) George is an excellent repairman. (B) Johns hasnt been working since yesterday. (C) Judy is our computer expert.

9. Who has copies of the report?

(A) I copied it last night.

1. When did you copy the exercies? 2. Did you copy the exercies last night? 3. Did you copy the exercies last night or didn't you? 4. You copied the exercies last night, didn't you?

(B) Sam can make copies for us.

1. Who can make copises for us? 2. Can Sam make copies for us? 3. Can Sam make copies for us or can't she? 4. Sam can make copies for us, can't she?

(C) I sent copies to everyone in our department.

1. Who did send copies to everyone in our department? 2. Did you send copies to everyone in our department? 3. Did you send copies to everyone in our department or didn't you? 4. You sent copies to everyone in our

9. Who has copies of the report? (A) I copied it last night. (B) Sam can make copies for us. (C) I sent copies to everyone in our department.

10. Whos the new manager?

(A) Her name is Samantha.

1. What is her name? 2. Is her name Samantha? 3. Is her name Samantha or isn't it? 4. Her name is Samantha, isn't it?

(B) It belongs to Silvia.

1. Who does the company belong to? 2. Does the company belong to Silvia? 3. Does the company belong to Silvia or doesn't it? 4. The company belongs to Silvia, doesn't it?

(C) I can manage it alone.

1. Who do you manage the company with? 2. Can you manage the company alone? 3. Can you manage the company alone or can't you? 4. You can manage the company alone, can't you?

10. Whos the new manager? (A) Her name is Samantha. (B) It belongs to Silvia. (C) I can manage it alone.


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