Customer Relationship Management

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Pratik Tiwari

Bharath Arathy Jayadev Kiron Veena Rahulnath


CRM is a protocol or a systematic approach

for serving customers in such a manner that customer retention and profitability in marketing are ensured.


Information Process Technology


Answering 3 questions.

Collecting data. Assessing findings.

Creating a strategic proposal.

Welcome to recommendations webpage

The personalized Web pages lead customer loyalty and

long-term relationship It assembles large amounts of information on individual customer buying habits and personal information. 1-Click system

Customer Come First

Developed service guarantee, the emergency plan,the

mobility guarantee, the customer club, and toll-free service phone. They maintain a central database to provide club card, bonus point programs, club shops, and Volkswagen magazine.

The individual customer can

obtain computers directly from the company according to their order. If the system has a problem, the user can contact the Dell Web site directly In addition, a call center provides technical assistance at multiple levels. Premier

First bank to provide 24-hour phone

banking service and opened branches in the local supermarket and Starbucks coffee house. They integrated all of its back-end customer information into its Customer Relationship System. Online customer community

Analytical CRM M-CRM

Integrated Approach Vertical CRM

Managing customer relationship via mobile

medium Better means for bidirectional interaction between customers & companys anywhere and anytime Can be beneficial in terms of increased ease of customer contacts, higher sales revenues & improved customer satisfaction. Major challenge is the financial implication of its deployment.

Major factors like cost, service &

support,functionality,type of vendors etc. play a major role in deciding a software package & ensuring successful implementation. M-CRM provides value added benefits in all aspects of CRM implementations. But M-CRM still needs to gain the same widespread popularity as the earlier E-CRM.

Goal of CRM is to manage all aspects of

customer interactions. Good customers can definitely bring a competitive advantage to companies... Cut throat competition has made customer the king. Companies should aim at getting customers love..

trends.htm Marketing Mastermind magazine Retailer magazine Entrepreneur magazine Customer relationship management (Judith W)

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