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Writing 1 TTO-6

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Home Work Review

Application form Paragraphing structure


Transition that explain
1. Now, open your book page 23. 2. In addition, Sunday is an easy day 3. For she never want to forgive me. 4. Furthermore, many people pass the same

street at the same time.

5. In fact, the pupil was in the class room.

Transition that emphasize

1. Certainly she got really angry
4/15/12 2. Above all, never cheat while you have a test

Transition that qualify
1. I wanted to buy those shoes, but they are very


2. The house however, needs to be renovated 3. We hope, though, that the rain will stop 4. Yet the President dont want to step down 5. Except for me, the T-shirt was free

Transition that illustrate

1. For example, I say I beg your pardon sir? 2. This jelly, for instance, contain4/15/12 fiber good

Transition that add
1. In addition, English is very important 2. Furthermore, you need to study 3. My mom also asks me to bring guitar 4. The pillow, moreover, is made of sponge 5. First, I slice the onion 6. Then, I fry the onion

Transition that contrast

1. Unlike Jim, Jill is introvert 2. In contrast, many people still live under poverty

Transition that state consequence
1. Therefore, the government must restructure

the law

2. As a result, Indonesia have a high cases of


3. Consequently, the public support is declining 4. Accordingly, the court must be fair and

5. So, that they can eradicate corruption faster 6. Otherwise, we will never able to solve



Make a sentence using this words!

But Certainly Except For example Furthermore First, then Consequently Finally However

Home work
1. The team haven't been playing too well.

......, they are expected to win this afternoon.

2. If you're going into town could you get

me some shampoo? ........, we need some more bread. appointment. ........ the cancellation I missed my appointment.
4/15/12 many people still live in the slum

3. The train was cancelled so I missed my

4. So many rich people in Jakarta,

Write a narrative story about your daily life You must structured your story first, Your story must be well organized Consist of only few paragraphs



Home work
Make a narrative story about activities during

holiday! words!

The story must contain no less than 100


Adjectives (kata sifat)

Ada 6 jenis adjectives 1. Descriptive adjective, menerangkan warna,
1. 2. 3.

bentuk, ukuran, atau keadaan sebuah benda

A square field A black shoes A giant elephant

2. Predicative adjective, predikat kalimat,

letaknya setelah kata benda

1. 2.

My house are new The kid is very smart


3. Quantitative adjective, menerangkan jumlah benda Example: there is a little boy She has so much money They have few books 4. Possessive adjective, menerangkan kepemilikan suatu benda, menjawab pertanyaan Whose? Example: My dad is a policeman Their house are far away 4/15/12

5. Interrogative adjective menanyakan pertanyaan yang menanyakan tentang suati benda. Example : Whose wallet is that? Which shirt do you like? 6. Demonstrative adjective, menunjukkan seseorang atau sesuatu, untuk menjawab pertanyaan Which? Example: This food is so delicious mountain That mountain is the highest

Peraturan dasar adjective

1. Adjective memberi keterangan kepada kata

benda example: travelling is expensive

2. Adjective selalu mengikuti to be manakala

adjective ini memberi keterangan kepada kata benda sebelum kata kerja example: she is happy to cook

3. Adjective selalu mengikuti kata kerja panca

indera (feel, taste, smell, sound, look, appear, dan seem) manakala adjective ini memberi keterangan pada kata bendasebelum kata kerja. 4/15/12 Example: The fish smell awful

Kesalahan yang sering terjadi

1. Bad atau badly??

Example: I feel bad Example : I feel good

2. Good atau Well?? 3. Sure atau surely??

Example: I am sure you are wrong

4. Real atau really??

Example: poverty is a real problem Example: his home town are near to the capital 4/15/12

5. Near atau nearly??

Bentuk lain adjective

1) Adjective dapat dibentuk dari kata benda

Example: Indonesia ----Indonesian Victory ------- Victorious Example: talk-------- talkative read------- readable counting---counting

2) Dari kata kerja,


Adjective dari kata kerja

Apabila V+ing pengertiannya aktif, apabila

kata kerja bentuk ketiga, maka pengertianya pasif. the film is boring (filmnya membosankan) I am bored (saya merasa bosan karena sesuatu) the boys are tiring ( anak yang melahkan) the boys are tired (anak anak capek karena sesuatu)

1) Boring atau bored

2) Tiring atau tired

4/15/12 3) Disappointing atau disappointed

Apabila terdapat lebih daru satu adjective


Latihan , carilah adjectivenya

Korea French Greed Easy Loud Responsibility Child tire

Home work
1) The bus driver was____ injured. 2) Kevin is _____ clever. 3) This hamburger tastes _____. 4) Be____ with this glass of milk. It's hot. 5) Robin looks___ . What's the matter with


6) Jack____ is upset about losing his keys. 7) This steak smells ____. 8) Our basketball team played ____last Friday. 9) Don't speak so____ . I can't understand you.

Pilihan jawaban
Awful Careful Good Bad Serious Extreme Sad Terrible Fast

To,, for,, dan so,, that,,

To 1. Menyatakan alasan seseorang

melaksanakan sesuatu example: to get money, to go home, to cook example, I lock the door to keep my house safe

2. Untuk menyatakan alasan

3. Menyatakan sesuatu yang dapat dilakukan

example; my mother gave me money to buy shoes


To,, for,, dan so,, that

For 1. Menyatakan maksud

she came here for holiday there is a ticket for me to attend the concert knife is for cutting things

2. For + somebody+ to+ do something

3. For + ing menyatakan maksud umum 4. Menyatakan tujuan What..for?

What is that banner for?


So. That.
Menyatakan pola begitu ..-nya sehingga


Allice is so beautiful that everybody likes her English is so important that we need to study



1 She's on a mission _______ save the world. 2 Recycling is good ____ the environment. 3 I like to arrive 20 minutes earl _____ I have

time for a cup of tea.

4 I'm doing my homework on the bus____ my

teacher doesn't kill me. heavy traffic.

5 Begsy took a backstreet_____ avoid the 6 My brother Jim went to Thailand ______

escape a meaningless existence. ______ destroy the planet.

7 World leaders are doing everything they can


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