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Human Digestive System


Azawiah Sadiman Akma Nabila Mahyudin Nur Fatin Afifah Hashim

Digestive System
Digestive is the process of breaking down

food into simple molecules that absorbed by the body. mouth and ends at the anus.

The human alimentary canal starts from the Food moves through the alimentary canal due

to the contraction and relaxation of muscles. The movement of the muscles is known as peristalsis.

Example Of Peristalsis Action


Alimentary Canal
The alimentary canal consist of the mouth,

oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum and ileum), large intestine and anus. are the liver, and the pancreas.

Organs that are related to the alimental canal


Example Of Human Digestive System

Mouth Liver Large Intestine Small Intestine

Oesophagus Duodenum Stomach Anus

Human Digestive System


- Food is chewed into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva secreted by the salivary glands - The salivary amylase catalyses the breaking down of starch into maltose (a kind of sugar) - Saliva also contains mucus. Example of Mouth


Human Digestive System


- The stomach wall produces gastric juices which contains proteases and hydrochloric acid. - The hydrochloric acid :: stops the action of salivary amylase. :: provides an acidic medium suitable for the action of proteases. :: changes the inactive forms of proteases to its active 4/17/12forms.

- Proteases catalyses the breakdown of proteins into polypeptides or peptones. - Mucus protects the stomach walls from being digested by proteases. - Peristalsis in the stomach walls churns the food and mixes it with the gastric juices. The semi-solid food is called chyme.
Example of stomach



- This part of the small intestine secrets intestinal juice which contains maltase, proteases and lipase. - Maltase breaks down maltose into glucose. - Proteases breaks down polypeptides into amino acids. - Lipase breaks down fats into fatty and Example glycerol. of small


The duodenum is the first of the small intestine. It Example of receives bile from the duodenum gall bladder and


Type Of Digestion
Physical digestion the breakdown of food

substances into smaller pieces by the teeth.

Chemical digestion the chemical

breakdown of food substances with the aid of enzymes into simple smaller molecules which can be into the blood circulatory system.

Absorption of edit Master subtitle style Click to digested food


Absorption of digested food

The final products of the digestion of food

shown. Class ofFinal product of

food digestion

Starch Glucose , fructose Protein Amino acids Fats Fatty acid and glycerol

4/17/12 The digested products are absorbed through

The small intestine is adapted for efficient

absorption of digested food by having a large surface area. This is achieved in the following ways. - The small intestine is very long. It is about 6 metres. - The inner surface of the small intestine has fingerlike projections called villi to increases the surface area for absorption. - The 4/17/12 villus wall is very thin for the diffusion

Villus in the wall of the small intestine


Transportation of digested food that is

absorbed - Amino acids and simple sugars (glucose) are absorbed through the villus wall into the blood capillaries and transported to the liver by the blood vessels. - Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed through the villus wall into the lacteals and then into 4/17/12

Digested food that is carried from the liver is

then transported to the heart. From the heart the food is distributed throughout the body by the blood system.


To head

To the rest of the body

Liver Heart

Small intestine

Finish !

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