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Unit5 Marking Feedback

Use these helpful tips to get the best mark for Unit5

Strand A Moodboard (Max 5 Marks)

Must have at least one picture for each item on the moodboard checklist You wont get the marks unless you can evidence how youve met all the criteria on the moodboard list. Must explain the reasoning behind your ideas Must include detailed and constructive feedback from others Must be able to see all pictures clearly There should be no hand drawn images on the moodboard Dont have to include moodboard in the assets table

Strand B Design & Development (Max 11 Marks)

Design log for higher marks / top sets to explain design decisions as your game developed- section B is worth a lot of marks even if your game is 'not how you want it You need to include evidence of problems that you had and how you solved them If your game has changed completely then dont go back and do your storyboards but evidence it in your assets table, test plan or design log If complete all documents reasonably 5/6 no more than that need to show extensive evidence of testing to achieve this

Strand B cont. Design & Development (Max 11 Marks)

If test plan, assets or storyboard not complete or missing then marks for this section will be very low Get rid of all red writing on test plan, overview and storyboards

Details of editing in your assets table are details ie: not just made it in Fireworks
The overview must include feedback comments Test plan make sure you test all events once game is complete not just tests as the game has developed

Strand C Game Functionality (Max 9 Marks)

Make sure all of the game works correctly as expected

Add a back story screen to explain how your game links to an Olympic event of London 2552
Make sure that the winning and losing screens of your game link to Olympic events Make sure that your game matches the PEGI rating and is suitable for your target audience Make sure that instructions include more than just which keys to press e.g. objectives, enemies, bonuses For higher marks create a separate user manual of instructions that are not just a print screen of your instructions from your game but something more professional looking and user friendly - PDFd

Strand D User Experience (Max 7 Marks)

These are the kind of questions that will be asked about your game: Is the game enjoyable? Is the game long enough? Are there enough levels to keep the player interested? Are the different levels sufficiently challenging? Are the controls easy to use and are they intuitive? Does the player know what to do and how to win? Does the game start easy and then become progressively more difficult? Would the player want to play the game again? Does the game give feedback as to how well the player is doing? (Healthbars, lives, score etc.) Does the game look aesthetically pleasing?

Strand E Game Promo (Max 5 Marks)

Include PEGI rating, which console your game will be available on, release date and a build up / walk through of your game The promo must attract interest in and persuade people to play your game include sounds / images / video clips used in your promo in your assets table check the read drive for examples of these so you know what marks youre aiming for

Strand F Review (Max 5 Marks)

In the style of a magazine reviewer writing about someone else's game Your review must include:

consideration of playability, interactivity, rules, instructions and originality user ratings and comments well chosen extracts from the game to illustrate comments.

Use the example review that you were emailed to help you Write in full sentences not bullet points Be honest about your game a review about a bad game can still get full marks


Dont forget to have a Unit5 link on your splash page All word documents must be linked as PDF Your game should be linked as an .exe file Remember there are no marks for your eportfolio in this unit just links to the work needed

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