600lbs 65% TDN 55% TDN Hay 58%

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Feeding Management Once weaned, young females become neglected under feeding is quite often Pasture alone cannot meet the growing female requirements 600lbs heifers require 65% TDN. Pasture provides 55% TDN while hay 58%, grain will increase the TDN

During last few months before calving/kidding/foaling, concentrate feeding increased up to 3 kg is required with average forage & 1 kg with good forage 0.5 kg in sheep goat

Important Management Practices

Breeding Breeding before the average wt & size decreases production; lactation has a decisive influence The main factors, which determine the breeding time are: With slow growth, delay breeding
Age of heifers Size of heifers Time when there is greatest demand for milk/meat.

Birth weight is inherited Select the sires, which are known to produce young of average to small size There is no relationship between birth weight and mature weight

Breeding efficiency may be improved by: Detect the heat as accurately as possible

Breed animal 6 hours before ovulation & not later than 24 hours (Ovulation 14 hours after heat)
Put the female in barn & leave it for 4 hours Keep accurate records of heat periods, breeding & calving dates of all heifers

Synchronization The goal of the synchronization is to have maximum number of heifers pregnant by AI or natural breeding Proper feeding & adequate holding facilities are keys to it

Following females do not synchronization program.




You need to keep animals with minimum stress & proper labor

Already pregnant Having physical defects Immature & non cycling

Record Put on weight PT Milk production affected Mammary changes

Feed Over crowding Calving pen Milking before parturition

Isolation When calving/kidding/foaling time reaches, isolate the animal in calving kidding/foaling pen having proper bedding & cleaned If the weather is clear, may be freshened in pasture

After animal starts labor, observe closely Most of the animals will give birth with out assistance If assistance is required, look for the normal position, if position is not normal; correct the position by pushing young one backward. Then pull the young one downward when animal is straining

hands should be disinfected & gloved during the process. After parturition, feed the animal Look for the metabolic disorders & treat if required

How & care?

Reed Purpose Feed Exercise Feet Training

A sound vaccination program is pre requisite for good health A written herd health program incorporated with vaccination schedule against the prevalent disease in the area should be followed

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