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Poem writing

Prepared by: Cerlance Agpuldo

Poetry a composition forming rhythmic lines Poem a poem is something that follows a particular flow of rhythm and meter. a poem may or may not have a story, but definitely has a structured method of writing.

Elements of a poem
1. Rhythm: This is the music made by the statements of the poem, which includes the syllables in the lines. The best method of understanding this is to read the poem aloud. Listen for the sounds and the music made when we hear the lines spoken aloud.

2. Meter: This is the number of syllables in line of a poem. if it is a formal poem, then the number of syllables in the first line must follow through till the end of the last stanza of the poem.

Example of Poem with meter 1. If we must die, let it not be like hogs 2. Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, 3. While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, 4. Making their mock at our accursed lot. 5. If we must die, O let us nobly die, 6. So that our precious blood may not be shed 7. In vain; then even the monsters we defy 8. Shall be constrained to honor us though dead! 9. O kinsmen we must meet the common foe! 10. Though far outnumbered let us show us brave, 11. And for their thousand blows deal one deathblow! 12. What though before us lies the open grave? 13. Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack, 14. Pressed to the wall, dying, but fighting back

Rhyme: Rhyme is basically similar sounding words . Either the last words of the first and second lines would rhyme with each other or the first and the third, second and the fourth and so on. When you write poetry that has rhyme, it means that the last words of the lines match with each other in some form A poem may or may not have a rhyme. dock and rock place and daze As she spoke the child began to choke(internal rhyme, seen in between the lines

Rhyme Scheme : aa bb
Summer Breeze Flowers bloom in sultry air A Blue skies wash away the glare A The breeze flutters, leaves dance B A cardinal flies and kittens prance B

Alliteration: a poetic or literary effect achieved by using several words that begin with the same or similar consonants. This is also used in several poems for sound effect. Several words in the sentence may begin with the same alphabet or syllable sound.
For example "Many minute miniature moments" the sound of the alphabet M is repeated in all the four words continuously. When you say those words aloud, the sound effect generated is called Alliteration. Alliteration in tongue twister She sells sea shell by the sea shore Peter piper picked a pecked of pickled pepper

Example: Alliteration
Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary ; rare and radiant maiden ; And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain ; Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before Analysis: One purpose of alliteration is to draw attention to specific words. When combined with other sound devices--rhyme, assonance, consonance, rhythm, meter, for example--the effect multiplies.

Simile: A simile is a method of comparison using the words like or as. When word like is used in a poem, it means that the poet is using Simile to convey his feelings about what (s)he is describing. For example Her laughter was like a babbling brook The poet is comparing the laughter of the girl to the sound made by a babbling brook. Note that babbling brook is an example of Alliteration. Songwriters and authors make use of similes in their writing to make what they have to say much more descriptive and entertaining.

Jared was upset when he mentioned she was as cold as a hailstone. Watch your step when you come in. The doorway is as black as the North Pole in winter. I don't like what's going on. I feel like a noodle in boiling water. I wanted our songs to fly out to the audience. But, somehow they dropped like a lead beach ball. She didn't like Martha. Her smile was as slick as a door to door salesman. Her words were as dull as dirt.

A metaphor is a method of comparison where the words like and as are not used. To gives them new information aligned with something they already know. 1. Abandon: Out no money, Harry resolved to abandon his car. 2. Agenda: Sheila followed her own agenda. 3. Binding: Marriage was a legally binding contract 4. Direction: Sam switched direction on the issue. 5. Green: Jenny's political views were bright green.. 6. Harnessed: The sailor harnessed the power of the wind. 7. Moving: Bill sang a moving song. 8. Position: The man's position on adoption changed each day. 9. Rock: The team captain is a rock. 10: Steer: Steer away from the controversy.

Theme: This is what the poem is all about. The theme of the poem is the central idea that the poet wants to convey. It can be a story, or a thought, or a description of something or someone. Anything which is what the poem is all about.

Symbolism: Often poems will convey ideas and thoughts using symbols. A symbol can stand for many things at one time and leads the reader out of a systematic and structured method of looking at things. Often a symbol used in the poem will be used to create such an effect. Butterfly: man Flower: woman

Take note:
These are the basic elements of poetry. They are an essential part of what any good poem is all about, structurally. Of course, it does not mean, that all poems must have all these elements. It depends entirely upon the poet to use in order to convey his ideas most effectively.

Kinds of Poem
Acrostic poem A poem where the titles letters are used to start the story. This is very easy to write. It can be about any subject. This kind of poem can be written in different ways, but the simplest form is to put the letters that spell your subject down the side of your page. When you have done this then you go back to each letter and think of a word, phrase or sentence that starts with that letter and describes your subject.

Hockey is my favorite sport On the ice or street Cool and fun Keep on playing Exercise and stronger You should try

Ballad Poems
Ballad Poems are poems that tell a story similar to a folk tale or legend and often have a repeated refrain. A ballad is often about love and often sung. A ballad is a story in poetic form. The Mermaid Oh the ocean waves may roll, And the stormy winds may blow, While we poor sailors go skipping aloft And the land lubbers lay down below, below, below And the land lubbers lay down below

A cinquain is a five line poem. Cinquain Pattern #1 Line1: One word Line2: Two words Line 3: Three words Line 4: Four words Line 5: One word Dinosaurs Lived once, Long ago, but Only dust and dreams Remain

Cinquain Pattern #2 Line1: A noun Line2: Two adjectives Line 3: Three -ing words Line 4: A phrase Line 5: Another word for the noun

Spaghetti Messy, spicy Slurping, sliding, falling Between my plate and mouth Delicious

Cinquain Pattern #3 Line1: Two syllables Line2: Four syllables Line 3: Six syllables Line 4: Eight syllables Line 5: Two syllables

Baseball Bat cracks against The pitch, sending it out Over the back fence, I did it! Homerun

Concrete poem
A poem that takes the shape of the object it describes. these poems are also referred to as pattern poetry, shape poetry, or visual poetry These types of work would likely find an art gallery a more suitable mode of presentation, as the patrons could lay their eyes on the work and therefore have access to all the poem has to offer. The intention in making the poems so visually oriented was to integrate the physical words themselves into the poem in a deeper way. Concrete poetry is a type of poetry that uses some sort of visual presentation to enhance the effect of the poem on the reader. The visual layout of the poem need not necessarily form a picture, although many concrete poems do.

) a pen _cil holds a gr eater know ledge than any c omp uter, a pen cil hol ds 100 years of ex peri ence and has been thro ugh the stori es of milli ons

This poem was about a pencil and took shape of it.

Couplet Poems A poem that has two lines in a stanza. My Cat I like to play with my cat He likes to get in a hat. My Vacation I like to play games a lot I loved when it was hot. Summer I played Barbie pet shop. Then I had to stop. The Dog This summer I met a dog My dog likes to sleep in a log. The Pod I spent my Summer Vacation in a Pod. I turned into a paper wad.

The Pool I swam in a pool But it was to cool.

Diamante Poem
A diamante is a seven line poem written in the shape of a diamond. The basis of the poem is a pair of nouns that serve as the first line and the last line. The nouns can be synonyms or antonyms. Teachers can have students write diamante poems to illustrate knowledge of adjectives, gerunds, adverbs, nouns, synonyms and antonyms.

The blueprint for a diamante:

Line 1: Noun A Line 2: Two adjectives describing noun A Line 3: Three gerunds relating to noun A Line 4: Two nouns associated with noun A, two nouns associated with noun B Line 5: Three gerunds relating to noun B Line 6: Two adjectives describing noun B Line 7: Noun B (either a synonym or antonym for noun A)

Fire hot, red igniting, burning, exploding smoke, flame, wave, liquid flowing, crashing, bubbling cool, blue Water

Dogs Happy, Friendly Running, Jumping, Barking Paws, Tails, Claws, Teeth Hiding, Avoiding, Demanding Snobby, Skittish Cats

Epic Poems
are long, serious poems that tell the story of a heroic figure. Some of the most famous epic poems are the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer. A long and highly stylized narrative poem celebrating the heroic achievements of its hero.

Dramatic poetry
Dramatic poetry, also known as a dramatic poem. Its an emotional piece of literature which includes a story which is recited of sung. It refers to the dramatic genre of poetry. Dramatic poetry definition can be quoted as, ' a form of poetry where a story is narrated in the form of a lyrical ballad. Dramatic poetry has come from Sanskrit dramas and Greek tragedies. The story is usually narrated in the form of a recital or song. They are written in such a manner that they can be easily understood, and enacted.

Free verse
BUTTERFLY I am a Butterfly. I am one of the most beautiful insects of the world. I eat nectar, but I don't harm the flowers. I have many enemies. I wander through the forests playing with all my butterfly friends. Their names are; Hippy, Dippy, Hopi, and Floppy. I can't forget my best friends. Poppy and Moppy. But do you know who really are my best friends? Could you try to guess? I think you might have a good idea. YOU! I like how you like to be you and not somebody who you aren't.

When you write a poem?

Writing a poem is all about observing the world within you or around you. You can write about anything, from love to the rusty gate at the old farm. As long as you are enjoying it or finding a release of tension through it, you're on the right track.

Some guidelines in writing poems

1. Read and listen to poetry. Whether someone who has never seen a sonnet nor heard haiku can truly be a poet is an open question. It is almost certain, though, that any poet who has been published or who has garnered any following enhanced their skills by reading or listening to good poetry. "Good" poems fall into three categories: those that are recognized as classics, those that seem to be popular, and those that you personally like.

2. Find a spark. This is usually called 'inspiration', and the remainder of the poem need only be written around it. If you have a topic, make an outline through web concept. Put all around the words and phrases that comes to your mind when you think of that idea.
It may sound difficult, but do not be afraid to voice your exact feelings. Emotions are what make poems, and if you lie about your emotions it can be easily sensed in the poem. Write them down as quickly as possible, and when you're done, go through the list and look for connections or certain items that get your creative juices flowing.

3. Think about what you want to achieve with your poem. Perhaps you want to write a poem to express your love for your girlfriend or a friend; perhaps you want to commemorate a tragic event; or maybe you just want to get an "A" in your poetry class. Think about why you are writing your poem and who your intended audience is, and then proceed in your writing accordingly. It answers the question, why are u writing?

4. Decide which poetry style suits your subject formal or informal 5. Try to fit into a particular scene you want to write about. For example, if you want to write about nature, try to visit a park or a small forest nearby. The natural scenery may inspire few lines, even if they're not perfect.

6. Listen to your poem. As you write and edit your poem, read it aloud and listen to how it sounds. This is where poems can become songs. It is easier to find a tune for regular meter, so maybe you want to cut words out or put some in to get the same number of syllables in each line. Memorize it. If you believe it, then maybe someone else will learn it and love it before it is a song.

7. Write down your thoughts as they come to you. Don't edit as you write, or do edit as you write - the choice is yours. However, you should try both methods at least a couple times to see what works best for you. 8. Choose the right words. It's been said that if a novel is "words in the best order," then a poem is "the best words in the best order." Think of the words you use as building blocks of different sizes and shapes. Some words will fit together perfectly, and some won't. keep working at your poem until you have built a strong structure of words. Use only those words that are necessary, and those that enhance the meaning of the poem. Choose your words carefully.

9. Use concrete imagery and vivid descriptions. Love, hate, happiness: these are all abstract concepts, too deep to understand and so make it simple but substantial. Really powerful poetry not only uses concrete images; it also describes them vividly. Show your readers and listeners what you're talking about--help them to experience the imagery of the poem. Put in some "sensory" handles. These are words that describe the things that you hear, see, taste, touch, and smell, so that the reader can identify with their own experience. Give some examples rather than purely mental/intellectual descriptions. Example "He made a loud sound", versus "He made a loud sound like a hippo eating 100 stale pecan pies with metal teeth".

10. Edit your poem. When the basic poem is written, set it aside for awhile and then read the poem out loud to yourself. Go through it and balance the choice of words with the rhythm. Take out unnecessary words and replace imagery that isn't working. Some people edit a poem all at once, while others come back to it again and again over time. Don't be afraid to rewrite if some part of the poem is not working. Some poems have lines that simply don't convey an element well, and can be replaced.

11. Get opinions. It can be hard to critique your own work, so after you've done an initial edit, try to get some friends or a poetry group (there are plenty online) to look at your poem for you. You may not like all their suggestions, and you don't have to take any of them, but you might find some insight that will make your poem better. Feedback is good. Pass your poem around, and ask your friends to critique your work. Tell them to be honest, even if it's painful. Filter their responses, then edit as you see fit.

Your Own Path Life is short, that's what they say, so make the best of it, from day to day... The burden is heavy, and the road often long, but never give up because you think it's wrong... Walk the path you choose, for you're the one that goes down the rocky trail of life, past the sorrows and the woes... Sometimes you win, and other times you lose, but its always better to wander down the path you choose... So live each day to the fullest, and never give up the fight, for what seemed wrong today, may tomorrow be just right.

My Wish waiting for someone is hard even when it feels like forever my dreams feel like reality if only it were real it kills me inside to know that your not here for me to hold tightly for me to love tenderly but time is short and it just makes it harder i know you wont wait forever and forever is a long time i only wish for one wish a wish that must come true i wish for us to be happy and to be together forever more because late at night you are what i dream of i wish for you to love me to just understand that i am only one person and not perfect in every way this may take time but don't worry time flies by because if you truly love someone waiting is the only way because i love you and you are worth waiting for.

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