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A Complex Tapestry
And the Potential for a Beautiful Story

A Complex Tapestry
Social Networking
An Unprecedented Connection

Unexpected Relationships
Boto (China) exporting Christmas trees South Koreas source of Christian missionaries

Policies & Progress of One Country Affects Another

U.S. Immigration Post-9/11

Indian Pharmaceutical laws causing the cost of drugs to rise in Africa

Rising Incomes Require Transformation

Outsourcing moves where cost of labor is the cheapest

Social Media & Business

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Post-9/11 Effects
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A Complex Tapestry
And the Potential for a Beautiful Story

Convergence of Civilization
Great Opportunity Can Come with Great Danger A Warning

Youth Bulge
+ Poor Economic Performance + Limited Opportunities for Migration ->

Courtesy of

A Complex Tapestry
And the Potential for a Beautiful Story

Convergence of Civilization
Great Opportunity Can Come with Great Danger A Warning

Realizing the Gains

Profits Alone are Not Enough

Obesity & Malnourishment

Change is the Answer

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A Complex Tapestry
And the Potential for a Beautiful Story

Population = Profits
Convergence of Civilization
Great Opportunity Can Come with Great Danger A Warning

Realizing the Gains

Profits Alone are Not Enough
African National Union Patriotic Front

Back to the Key

We must look beyond Africa as a charity case to see it as one of the worlds most important emerging markets.

Courtesy of Wall Street Journal

The Power of the Ubuntu:

I am because you are
Social Enterprise
- Highlands Tea (viable business helping small farmers in Kenya) - Working with Starbucks Tazo Tea (help competition -> Raise awareness)

Corporate Responsibility
- Strategies - Use Developed Networks to Meet Needs - Provide Fresh Water or Means of Purification - Address Disease - Doing Well by Doing Good (The Environment) - Provide Seed Money - Create Markets Through Social Entrepreneurship - Designing for Africa


Teach a man to fish
Aid is not enough
- We need changes in behavior (rather than charity) the key to economic advancement in post-industrial world

1. The Recipient is NOT the Victim!!!
- The recipient is actually an active worker driving change

2. Worldview of Africa
- Pleas for aid reinforce global perceptions of problems


Teach a man to fish
Media Doesnt Help
- On the I am Africa campaign: Such campaigns promote the
stereotype of Africa as a black hole of disease and death

Need for Internal Reform

- Move Beyond Charity to Sustainable Market Development

AID + Investment in Entrepreneurship = SUCCESS!!!

Global View of Africa

Times are a-changin! Still Need to Solve Issues

Value in Brands


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A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media


Pharmaceutical Research in Africa: Synovate Medical Research

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Activity: Meeting Needs

A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media


<iframe width="420" height="315" src=" PoEs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media



<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" DAcAM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media


African Diaspora
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media


Stories About Africa Driven by Revenue?!?

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A Call to Arms
The Private Sector NGOs/Activists Educators African Diaspora Media


The People are Awakening

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The FutureDepends on the Next Generation!

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

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