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Body Language
Kinesics means interpretation of body movements Eye Contact, Facial Expression, Gestures, Head Movement, Postures, Appearance, Dress, Handshakes, etc.

Eye Contact
Most powerful means of communication we possess, after words sometimes a single glance can speak volumes

Eye Contact
Too much eye contact

superiority, lack of respect, a threat and insult Too little eye contact not attentive, impolite, insincere, dishonesty, shy Withdrawing eye contact by lowering the eye - submission

The Face
Smile or lack thereof

Tilt of the head; e.g., if the head

is tilted to one side, it usually indicates you are interested in what someone is saying

Facial Expressions
Frown surprise /

irritation Raised eye brows surprise Blank look confused / bored / not interested Wink - naughty

Head Movement
Use of head to speak more


Head nod understanding /

agreeing / encouraging / granting permission agreeing / discouraging /

Sideways Head Movement - not

Head Movement
Head nod upwards

questioning High head haughty, aggressive Lowered head submissiveness, humility, depression, respect

Head Movement
Head straight -

intelligent, attentive listening Head propped up in palm boredom Look away not interested, not listening

People with gestures -

warm, casual, agreeable People with minimum gestureslogical, cold, analytical People with more gestures drive, enthusiasm

Single shoulder movement

dont know / dont care Legs crossing women part of poise and etiquette Feet tapping / twitching restless Finger crossing - luck

Fingers / Hand V Victory Thumbs Up Good Thumbs Down Bad Thumb Sideways Lift Circle Finger OK, Good

Hands Raised Question / Answer Wave Bye, Attention Show Fist Threaten Palm on Head Disgust, Displeasure

Rejection / Defensive Gestures

Folded Palms Crossed Arms Crossed Legs Body Facing Away Loosing Eye Contact Darting Glances

Nervous Gestures
Darting Eyes

Twitching Lips
Mouth Slightly Open Drumming Playing With Objects Shifting Weight While Standing Licking Lips

Anger Gestures
Rigid Body

Raised Shoulders
Reddened Face / Neck

Fists Clenched
Lips Tight Increased Eye Contact Pupils Dilate

Confidence Gestures
Proud / Erect Stance
Increased Eye Contact

Chin Tilted Upwards


Gesture of welcome Firm good Limp not interested Continuous enthusiastic

Ladies - option to shake hand

Dont shake hand until the other person

does so especially if the person is senior

The Pull-in Handshake

The Two-Handed Shake

The Topper

The Finger Squeeze

The Bone Crusher

The Palm Pinch

The Limp Fish

The Proper Handshake

The Proper Handshake

Firm - not bone-crushing Lasts about 3 seconds Includes good eye contact with the other person Hold your drink in your left hand to avoid a cold, wet handshake

Colour & Dress

Purple : Royalty White : Purity, Peace, Clean Black : Luxury, negative Brown : Dirt, Dull Blue soothing, calming Green soothing, environment friendly Orange - creative

Dress Males
T Shirt / Jeans / Sports shoes

Sports, Casual Shirts / trousers / tie formal Unkempt hair, not shaven not interested, casual, funky Slippers, flip flops not interested

Dress Ladies
T Shirt / Jeans / Sports shoes Sports,

Casual Shirts / trousers / Sari / Punjabi dress formal Unkempt hair not interested, casual, funky Slippers, flip flops not interested Revealing clothes unprofessional, asking for trouble

Ring engaged / married Mangalsutra married Pendants religious cross,

Om, etc Amulets / many rings religious Pierced ears, eye brows, body etc funky, casual, creative

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