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O Helping or Prosocial behavior represents

one of the noblest behaviors repertoire of human activities.

O The



phenomenon of helping behavior raises a number of fundamental issues regarding social behavior, including how people develop sense of responsibility for others and society, the relative contributions of situational and personality factors in causing behavior, and how 4/18/12 members of society can promote positive social behavior.

Model of helping behavior (Latane and Darley)

Noticing a person, event, or situation that may require help Making the interpretation that help is required Assuming responsibility for taking action

Implemeni ng the assistance

Deciding on the form of assistance


O Altruism helping behavior that is beneficial

to others but requires clear self-sacrifice on the part of the helper.

ex: running into a burning house to rescue a strangers child, saving a drowning person at great risk to life and limb. In altruism, the cost is clearly high and the outcomes of such altruistic acts appear to benefit only the recipient and not the helping individual.

O Bystander

Effect comes from a phenomenon called Diffusion of Responsibilty. Which suggests that in cases in which there is more than one witness to a situation requiring helping, responsibility for acting is felt to be diffused or shared among the bystanders.

O Thus, it could be predicted that the greater

the number of bystanders present in such a situation, the less personally responsible each would feel, and the less likely that any one person would help.

O Norm of Social Responsibility this norm

suggests that there is an expectation that people will respond to the legitimate needs of others who are dependent upon them.
ex: experiment on 2 men collapsed on a subway. One is drunk and one carried a black cane and appeared to be sober. Hence, as Irving Reimer of the American Cancer Society suggests, potential helpers are apt to consider the degree to which the victim is at fault, and the norm of social responsibility may be less 4/18/12 salient when others neediness is viewed as being due at least in part to their own actions.

O Norms of Equity and Reciprocity these

norms postulate that people should be rewarded in proportion to their costs and should suffer in proportion to their transgressions.. If a person is seen to be suffering disproportionately to what he or she deserves, then equity norms require that that person be helped in order to restore justice.

O Moreover, the norm of reciprocity suggests

that prosocial behavior ought eventually reciprocated to the helper.


Ill help you so youll help me

O Empathy

occurs when someone experiences the emotions of another people. This tends to result in greater helping to the needy person.

O Moreover, being in a good mood tends to

facilitate prosocial behaviors and being in a bad mood reduces helping behavior.


Conflict and Peacemakin g

O Conflict is concerned with difference.

If we were all the same, then there would be little or no conflict.


Most Common Reasons

O There is a perceived breach of

faith and individuals.



-- When one puts faith and trust in another, and that confidence is broken, it can create an emotional response that elevates to conflict.

O There is unresolved disagreement that has

escalated to an emotional level.

-- Disagreements are normal. When they are left unresolved, however, the associated feelings and emotions will remain in force, at least at some level.


O There is miscommunication leading

OThere are personality clashes.


O There are differences in acquired values.

O There is underlying stress and tension.

-- Too often, however, this underlying stress surfaces at the slightest provocation, and we find ourselves in conflict.


O There are ego problems.

-- Ego is another strong driver of our behavior and decisions. Ego wants us to be "right," and moves us into defending our position, sometimes unreasonably.
O There are combinations of the above.


The question is: How can peace be achieve d? 4/18/12



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