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The Khilafat Movement


The Khilafat Movement

Relegio-political movement Launched for the retention of Ottoman Caliphate Indian Muslims wanted to make sure that the control of Holy Places was not handed over to the non-Muslims.



The Muslims Journalism played a vital role to steer the direction of the struggle. Zamindar of Zafar Ali Khan Al-Hilal of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad The prominent newspapers and magazines performed their duties to express their resentment.


Protests in India

All India Khilafat Committee was formed at Bombay in July 1919. Gandhi and Nehru also participated in the 1st Khilafat Conference at Delhi later that year. No participation in victory celebrations. Boycott of British goods.

Non Cooperation with the


Return titles Boycott of courts and educational institutions. Resign from jobs Later resign from police and military jobs. Refusal to pay taxes.

The Rowlett Act

Black law introduced in India. Jinnah resigned from the central legislature as a protest.


Hijrat Movement

The Indian Ulama declared India Darul Harb The Ulama issued verdicts to go to Afghanistan. Migration took place at large scale. Initially Afghans welcomed them but later they closed the borders and pushed the migrants back to Indian territories.


Consequences of Hijrat Movement

Loss of lives. Loss of money Many died during the mission. Some went to Soviet Union from Afghanistan because they had nothing in India now.


End of Khilafat Movement

Moplah Revolt in August 1921 Hindu Muslim relations changed Chora Chori Incident in February 1922 Gandhi called off the movement. In March 1924, Khilafat was abolished.

Reasons for the failure

Its members were more concerned with the fate of the Khalifa than were the western powers and the people of Turkey. Hindu Muslim unity was short lived. Anti-British feeling



Economic Misery It was proved that Hindu Muslims could not live together.



It proved that religion is a mobilizing force and Islam has mobilization capacity to organize masses. Some historians see the Khilafat movement as the first step on the road that lead to independence. Muslims realized that they had political power.

They were not the pets of British.

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