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The Training Kit Project

Gabriele Cosmo & Maria Grazia Pia

Geant4 Workshop Paris, 16-20 October 2000
G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

September 1999 A Geant4 Training Kit was first proposed by E. Daly and M.G. Pia at the Geant4 Workshop at ESTEC March 2000 April 2000 The Training Kit was approved by the CB/TSB as a milestone for year 2000 A URD was presented and the TSB defined the training priorities The Training Kit was discussed by the TSB The Training Kit Project has the goal of assembling the first version during the workshop

June 2000 October 2000

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

What is the Training Kit


According to the URD:

UR 2.1.2 The Geant4 Training Kit shall consist of a set of reusable training modules UR 2.1.3 It should be possible to assemble a variety of Training Programmes from the material of the Geant4 Training Kit

The Training Kit consists of a modular set of training units


e.g. Detector Description Module, Hadronic Physics Module etc.

Every unit is modular itself


e.g. Basic Geometry, Extended Geometry, Advanced Geometry etc.

More details in the URD

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

Priorities for year 2000

The TSB decided to focus resources on the following items as a priority for the first version of the Training Kit (Milestone 2000):

short course of 1 day course suitable for a School


about 5 one hour lectures plus hands-on exercises approximately 3-5 hours

academic style of series of lectures


G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

Current status

A lot of preliminary material exists

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developed for ad hoc courses in the past course in Japan (Makoto) lectures at the INFN Detectors School (MG) CERN School of Computing (Gabriele, Makoto, Marc) introductory seminar (MG)

...but so far no coherent work has been done for the Training Milestone This workshop is a unique opportunity to work all together at the Training Kit

Lets do it!
G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

Material for the Training Kit

The Training Kit material consists of:

descriptive material to be presented in lectures examples to be shown during lectures


code excerpts, plots etc.

exercises for hands-on sessions

The format for presentation material is MS PowerPoint

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

What to do in the Workshop Training Project

For each module, provide material suitable for: a basic introduction

to be part of a 1-day course

a detailed presentation

to be part of an extended School course or an academic-style series of lectures to be part of an extended School course to be part of an extended School course

a set of simple code examples specific to the module


hands-on exercises

Assemble all the material together

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

A first set of Modules for the Training Kit


This first choice of modules is motivated by the need to

achieve a first concrete deliverable


within the short time scale of the Workshop, so focusing on a relatively small number of basic modules Further extensions of the number of modules and their scope may be foreseen in the future

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

How the Project is organized


A Task Force is created for each Training Kit Module Each Task Force is responsible for providing a complete first version of the material for the Training Kit by the end of the Workshop The collaboration of all Working Groups is essential to the success of the Training Kit Project Existing material can be found at
G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

Activity planning

3x3 parallel sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

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each one under the responsibility of a Task Force to elaborate the material

A parallel session on Thursday


to assemble all the material provided by the Task Forces

A brief report every morning, in the plenary sessions

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by each of the Task Forces to monitor the daily progress of the work

A final report at a plenary session on Friday

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.


Monday 14.15 - 16.00

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141 Training kit: general, kernel deliberation room Training kit: fast simulation blue room auditorium 129 blue 129 141 blue Training kit: detector description Training kit: UI & Vis Training kit : EM physics Training kit : HD physics Training kit : persistency Training kit : exercises Training kit : assembling & future plans

Tuesday 15.15 - 18.00

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Wednesday 14.30 - 18
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Thursday 14.30 - 16

G. Cosmo & M.G. Pia.

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