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Banikanta Mishra

CID: 2010

Operating Cash Flow: Base Numbers

Net Sales OR Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold (Exclude Non-Cash Charges) - Taxes = Operating CF

Professor Banikanta MISHRA

$1,509 Net Sales = 750 212 COGS (w/o Non-Cash Charges) Tax

$547 Operating Cash Flow

Professor Banikanta MISHRA 3

Tax: Caveats
To compute tax, bear in mind that Non-cash Charges are shown as Costs Interest Payments are Tax-Deductible Marginal Tax Rate is different from Average
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 4

Computing Net Income (NI)

Net Sales - COGS - Non-cash Charges (e.g. Depreciation) = EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) - Interest = EBT (Earnings Before Taxes) or Taxable Income - Taxes = EAT (Earnings After Taxes) or Net Income - Dividends = (Addition to) Retained Earnings
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 5

Computing NI: Example

Net Sales - COGS - Non-cash Charges (Depreciation etc.) = EBIT - Interest = EBT or Taxable Income - Taxes @34% = EAT or Net Income - Dividends = (Addition to) Retained Earnings 1,509 750 65 = 694 70 = 624 212 = 412 103 = 309

Professor Banikanta MISHRA

Deriving Operating CF from NI

NI (Net Income) + Non-Cash Charges $412 65

What does this number represent?

70 547

+ Interest = Operating CF
Professor Banikanta MISHRA

Deriving Operating CF from EBIT

EBIT + Depreciation - Taxes
(this has to be known or given)

694 65 212

= Operating Cash Flow

Professor Banikanta MISHRA


Net Capital Spending

IF Ending NFA = Beginning NFA - Depreciation

Net Capital Spending = 0 => Purchase (if any) of Fixed Assets = Sales of FA
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 9

Deriving Net Capital Spending

= Ending NFA (Beginning NFA Depreciation) Ending NFA 1,709

- Beginning NFA
+ Depreciation = Net Capital Spending
Professor Banikanta MISHRA

65 130

Deriving Change in NWC

Ending NWC - Beginning NWC = Change in NWC 1,014 684 330

Professor Banikanta MISHRA


CFFA: Cash Flow from Assets

OCF (Operating CF) - Net Capital Spending - Change in NWC = CFFA
Professor Banikanta MISHRA

547 130 330 87


CF to Creditors/Bondholders
Interest Paid - Net New Borrowing* = CF to Creditors 70 46** 24

*Issue of New Debt Redemption or Retirement of Existing Debt

** LTD in 2007 LTD in 2006 = 454 - 408
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 13

CF to Stockholders/Equityholders
Dividends Paid - Net New Equity Raised* = CF to Stockholders
*Issue of New equity - Repurchase of Existing Equity ** CSPS (Common Stock and Paid-in Surplus)2007 CSPS2006 = 640 - 600
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 14

103 40** 63

Consistency Crosscheck: CF Identity

CF to Creditors + CF to Stockholders = CF from Assets (CFFA) 24 63 87

Professor Banikanta MISHRA


Right to the CF
Who does the $547 Operating CF belong to? $70 to Bondholders??

$477 to Stockholders??
Where does the $477 come from??? What about new debt and equity versus old ones???
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 16

Where Goes the OCF?

$70 Interest 103 Dividend

309 Retained (Earnings) 65 Non-cash Item; Still There
Professor Banikanta MISHRA 17

A Financing Picture
Retained CF + Net New Borrowing + Net New Equity = 374 46 40 SOURCES USES

= Change in NWC 330

+ Net Capital Spending 130

Professor Banikanta MISHRA 18

Again, Where Goes the OCF?

24 63 CF to Debtholders CF to Equityholdrs Change in NWC Net Capital Spending

330 130

Professor Banikanta MISHRA

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