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We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us. Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress.

Some stresses get you going and they are good for you - without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad.


Over-planning each day Doing several things at once Extreme need to win Excessive desire for advancement Inability to relax without feeling guilty Impatience with delays Over Commitment Chronic urgency Highly competitive drive Compulsion to overwork


When you face any danger, your nervous system immediately sends an emergency signal to your brain. All the different body parts and their functions coordinate to either fight or flee away from the danger.

You get more energy and your limbs work faster. This is clearly visible in your facial expressions as fear or tension.

Normally, this stage of stress can be due to an actual event such as an accident. It is then primary stress. Otherwise, you could cause your stress like when you are appearing for an important examination. This is secondary stress.
The general indications of this stage are your fast breathing with sweating and accelerated heart beat which leads to higher blood pressure and indigestion.


When you do not get any relief from the first stage of stress, you slowly start feeling a reduction in your energy levels. However, still you want to keep fighting the danger. Hence, you feel exasperated and are impatient with trivial matters. You miss your sleep schedules and find your resistance breaking Your body reacts by releasing the stored sugars and fats into your system. This leads to defined changes in your physical and mental behavioral patterns.

The normal indications of this level are exhaustion, weariness, anxiousness, and being forgetful. You start smoking and drinking more to come out of your stress. Being weak, you are an easy target for colds and flu.

When stress continues beyond the second stage and you do not adhere to remedial measures, the final stress stage of exhaustion settles in. You are now totally tired and drained out of all energy.

You do not even have the desire or the drive to do your work or live your life.

This stage symbolizes a breakdown of your system and your basic physical existence itself. This leads to loss of mental equilibrium and extreme complications such as heart diseases, blood pressure, and ulcers.


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