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The Skeletal System:

Structure and function of the bones

Functions of bone (skeleton)

Protection the skull protects the brain Support - The legs support the upper body Blood cell formation occurs in red marrow Storage -Mineral storage (calcium especially) Movement - Site for muscle attachment body movement

Bones classified by shape:

Long- longer than they are wide ex. humerus, femur Short- boxy ex. Wrist bones, ankle, patella Flat flat ,thin, sometimes curved ex. Skull, sternum, ribs Irregular- do not fit into any category ex. Vertabrae, pelvis

Bones classified by shape:

Bone Structure
Periosteum outer layer of bone which is made of dense connective tissue. It is rich in nerve fibers , lymphatic and blood vessels. Compact bone The tissue that consists of osteocytes. Its dense, strong and provides an attachment site for muscles. Spongy bone The interior of the bone . Its lightweight, porous, rich in blood vessels and contains bone marrows.

Bone Structure
Epiphysis - ends covered by articular cartilage. The epiphysis is composed mostly of spongy bone. Diaphysis - middle or shaft it is made up of compact bone surrounding the medullary cavity which contains yellow marrow

Bone Structure
Bone canals: Central canal a canal trough which runs blood vessels and nerve. Perforating canal - a canal Bone Marrow: Red Marrow - where the RBC and some WBC are formed in the epiphysis. Yellow Marrow contains fat cells in the diaphysis and produces blood cells only when needed.

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