Mindia Food and Agro Ltd1

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Mindia Food and Agro Ltd

By: Piyush Sharma Prateek Chaurasia Shivam Rai Ravit Sachdeva Abhishek Srivastava Varun Kumar

About Mindia
Mindia Food and Agro Ltd is a MNC from Italy which is proposing a launch of its well known Biscuit brand "Mindia to Indian market Mindia wants to Establish its company and feature itself in top 2 biscuit selling companies in India

Biscuit Industry in India An Overview

o Biscuit industry in India in the organized sector produces around 60% of the total production, the balance 40% being contributed by the unorganized bakeries. o The major Brands of biscuits are- Britannia, Parle Bakeman, Priya Gold, Elite, Cremica, Dukes, Anupam and Horlicks. o After dereservation few MNCs entered Indian market like. Sara Lee, Kellogs, Smith Kline Beecham, Heinz etc entering the biscuit industry in India.

Survey Conducted By : IBMA

Question 1

What Would be the objective and appropriate research design ?

Objective of Research
We have classified objective into following parts To find out consumption pattern of Indian Biscuit Market To find out the Brand loyalty of existing Biscuits brands To find out the Brand Power of existing Biscuits brands To find the reaction of customers with respect to change in price, quantity, packaging and taste of Biscuits

Segmentation of Population
Broadly there are three ways to segment the market followed by the biscuit industry:o Based on age group
Children's(5 12) Teenager (13-19) Middle aged(20-45) Old aged (45 onwards) Low Income groups Middle Income groups High Income groups

o Based on purchasing power of the consumers

o The lifestyle approach (What kind of Biscuit they prefer )

Low Calorie Low Sugar High Fat Low fat

Market Research Design(1/5)

Defining the problem, the decision alternative and research objective : The decision making situation on hand is considering the production of a new brand of Biscuits to the retail market of India The decision alternative include the price of product and consumption patterns The research objective are to define a market for the product and understand the consumer behavior of the target market segment which will be attended.

Market Research Design(2/5)

Inductive Research

Inductive Research Approach is used to Develop a general pattern and tentative hypothesis

Descriptive Research

Designed to provide further insight into the research problem by describing the variables of interest(who, what, where, how) What kinds of people now buy the product, and who buys our brand?


This type of study utilizes different groups of people who differ in the variable of interest, but share other characteristics


Market Research Design(3/5)

Developing a Research Plan :o Data Source In this research both primary data sources as well as secondary data will be used for comprehensive study of Indian biscuit Market o Research Approaches Survey research A survey will enable the company to know about consumer behavior, belief, preferences and satisfaction. o Research Instruments Questionnaires It is the most used primary research instrument because of its flexibility, It seems very easy to construct a questionnaire but all the common mistake researchers do is while framing the questions itself which may defeat the very purpose of research .So it is very necessary that the questions are very relevant as well as unambiguous

Market Research Design(4/5)

o Sampling Phase Sampling Unit- Since biscuits are consumed by the masses of population consisting of children to adults are the sampling unit for understanding the age groups Sample Size A size of 500 respondents/city (Including retailers and Consumer) o Sampling Procedure Convenience sampling -attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements. Often, respondents are selected because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.

Market Research Design(5/5)

Snow ball Sampling - an initial group of respondents is selected, usually at random. o After being interviewed, these respondents are asked to identify others who belong to the target population of interest. o Subsequent respondents will be selected based on the referrals made by them


Data collection It is the heart of the research , Data needs to be consistent. Honesty and integrity on part of respondent as well as fieldworker are equally important Analyzing the Information This step will help to extract meaningful information from the data hence software and other statistical tools can be used to facilitate research work Present the findings This step is the face of research. The researcher has to present his finding and show his ability to interpret data Make the Decisions According to above findings accordingly Mindia will take Decision


Question 2
o What sources of information would be suitable for the study? o Through survey from Retailer Consumers o Secondary data


Primary data collection methods

Observation By observing what consumer is looking for while buying the biscuit at retail stores and supermarket. Expert Advice Getting advices from the experts in the field of Indian Biscuit Industry. Surveys Filling Questionnaires and conducting Personal Interviews in market, retail stores and supermarket.


Questions from retailers

o General Questions on shop name, Owner name, shop category, location etc. o Questions regarding the available varieties of Biscuits n the shop, and the various categories of biscuits kept in the shop. o Whether the consumer demand for new biscuit brands or not? o Questions regarding availability of the products o Questions regarding retailers margin
Margins of the Existing brands Expected margins from a new entrant.

o then questions regarding the products awareness etc has been put forth in the questionnaire.

Questions from consumers

o General questions seeking the name, family status, financial background of the consumer. o Specific questions about which brand of biscuits the consumer mainly consumes. o Questions regarding consumption habits and consumption occasions of the consumer as in who, when, why and how consumes biscuits in the family. o Questions regarding the importance of Price and Quality. o Questions regarding the Types of brands consumed by the family, the most preferred brand, and the awareness regarding brands . o Lastly and most importantly, question seeking leads about the judgments, perceptions, trust, attitudes of the consumer behind purchasing a certain brand.

Sample Questionnaire for a consumer

Name............. Occupation.. Address.. 1) Age a) <15

b) 15< 25

c) 25<40

d) 40<60

e) 60<

2) Who generally do shopping (Food Products) in your family? a) Father b) Mother c) Children d) Yourself 3) Who is the main consumer of biscuit in family? a) Children b) Elders c) Guests

e) Other

4) Which brand of biscuit do you like? a) Parle b) Britannia c) Sun feast

5) Why do you like this particular brand of biscuit? a) Quality b) Taste c) Brand

d) Priyagold

e) Other

d) Price e) Packaging

Sample Questionnaire for a consumer

6) Any particular reason for which you attract most towards a biscuit brand? a) Quality with less price b) Quality with great taste c) Advertising d) Brand Ambassador e) After Promoting by Shopkeeper 7) Which type of variety you like most? a) Cream b) Marie

c) Glucose

d) Namkeen

e) Other

8) How do you find availability of preferred biscuit in your area? a) Very Good b) Good c) Satisfactory c) Poor 9) What is the source of information about your preferred Biscuit? a) Shopkeeper b) Friend c) T.V d) Newspaper Any Suggestion..

d) Very Poor

e) Other


Secondary Data
Researches done by IBMA (Indian Biscuit Manufactures Association)


Present Market Share


Survey Conducted By : IBMA

Based on the production in India biscuits can be broadly classified into:-

Survey Conducted By : IBMA


Mindias Competitor PriceDistribution

Survey Conducted By : IBMA


Case Study http://www.ibmabiscuits.in/ibma/aimsobjective.html http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=& esrc


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