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Healthcare in Singapore

Taking Care of the Nation

Education in Singapore: Education before and after independence Education in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s What is the importance of education to nation-building?

Singapores Healthcare System

Healthcare: essential to any nation health of the population invariably affects the productivity of the economy. Relevance of healthcare today: aging population more and more % of the population require healthcare services.

Singapore Welfare State?

What is a welfare state? Why or why not?

History of Healthcare
1960s: Built more hospitals and clinics School health services sent medical nurses to schools to examine students Established measures to prevent infectious diseases and improper disposal of rubbish

History of Healthcare
Economy grown better educated and wealthier population Specialization of medical services Growth of polyclinics in neighbourhood centres

History of Healthcare
1980s: Government begins to move responsibility to individuals, while still contributing to help those who cannot be self-reliant Roles of individual, government and the community

To save public resources, individuals have to pay an amount of their healthcare bills. Schemes in place to make sure that individuals can afford to pay. Medisave: compulsory savings scheme workers contribute 6-8% of salary. Medishield: voluntary insurance scheme for prolonged illnesses premium paid via Medisave

Although individuals are given more responsibility, the government still tries to play a part. Medifund: 1993 scheme to help those who are too poor to afford basic healthcare. Means testing: Government subsidizes the lower income group more than those with higher income. Encourages citizens to adopt a healthy lifestyle information about diet and screening programmes.

Community also plays a part to supplement the roles of individuals and the government. Voluntary welfare organizations community hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres helps take care of the elderly. Media provides information about good hygiene habits important during crisis periods like SARS and H1N1 crisis.

Point Elaboration Example Link

Explain the roles played by the different sectors of society to ensure an effective healthcare system in Singapore.

Example: Individuals
(Point) Individuals play a key role as Singaporean citizens are expected to be largely self-reliant and responsible for their own health. (Elaboration) It is important for individuals to be self-reliant as it ensures that public resources are properly allocated. This allows the government to use public funds for other important purposes. (Example) An example of this self-reliance is how individuals are expected to pay a part of their own medical expenses through the Medisave and Medishield schemes. Medisave is a compulsory savings scheme in which workers contribute 6 to 8% of their salaries. Medishield is an insurance scheme for serious or prolonged illnesses and individuals pay a small premium regularly. (Link) Therefore, individuals are forced to set aside a sum of money to be used only if they require for medical expenses and this helps them to be self-reliant.

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