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Prepared by: Mahesh Sanga MBA (Sem.4th) Roll no.

16th (SFI)

Guided by: Ami Pandya

Submitted to: Department of Business Administration Faculty of Management Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar

HR means employees in organization, who work to increase the profit for organization. Development, it is acquisition of capabilities that are needed to do the present job, or the future expected job. Climate, this is an overall feeling that is conveyed by the physical layout, the way employees interact and the way members of the organization conduct themselves with outsiders.

Organizational climate is a set of characteristics of an organization which are referred in the descriptions employees make of the policies, practices and conditions which exist in the working environment.

Top to Bottom effort Motivator role of Manager and Supervisor Faith upon employees Free expression of Feelings Feedback Helpful nature of employees Supportive personnel management Encouraging and risk taking experimentation Discouraging stereotypes and favoritism Team Spirit

Organizational Structure
An organizations structure is actually a print of a work process, freezing in time so that it can be viewed.

Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is the pattern of beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, and customs that exists within an organization. Organizational culture may result in part from senior management beliefs or from the beliefs of employees.

Environmental factors of HR are prime influencing elements of change in HR strategy. It gives HR professionals time to anticipate opportunities in HR area and time to plan optional responses to these opportunities. It helps HR professionals to develop an early warning system to prevent threats emerging out from HR scenario, or to develop strategies, which can turn a threat. It forms a basis of aligning the organization strengths to the changes in the environment. It enables the entry of the latest national/international HR developments.

Economic condition Leadership Style Managerial assumption about

human nature Managerial values and ethos Organization size

Definition Managing change means co-ordinating a number of activities and inter-relationships so that the organization can survive, and benefit from, the process of change. A major challenge is to achieve the right balance between the short-term pressure for change and longer-term corporate goals.

At all times involve and agree support from people within system Understand where the organization is at the moment. Understand where you want to be, when, why, and what the measures will be for having got there. Plan development towards above No.3 in appropriate achievable measurable stages. Communicate, involve, enable and facilitate involvement from people, as early and openly and as fully as is possible

Mission changes, Strategic changes, Operational changes, Technological changes, Changing the attitudes and behaviors of personnel.

Benefits of change management to the organization: Change is a planned and managed process. The benefits of the change are known before implementation and serve as motivators and assessment of progress The organization can respond faster to customer demands Helps to align existing resources within the organization Change management allows the organization to assess the overall impact of a change Change can be implemented without negatively effecting the day to day running of business Organizational effectiveness and efficiency is maintained or even improved by acknowledging the concerns of staff

Benefits of change management for individuals / staff: Effective change management supports a smooth transition from the old to the new while maintaining morale, productivity, and even company image Provides management and staff support for concerns regarding changes An efficient change management process creates the correct perception of the change for staff and public Helps to plan efficient communication strategies Minimizes resistance to change Improves morale, productivity and quality of work Improves cooperation, collaboration and communication

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