8 Paper 2 Wjec

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Todays Lesson Objectives:

To understand the format and value of Paper 2. To recap and revise reading strategies that will support you in Section A of paper 2. To know how to successfully answer the types of questions that you will be asked.

GCSE - English
What are the components of this exam? 20% Speaking and Listening 20% Coursework 30% Paper 1 30% Paper 2

Paper 1
Reading (Comprehension) exercise with a fiction extract. Writing to Describe. Writing a short story.

Paper 2
Reading (Comprehension) exercise with a Media extract 30 marks Writing to analyse, review, comment 20 marks Writing to argue, persuade, advise 20 marks The paper lasts 2 hours How long should you spend on each section? The board advises: Section A 50 minutes Section B B1 - 35 minutes B2 - 35 minutes

Todays lesson
We are using the 2004 foundation paper 2 Reading What techniques do you recall from last years preparation? Read the questions first Read the article methodically, preparing to annotate key words that relate to the question.

A1- List 5 details from the text that show how life has changed for the trainee chefs
What are you being asked to do? If you are asked to list, you can literally pick out the key words or phrases and write a bullet point answer. However, for today, we will use some inference skills in order to develop this in preparation for future questions
Quote from the text What this quote that shows how life suggests has changed for the trainee Chefs

A2 - List 5 problems that Jamie faced during the training scheme

What are you being asked to do? If you are asked to list, you can literally pick out the key words or phrases and write a bullet point answer. However, for today, we will use some inference skills in order to develop this in preparation for future questions
Quote from the text What this quote that shows reveals suggests a problem

A3 What are your thoughts and feelings about Tim Siadatan?

The photograph of Tim and the choice of headline. Look at his posture Look at his smile Look at the location and look at the way that he is dressed. Headline what are the connotations of the words saved me ?

A3 What are your thoughts and feelings about Tim Siadatan?

What you learn about him and his time on the training scheme A quote that tells you What this quote suggests: about him / his time on the training scheme

A3 What are your thoughts and feelings about Tim Siadatan?

What he says and how this affects your thoughts and feelings about him A quote of something that How this makes you feel. he says

A4 What are the writers attitudes to Jamie Oliver? How does she make these clear?
A quote that tells us her attitude to Jamie What is she saying? What technique is Oliver she using? just about 90% of the UK population hateUsing hyperbole / exaggeration to make it him seem as if everyone is on her side barking mad people By calling his fans barking mad she is criticising the opposition and making them seem stupid. By putting the word chef in inverted commas, she is suggesting that she uses the term loosely and he is not really a proper chef.


A5 What impressions of Jamie Oliver do YOU get from these two texts
A quote that gives you an impression of Jamie Oliver has gambled 1.3 million of his own money to make the scheme a success he is hard working, loyal, responsible, generous and sympathetic Oliver was, Siadaten said, supportive throughout Jamie kept reassuring us that he wouldnt turn his back on us By the third series we both wanted to throw the trusty food mixer at the TV to hear some buffoon making loads of money by saying Pukka is ever so slightly annoying What impression does it give you?

Todays Lesson Objectives:

To understand the format and value of Paper 2. To recap and revise reading strategies that will support you in Section A of paper 2. To know how to successfully answer the types of questions that you will be asked.

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