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4/20/2012 1

Food Security
As the Global population is raising day by day- 1/3rd of

area under water, arable land is shrinking

There is need to increase the productivity of crops Change in food pattern Balance in nutritional value of food materials Proper storage and transport mechanism Allow access to food to all citizens by proper System Control Export and Import / Trade of Food articles

considering the requirements/ consumption of local producing areas.

4th National conference on food security 2

Present Trends
Research & Development in the areas of Seed, crop

protection, nutrient management, processing and storage is carried by many institutions Area, production and productivity of different food material is growing but are challenged by several reasons like macro and micro level policies and infrastructure The number of New Agriculture graduates passing out every year is increasing but not sufficient to fulfill the requirement of Agribusiness Industry
4th National conference on food security 3

4th National conference on food security

4th National conference on food security

Emerging Opportunities
Increase Farm Area, production and Productivity Increase Farmers Income and developing a cropping

pattern to produce sufficient food Diversification/ Shift in cropping pattern based on research on consumer behavior and Farm Economics Farm Mechanization to deal with upcoming labor scarcity New Farming Technologies Food Processing, Storage and Logistics Solution Agri Produce Marketing and Branding Agribusiness Consultancy/ Advisory Services
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Sustainable Approach
Any Technology in research laboratory is useless till it

reach to the final beneficiary/ user. Anything given free of cost to anybody does not have value of it Branding and Marketing gives long time effect of Product Any Product/ technologies developed must be tested for long term impact on Ecology/ Environment Active Involvement / encouragement of Agri Graduates to Join Farming as a Profession


Research & Development at Different Govt & Private

Institutions as well as in remote area Focus in Approach for R&D in Agricultural Technology Whats a common citizen want from new technology


Agriculture Technologies
Hybrid & Improved Seeds
New molecules of pesticides New combination and product Mix in fertilizers Improved Micro Irrigation Technologies Food Processing and Storage Solutions Improved Machineries for Farm Operations Advance farming Technologies Green House/ Shade House etc.. Hydroponic Farming Composite Farming/ Precision Farming/ Mixed farming
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Commercialization of Agri Tech

What does commercialization means for technology?
Which type of Agricultural Technologies to be

Commercialized? Why to commercialize the technologies? What will be gain to researcher for commercialization of Technology? What are the support required from policy makers for effective commercialization of the technology?



Affordable Commercialization
The value of technology
The price benefit preposition for consumer Market Research and Analysis on adaptability Research based on Immediate and Long term goal of

National Policy on Food security Support to Entrepreneurs/ Researchers for Effective R&D and its commercialization Brake even analysis Financial Supports for Promotion of Technology
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Partners in Commercialization
Research Institutions
Government Bodies NGOs Entrepreneurs Farmers Retailers/ Dealers in Agri Commodities APMCs



Limitations in commercialization
All Technology will not be a free access to all
Fair & unfair Cases of IPR violation will increase Cost is not defined as its intellectual property



Benefits of Commercialization of Technology

Researcher will get the appropriate and proper Royalty

income on his research Constructive Approach for development of new products

4th National conference on food security


Case Study
Bt Cotton
Drip Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation Green House Power Tillers Tractors Sprayers Cold Storage



Bottleneck of Agri Business

Lengthy and Cumbersome Licensing Process
Lacuna in Marketing Permissions Process No control in Regulation of Agri Input Business Non Professional Retailers in Agri Input Business Leads inappropriate products sale No proper guidance to Farmers Credit oriented market Default and delayed payment causes loss of around 20% to the Industry Accessible, Efficient & Professional Laboratory for

Sample Test
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Opportunity for Agricos

Agri input Manufacturing & Marketing
Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres Composite/ Advanced Farming Commodity Procurement, Processing & Logistics services AGRI CONSULTANCY SERVICES to TECHNOCRATS FARMERS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS NGOs & Govt Institutions
4th National conference on food security 17

Consultancy to Technocrats
Help the researchers in commercialization of their

proven technologies Based on research paper study by

Finding Cost Benefit preposition of the technology to

end user/ consumer Support in preparation of DPR & TEV study for cost of commercial production, Promotion, Marketing and financial requirements. Assist in Availing Financial arrangements by VC/ PE/ Debt/ JV/ Government Schemes etc Support in Marketing of the produce/ technology
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Consultancy Needs to Farmers

Consultancy Services for the Farmers to Increase their

Farm Profitability by
Helping the farmers to select appropriate technology of

farming/ crop/ technologies to increase farm profitability Helping the farmers to Formulate the DPR and TEV study to make the farming as Industry Proper Guidance and Advisory for Availing finance, benefits of schemes etc at one step



Consultancy to Bankers/ Financers

Find out suitable and viable technologies
Find Suitable and promising entrepreneurs Support in Preparation of TEV Study as per banking

Norms Support in Risk Assessments of Proposal Support in Risk Mitigation in the proposal Support in formulation and designing the new financial product for Promising Advanced Technology Assessment , Monitoring & Reporting of the business of entrepreneurs in banking perspective
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Solutions to Government/ NGOs

Promotion of Schemes and Projects to Grass root level
Second channel dissemination of Information on

Government Plans and Projects Two way Information providers for Strategy of Institution with real implication on adoptability





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