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Heat and Hot ??

The definition of heat

Explain the definition of heat Describe the influence of heat to the temperature of matter Describe the influence of heat to the change of matter phase

Heat Heat a kind of fluids Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) energy Benyamin Thomson/ Count Rumford (1753-1814) Robert Meyer (1814-1878) James Prescott Joule (1818-1889)

Kalor : bentuk energi yang berpindah dari benda yang suhunya lebih tinggi ke benda yang lebih rendah ketika kedua benda bersentuhan. Heat : the form of energy transfers from the higher temperature to lower temperature of an object when two objects is contact 1 calorie = 4,2 joule 1 joule = 0,24 calorie
Unit in SI Joule

The difference of heat and temperature

Heat Temperature

Form of energy Degree of heat Unit of heat in SI is joule Can do work Transfers from hot area to a cold area Unit of temperature in SI is Kelvin Cannot work Increase when heated and decreases when cooled

The Quantity of Heat Energy

Heat energy is measured in unit called calories (cal). One calorie is defined as the heat to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius. The unit of heat in international system is joule. 1 cal = 4.2 joules.

The effect of heat on a matter

The change of temperature . The state of matter changes

The Influence of Heat To The Temperature of Matter

Pengaruh kalor terhadap suhu zat m

c t

Mass heat Q = m c t Kalor jenis = specific heat heat

C Temperature heat =


Q : kalor = heat required (J) m : mass = massa (kg) c : kalor jenis = specific heat (J/kg oC) t : perubahan suhu = the change of temperature (oC) C : kapasitas kalor = heat capacity (J/ oC)

1. How much heat is needed to change 2 kg of water at 20 oC to 100 oC, If specific heat capacity of water 4200 j/kg oC. Solution Given T = 100 oC- 20 oC = 80 Co c = 4200 j/kg Co m= 2 kg Unknown : Q ? Solution Q = m x c x T = 2 kg x 4200 j/kg Co x 80 Co = 672.000 J

1. What is the definition of heat? 2. What is the unit of heat in SI (International System)? 3. Berapa kalor yang diperlukan untuk menaikkan suhu 4 kg besi dari 20 oC menjadi 60 oC? (kalor jenis besi 460 J/ kg oC ) 4. How much heat is needed to change 4 g of water at 30oC to 100oC if specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J/g oC ? 5. Berapa massa yang digunakan untuk menaikkan suhu besi dari 27oC hingga 52oC dengan kalor 57500 J? (cbesi = 460 J/kg )

What is happened when an object is heated to be continous?

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The Influence Of Heat To The Change of Matter Phase

Pengaruh kalor terhadap wujud benda

The accelerate way of evaporation

1. Temperature 2. Surface (permukaan) 3. Blowing on surface 4. Pressure

Kalor Kalor Laten Kalor sensibel Perubahan fase Perubahan suhu




Q=mLuap 100oC Q=mLes liquid 0oC 100oC

L water = 336.000 J/kg = 80 kal/gr U water = 2.260.000 J/kg = 540 kal/gr


0oC solid

Heat (J)

A graph showing the relation between the water temperature and the heat at a pressure of 1 atmosphere





Figure: 1

Figure: 2



1. What is the heat required to evaporate 4 kg of water at its boiling point? Berapakah kalor yang diperlukan untuk menguapkan 4 kg air pada titik didihnya?
Known: m = 4 kg U = 2.260.000 J/kg Asked: Q? Answer: Q = m U Q = 4 kg . 2.260.000 J/kg

Q = 9.040.000 J = 9,04 x 10-6 J

1. Tentukan jumlah kalor yang diperlukan untuk mengubah 1 gram es -10oC menjadi 1 gram uap 110oC. Diketahui: Kalor jenis es : ces = 0,5 kal/gr oC Kalor lebur es : Les = 80 kal/gr oC 110oC Kalor uap air : Uuap = 540 kal/gr oC Q5
Answer Q = Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4+Q5 Q = m c t + m Les + m c t + m Luap + m c t Q = 735 kalori 0oC Q1 -10oC Q3 Q2 0oC Q4 100oC 100oC

1. Calculate the heat required to evaporate 1 kg of water at temperature of 90oC. (the specific heat water 4.200 J/kg oC and the vapor heat is 2.260.000 J/kg) Hitunglah banyaknya kalor yang diperlukan untuk menguapkan 1 kg air pada suhu 90oC. (kalor jenis air 4.200 j/kgoC dan kalor uap air 2.260.000 J/kg? 2. Tentukan kalor yang diperlukan untuk mengubah 2 kg es dari -20oC menjadi 50oC, jika diketahui: ces = 0,5 kkal/kg oC Kalor lebur es = 80 kkal/kg cair = 1 kkal/kg oC

1. What is the definition of boiling point and melting point? 2. Air sebanyak 50 gr pada suhu 28oC, diberi kalor sebesar 100 kalori. Tentukan suhu akhir air yang terjadi! (cair = 1 kal/gr oC) 3. 250 gr of glycerin is heated from initial temperature 12oC until 56oC. If the specific heat of glycerin 2,4x103 J/kg oC. The heat required is J 4. A bar of aluminum is heated from 40oC-110oC. If the heat of aluminum required is 644 J and the specific of heat 9,2x102J/kg oC. The mass of aluminum is gr 5. Sebatang perak bermassa 700 gr pada suhu 15oC diperlukan kalor 6300 J. Berapakah suhu akhir perak? cperak=230 J/kg oC

6. t (oC) 110 60


Q (J)

The specific heat of aluminum is 390 J/kg oC The mass of aluminum is kg

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