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Pitch Proposal Click to edit Master subtitle style

By Connor Hawkins


Market Research

Here is an example of my questionnaire and my questionnaire results. From this research I found out what I should include in my 4/20/12

Target Audience

My target audience age will be between 18 25. will be targeting my film towards more the male side than female. class citizens


These are examples of my storyboard and my script. Each shot describes the: Sound/dialou gue C.shot C.Angle C.Movement Location


Location Stills

These are 3 of my locations that I will be filming at.


Location Scouts
These are my 4 location scouts showing the 180 degree line and which side of that line I will be filming.


My Films Poster


Effect Demos

Hawkins Co.
Both of these 2 title have a fade into the title and then a fade out

A Past Revenge

Filming my film wont require a vast amount of equipment as a lot of the scenes will use the general area to create its scene therefore these are the only pieces of equipment I will need: DSLR Camera Tripod


Financial Costs
Actors Sound

crew crew crew

Camera Lighting Editing Make Hair And


up artist

stylist more


It will appeal to the male gender through all the action clips like explosions, fist fights etc. The age limit is 18 as all the swearing within the film is inappropriate for younger generations.


Character Profiles
Character Bio

Name: Alex Patton Hair colour: Dark brown Eye colour: Green/Blue Height: 5ft12 Ethnic Origins: British

Alex Patton looks like an average 21 year old man like any other. However, Alex has great skills when it comes to fighting; he has practiced martial arts from a young age. Not only does he have skills in fighting he also has skills in finding certain people for others (like a private investigator) and seeing things in ways others dont, which allows him to be quicker and smarter than an average guy. Alex lives alone in a small flat although he has great skills he isnt very lucky when it comes to money. As a lot of well-built guys he is quite a ladies man, although he is 4/20/12 to his girlfriend Sarah dedicated

Character Profiles
Character Bio

Name: Ashley Foster Hair colour: Blonde Eye Colour: Blue Height: Ethnic Origins: British Ashley Foster is just a normal average woman who goes to work, comes home and

Whole Films Storylines

Alex starts getting dreams about what happened to his parents when he was young. Alex then decides to use his skills to find out what it was that happened to them. Once finding out that they were murdered he goes out looking for revenge on the people who murdered his parents. After getting caught and held captive he escapes and the film turns into an action packed film with explosions, gunfire, fist fights etc. At the end of the film he manages to kill one of 4/20/12 the guys that killed his parents but one of them

Thank You for Listening

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