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Gerunds and Infinitives

sim fiiller ve mastarlar

A gerund is a noun formed from a verb with an ing ending. Gerunds have several functions:
Bir isim fiil, bir fiilin sonuna -ing eki getirilmesiyle oluturulur. sim fiillerin birka kullanm alan vardr.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

zne olarak

as the subject as the object after prepositions after a possessive pronoun as the complement of the verb "to be"

nesne olarak

edatlardan sonra

bir iyelik zamirinden sonra

to be fiilinin tamamlaycs olarak

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

zne olarak

as the subject Horse-racing is his favorite activity. Smoking is hazardous to health.

At yar onun en sevdii etkinliktir.

Sigara imek sala zararldr.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

nesne olarak

as the object Mary loves eating chocolates very much. The soldiers practice shooting everyday.

Mary ikolota yemeyi ok seviyor.

Askerler her gn at talimi yapyorlar.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

edatlardan sonra

After propositions Mary is very fond of playing basketball. Children are bored of playing with the sand.

Mary basketbol oynamaya dkndr.

ocuklar Kumla oynamaktan sklm durumdalar.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

bir iyelik zamirlerinden sonra

After a possessive pronoun Excuse my disturbing you. Their friends clapped at her receiving the first prize.

Sizi rahatsz etmemi mazur grnz.

Birincilik dln alnca, arkadalar onu alkladlar.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

as the complement of the verb "to be"

to be fiilinin tamamlaycs olarak

Benim hobim pul toplamaktr.

My hobby is collecting stamps. Your work is answering telephone calls.

Senin iin telefonlara cevap vermektir.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

The students try to avoid making the mistakes again. renciler ayn hatay tekrar yapmaktan kanmaya alyorlar. I can't stand waiting here for such a long time. Burada bu kadar uzun bir sure beklemeye dayanamyorum. May denied having broken the vase. May vazoyu krdn inkar etti. The children have finished doing their work. ocuklar devlerini yapmay bitirdiler.

Uses of Gerunds
sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

The students suggest going for a picnic the next day. renciler ertesi gn bir piknie gitmeyi teklif ettiler. I can't tolerate his coming late again. Yine ge kalmasna tolerans gsteremem.

These verbs are commonly followed by gerunds

Bu fiillerden sonra genellikle isim fiiller gelir
Advice can't help dislike Anticipate complete enjoy Appreciate consider finish Admit Begin discuss Attempt delay avoid deny


sim fillerin kullanm alanlar

zne olarak

as the subject as the object after prepositions after a possessive pronoun as the complement of the verb "to be"

nesne olarak

edatlardan sonra

bir iyelik zamirinden sonra

to be fiilinin tamamlaycs olarak

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