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Personal Attributes and Characteristics

Research on Teaching

Difficulty defining effective teaching In student achievement, SES overshadows all other variables Other variables include:

Qualities of the teacher Educational aspirations or motivation of students

How Do We Know Teachers Are Effective?

Rated according to their ability to help students gain the most from instruction

Performance on standardized tests

Personal Attributes Identified with Effective Teachers

3 Broad Headings

Motivating personality

Orientation toward success

Professional demeanor

Motivating Personality
Enthusiasm Variety Warmth and humor

Orientation Toward Success

Teachers believe in their own and their students ability to be successful

Professional Demeanor

Focused on helping students learn Professionally knowledgeable Businesslike

Seen as credible and worthy of trust

Motivating Personality


Convey confidence to students Convey enjoyment and value of subject

Interest and involvement

Vigor Physical dynamism

Motivating Personality

How Enthusiasm Is Conveyed

Using variety in speech, gestures, and facial expressions Moving around the room Maintaining eye contact Encouraging participation Soliciting input from students Maintaining a brisk lesson pace

Motivating Personality

How Warmth Is Shown

Through positive and supportive interpersonal relationships with students By letting students get a sense of ones personality (real people) By showing friendliness By maintaining a positive attitude By demonstrating an interest in students as individuals By appearing to be open and willing to work with students

Motivating Personality



Ability to laugh when something funny occurs in the classroom Avoid teasing and sarcasm Plan lessons which incorporate or point out amusing aspects of a topic

Deliberate or planned

Motivating Personality


Credentials Messages you send to students

Relate topics to their interest and needs Being open, honest, and equitable in dealings with students Soliciting and accepting students comments or criticism Defining expectations Demonstrating interest and concern for student success


Orientation for Success

High Expectations for Success

Self-efficacy Expectations for student success

Self-fulfilling prophecy Set realistic goals Sustain and modify expectations Convey goals clearly Work to provide each student with the opportunity to succeed Provide remediation

Professional Demeanor


Emphasize activities most likely to help students learn Offer clearly defined learning outcomes/goal-oriented Seriousness Deliberateness Organized Adaptable/flexible Knowledgeable

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