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Transport Project Presentation

The first page or Home page of the project is Login page. In this page, user has to enter the login details such as username and password. After entering the details and clicking the Login button, it validates whether the user is authorized or not. If the user is authorized one, then it redirects to the corresponding page or else it shows an error message Enter valid username and Password. Below shown is the Login page or the Home page of the Project.

Freight Department

This project has three departments namely 1. Freight Department 2. Stores Department 3. Billing Department If the valid user belongs to Freight department then it redirects to the page Main Menu Page where he has two sub menus namely 1. New freight slip 2. Modify freight slip

New Freight Slip

From the above Menu page, user can select the New freight slip or Modify freight slip options. If he selects the New freight slip option then below page is displayed, where he can enter the details such as vehicle no., owner name, container type, size, Gross weight, Driver name, From, Destination, HSD, Rate etc., except the Freight no. Here Freight no. is generated automatically.

Modify Freight Slip

If user selects the Modify freight slip option then below page is displayed where he can modify the freight slip details according to the freight no. selected from the dropdown list. After doing the modifications in the freight slip, he can update the details by clicking the Update button given in the form at the bottom.

Stores Department

In Stores Department user has three sub-menus namely 1. Availability 2. Vehicle Information 3. Vehicle Maintenance If the user belongs to Stores Department, it redirects to the page Vehicles that are not sent yesterday. There he has to enter the reason for not sending the vehicle yesterday.


In this page he can see the availability of the containers or vehicles by selecting the type from the dropdown list. The availability of type he selected is displayed below in the same page itself.

Vehicle Information

In this page, he can select the vehicle no. from the dropdown list, From date and To date to view the details of the vehicle. By clicking the Show button, the details between those dates entered are displayed below in the same page itself.

Vehicle maintenance

In this page, user can add the vehicle details such as Vehicle Registration no., Purchased date, Insurance details, Road Tax details, Date of renewal. All the details entered are displayed below in the same page in tabular form as shown below.

Billing Department

In this department, user has two sub-menus namely 1. Bills 2. Invoice

If user selects the Bills option then below page is displayed, where he can select the bills according party-wise or monthly-wise and details are shown below in the same page itself.


In this page, user has to select the Party from the dropdown list, From date and To date. On clicking the Show button the details of the selected party between those dates are shown below in the same page in tabular form.

On clicking the Logout button, the user completely come outs from application and Login page is displayed. Now to enter into the application again, he has to enter the valid username and password.

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