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Development of Marketing Strategies for the ProductKisan Raja

Companys overview
Vinfinet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Founder: Vijay Bhaskar, alumni of Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras. Its aim is to provides technological solutions to the farmers. Among top two innovations in Samsung Innovation Quotient

About the product

Product name: Kisan Raja -GSM based remote motor controller Features: Operates motor pump with the help of mobile or landline phone. IVRS in regional languages. Acknowledgement of power availability Safety a) Theft detection b) High voltage fluctuation

Objective of the study

To Develop a Marketing Strategy for the product -Kisan Raja Identify the Potential Customer (nearby Bangalore, Karnataka). Distribution Channel Positioning of Product Promotional Strategies Pricing Strategies

Research Methodology
1) Research Design: Descriptive 2) Data Source: a) Primary Data: Farmers Retailers b) Secondary: Company data(provided by the company) Internet 3) Area of study: Bangalore rural Chikballapur, Mandya, Tumkur

Sampling Plan

Universe: Karnataka Sampling unit: Farmers , Retailers Sample size: Farmers:200

Retailers: 54
Sampling technique- Convenient sampling

Result and Discussion

Identify the potential Customers for the product (nearby Bangalore, Land Karnataka). Holding

30% 60%

Large Farmers Medium Farmers Small Farmers

Potential Customer
Pump for Irrigation

Yes No


Problems In irrigation

Physical effort and inconvenience Frequent damage of irrigation equipment Theft of irrigation equipment Wastage of water and electricity

Substitute product in the market

Auto starters: Only starts the motor pump automatically.

Distribution Strategies
1. Channel - Selective Distribution

Company Dealer Farmers

Market place for a farmer- Taluk Willingness of retailers to take dealership

Willingness of dealer

40% 60%

Yes No

Operational Excellence Product Leadership Customer Intimacy


55% 20%

Operational Execellence Product leadership Customers Intimacy

Medium of awareness
15% 40% 20% Agriculture magzines Multimedia 25%

Local leader/ Progressive farmer KVK

SMS Campaign Voice Campaign (IVRS) Field demonstration

KVK, Bangalore Farmers field

Awareness through Multimedia Newspaper, Magazines(Raitamitra, Krishi Mitra) Advertisements in bus

Pricing Strategy

Cost incurred by the farmers

Benefit Element Electricity Charges Fuel Costs1 Labour Cost2 Fertilizer runoff Benefit (Rs) NIL under power subsidy Rs.2,000/Rs.12,000/Rs.1,000/-

Motor Repair3
Total Cost per annum


Fuel Costs: considering an average of 5km two-way, 20 times in a month. costs: A minimum of 1000 per month considering 100 Rs/day, 10 to 15 times a month. 3Motor Repair - Repair due to motor running while water was not available, assuming break down of at least twice in a year

2. Price of Product:
Elements (Rs)

Price of product
Maintenance cost Annual Cost

500 per annum 6000

3. Cost Benefit to Farmers: Rs 14,000 per annum

List of Competitors
Auto Starters: These devices start the motor when power is available and keep the motor running all the time, as long as power is available. Nano Ganesh from Ossian Agro Automation Micro Jaikisan from Micro Technologies. Real Mobile Starter Controller from Real Tech Systems. Kyatee Mobile Starter from Khyatee. GSM based Smart Pump Controller from ASquareESystems.

Competitive Advantage

Product Leadership
Highly innovative Superior to any existing technologies in the market on several parameters.

Price Leadership
Price lower than Rs.6,000/- there by securing the More Features at Lower Price advantage.


Model replication across the Geographies

Multiple Local Language IVRS menu

Large farmers and medium farmers using motor pump are our potential customers. One dealer per Taluk. Providing a local technician for after sales service. Positioning the product as a best solution to farmers . Competitive advantage as no such product is available in karnataka

Refrences Kotler, Philip, Positioning, Consumer buying process, Promotional strategies ( (

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