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Programme Leadership Lecture 2

Tariq Rafiq


Learning Outcome
. Be able to plan and agree a programme of related projects that support the strategic plans of an organisation


Progects, Programmes, and Policies

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Processes, Programs, and Projects

Process is a repeatable sequence of connected events that lead to a predictable, value-added outcome. A process is characterized by its on-going and repetitive nature, performed in a standardized way with predictable resource requirements. Program is work associated with on-going operations or related projects managed in a coordinated way. Work activities of programs may be project-oriented, task oriented, or requestoriented, but must align with clear customer or stakeholder outcomes. Operational Systems are best categorized as a subgroup of programs. Project is temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result of lasting benefit. It generally has a fixed resource base, and a project team that will disband upon project completion.
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What is a project?
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Creates unique deliverable defined by scope Definite beginning and end. Set resources. Project team is often a matrix team, that disbands when the deliverable is complete. Achieves measurable results.
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Initiation of a project Review of business needs Documentation of requirements, and relative benefit (RoI) of project Feasibility evaluation
Proof of concept Comparative benefit

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Project Process Groups

Prioritizing / Feasibility study/ Structuring

Scope development and verification Work breakdown Risk management Activity Sequencing

Direct and manage Resources acquisition/ Team acquisition and development Quality assurance

Review and Reporting Change management

Acceptance / Documentation/ Transfer to operations.
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Leadership Development Through Strategic Planning

o o o o Reasons/purpose of organizations Purpose of Board of Directors Roles of Executive Director (CEO) Tasks of Staff


Traditional Strategic Planning

No community No staff buy-in No feedback mechanism No staff ownership Minimal implementation effort Performance unchanged 9 Conclusion


The Strategic Plan and the Organization



Mission Driven Organisation Supported by Strategic Plan

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Staying Mission-focused through Strategic Planning

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Supporting the Mission Statement

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
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The Mission Statement

If an organization loses sight of its Mission, it will dissolve rapidly. - Peter Drucker


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Gathering Information The Start of a Strategic Plan

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The Mission Statement

Path to Vision If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. - Colin Powell

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The Mission Statement

o Articulates path of organization toward Vision o Collect, evaluate, prioritize information o Should Mission Statement be amended, expanded, left as is?

Mission Driven Agency Supported by Strategic Plan

(Future Date)



Strategic Planning

S ion s



t en m

Impact on Community New Openings to Serve Collaborative Possibilities New funding sources Larger Gifts

Current Effectiveness at Accomplishing Mission
Current Community Impact

Current Resource Management Current Sources of Resources and Funding Current capacity of agency to change

Time between Strategic Planning events increases as agency matures


Creating Functional Wish Lists The Basis for the Plan


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. 18 Albert Einstein

Role Of The Board

o o o o Keep direction Move toward Vision Assure all efforts support Mission to maximum Initiate implementation of plan with Executive Director o Listen to and assess feedback

The Navigators



Role of the Executive Director

o Maintain / correct course for organisation o Manage current resources; maximise return on resources o Lead and direct staff o Spearhead execution of Strategic Plan o Provide feedback and monitor progress of Strategic Plan implementation The Pilot
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Role of the Staff

If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito. - Betty Reese
o o o o o Complete tasks that support Mission Perform assigned duties Execute Strategic Plan Use resources efficiently Provide program feedback
The Crew
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o The need for planning o Everyone has role o Effective implementation raises level of performance



Next Level of Effectiveness



Effective Strategic Planning

o Strengthens Board o Provides focus for Executive Director o Invigorates Program Managers & Department Leaders o Gives staff sense of ownership o Signals to funding sources you are good planners and stewards o Sends message: our Board is involved
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Effective Planning and Implementation

Re-ignites everyone's original passion and reminds everyone why they got involved in this work in the first place!
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not. - Dr. Seuss
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