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Computer Crimes and Ethics

By: Nitesh Verma Btech Hons MBA IT Section 150 Roll No. 14
CSE 001c 1

Topics of Discussion
Introduction What are Computer Crimes and Ethics Types of Computer Crime Information Systems and Technology Vulnerabilities Ways to Manage the Risks Associated with Vulnerabilities Can we trust Computers?

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With the popularization of the Internet, interest in computer crime, ethics, and privacy has gained momentum. News items describe about identity theft, credit cards numbers posted on chat rooms, and child pornography web sites. Computer information systems are vulnerable to physical attacks, electronic hacking, and natural disasters.
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What are Computer Crimes

Computer crime, cyber crime, e-crime, hi-tech crime or electronic crime generally refers to criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime.

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Computer ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.

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Types of computer crimes

Theft Fraud Copyright Infringement Attacks on organizations and individuals.

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Computer Crimes

Attacks on organizations

Copyright Infringement

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Information Systems and Technology Vulnerabilities

Viruses Worms Trojan Horse Time Bomb Logic Bomb Trapdoor

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IS and TV
Trojan Horse Time Bomb Logic Bomb

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Ways to Manage the Risks Associated with Vulnerabilities

Managing the risk Managing the risk Managing the risk infringement. Managing the risk vulnerabilities.

of computer crime. of fraud. of copyright

of technology

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Risk of computer crime

Risk of fraud

Risk of copyright infringement

Risk of technology vulnerabilities

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To establish a barrier between the business computer systems and the outside world. The usual implementation of a firewall is to place a barrier between a computer system and the Internet. It is a combination of hardware and software or it may be software only. Firewall filters or restricts internal or external access to the systems.
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Anti-Virus Software and Updates

Antivirus software is a software basically used to remove malicious files and viruses. Virus protection software must be kept update as new viruses are developed on what seems like a daily basis. Some businesses have policies that limit acceptance of attachments to e-mails, prohibit the use of disks prepared on non-business systems, and restrict downloading files from the Internet from trusted sites only.
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Can we trust computers

Nationwide telephone service in US was disrupted for nine hours in 1990 because of a software error. U.S. Kane Carpet Company went out of business due to a bad computerized inventory control system. Denver Airport computer-controlled luggage system was closed for 2 years about $700 million lost. The Therac-25 software-controlled radiation machine killed three and injured several in 1985-87. Why? Lack of testing, honesty, ethics

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Risks can be managed in information systems environments. Security is an illusion as any system can be attacked under the right circumstances. The greatest hazard is to be complacent. (i.e. to be self satisfied).

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Thank You

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