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The Passive

Waar hebben we de lijdende vorm voor nodig?

Omdat de agent onbekend is: - my bike was stolen last week Omdat de agent onbelangrijk is: - English is spoken here Omdat de agent vanzelfsprekend is: - The burglar was arrested In formeel taalgebruik: - Fishing permits are sold at the post office

The Passive
To be + volt. dlw.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Het lijdend voorwerp wordt het onderwerp van de lijdende zin (passive). De tijd wordt toegepast op to be. Het voltooid deelwoord van het hoofdwerkwoord wordt er achter gezet.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: They make these cars in Japan.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple They make these

cars in Japan

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple They make these

cars in Japan.

These cars

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple They make these

cars in Japan.

These cars

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple They make these

cars in Japan.

These cars are

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple They make these

cars in Japan.

These cars are made in Japan.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 1. We use this room only on special occasions.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 1. We use this room only on special occasions.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 1. We use this room only on special occasions. 1. This room is used only on special occasions.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 2. In some areas farmers use pigs to find truffles.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 2. In some areas farmers use pigs to find truffles.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Simple: 2. In some areas farmers use pigs to find truffles. 2. In some ares pigs are used to find truffles.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: Somebody built these houses 100 years ago.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: Somebody built these houses 100 years ago.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: Somebody built these houses 100 years ago.

These houses

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: Somebody built these houses 100 years ago.

These houses were

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: Somebody built these houses 100 years ago.

These houses were built 100 years ago.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 3.People broke all the windows in yesterdays riots.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 3. People broke all the windows in yesterdays riots.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 3. People broke all the windows in yesterdays riots. 3. All the windows were broken in yesterdays riots.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 4. Somebody poisoned the Franklins cat last week.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 4. Somebody poisoned the Franklins cat last week.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Simple: 4. Somebody poisoned the Franklins cat.

4. The Franklins cat was poisoned last week.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) When did A. G. Bell invent the telephone?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) When did A. G. Bell invent the telephone?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) When did A. G. Bell invent the telephone?

When the telephone

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) When did A. G. Bell invent the telephone?

When was the telephone?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) When did A. G. Bell invent the telephone?

When was the telephone invented?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 5. Tom did not even kiss her when he came in.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 5. Tom did not even kiss her when he came in.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 5. Tom did not even kiss her when he came in.

5. She was not even kissed (by Tom) when he came in.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 6. How often do they feed the seals in this zoo?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 6. How often do they feed the seals in this zoo?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Questions and negatives (do/does/did) 6. How often do they feed the seals in this zoo?

6. How often are the seals fed in this zoo?

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: Somebody has stolen my bike.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: Somebody has stolen my bike. My bike

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: Somebody has stolen my bike. My bike

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: Somebody has stolen my bike. My bike has been

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: Somebody has stolen my bike. My bike has been stolen.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: They have seen the murderer with a bloody knife.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: They have seen the murderer with a bloody knife. The murderer

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: They have seen the murderer with a bloody knife. The murderer

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: They have seen the murderer with a bloody knife. The murderer has been

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: They have seen the murderer with a bloody knife. The murderer has been seen with a bloody knife.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 7. My wife has ironed my shirts.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 7. My wife has ironed my shirts.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 7. My wife has ironed my shirts. 7. My shirts have been ironed (by my wife).

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 8.The authors have written a special version for kids.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 8.The authors have written a special version for kids.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Perfect (have/has + volt. dlw).: 8.The authors have written a special version for kids. 8.A special version has been written for kids.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: The soldiers had evacuated the village before they destroyed it.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: The soldiers had evacuated the village before they destroyed it.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: The soldiers had evacuated the village before they destroyed it. The village before it

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: The soldiers had evacuated the village before they destroyed it. The village had been before it was

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: The soldiers had evacuated the village before they destroyed it. The village had been evacuated before it was destroyed.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 9. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 9. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 9. Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife. 9. The picture had been slashed with a knife.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 10. A jellyfish had stung the poor girls.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 10. A jellyfish had stung the poor girls.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Perfect (had+ volt. dlw).: 10. A jellyfish had stung the poor girls. 10. The poor girls had been stung (by a jellyfish)

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games will be

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games will be held in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They are going to hold the next Olympic Games in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They are going to hold the next Olympic Games in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They are going to hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They are going to hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games are going to be

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): They are going to hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games are going to be held in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 11. We will serve dinner at 8 oclock.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 11. We will serve dinner at 8 oclock.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 11. We will serve dinner at 8 oclock. 11. Dinner will be served at 8 oclock.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 12. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 12. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Future (shall/ will/ be going to): 12. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month. 12. The paintings will be exhibited till the end of the month.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): They will hold the next Olympic Games in London. The next Olympic Games will be held in London.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. (could/should/must/have to)

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. (could/must/should/have to)

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. (could/must/should/have to) Tickets

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. could/must/should/have to Tickets

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. (could/must/should/have to) Tickets can be could be / must be / should be / have to be

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): You can buy tickets at the entrance. Tickets can be bought at the entrance.

could be / should be / must be / have to be bought

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 13. People must not leave bicycles in the hall.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 13. People must not leave bicycles in the hall.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 13. People must not leave bicycles in the hall. 13. Bicyles must not be left in the hall.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 14. Members have to return books within three weeks.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 14. Members have to return books within three weeks.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Auxiliaries (can/could/should/must/have to): 14. Members have to return books within three weeks. 14. Books have to be returned within three weeks

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment. My car

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment. My car

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment. My car is being

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): I cant pick you up. A mechanic is reparing my car at the moment. I cant pick you up. My car is being repaired at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. They are pulling down the old theatre.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. They are pulling down the old theatre.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. They are pulling down the old theatre. 15. The old theatre is being pulled down.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. Window cleaners are cleaning the school windows at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. Window cleaners are cleaning the school windows at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Present Continuous (am/is/are + ~ing): 15. Window cleaners are cleaning the school windows at the moment. 15. The school windows are being cleaned at the moment.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): People were using the tennis court, so we couldnt play.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): People were using the tennis court, so we couldnt play.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): People were using the tennis court, so we couldnt play. The tennis court

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): People were using the tennis court, so we couldnt play. The tennis court was being

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): People were using the tennis court, so we couldnt play. The tennis court was being used, so we couldt play.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 17. The librarian was angry because members were not returning books.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 17. The librarian was angry because members were not returning books.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 17. The librarian was angry because members were not returning books. 17. The librarian was angry because books were not being returned.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 18. The students were doing most of the work.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 18. The students were doing most of the work.

The Passive (to be + volt.dlw.)

Past Continuous (was/were + ~ing): 18. The students were doing most of the work. 18. Most of the work was being done by the students.

The Indirect Passive

Indirect Passive
Het meewerkend voorwerp (indirect object) wordt het onderwerp van de lijdende zin. Verder als een standaard lijdende zin.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: (standaard) Our English teacher gives us too much homework.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple:

(standaard) Our English teacher gives us too much homework.

Too much homework is given to us.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework.

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework. We

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework. We are

The Indirect Passive

Present Simple: Our English teacher gives us too much homework. We are given too much homework.

The Indirect Passive

Future Simple: I will hand you some papers now.

The Indirect Passive

Future Simple: I will hand you some papers now.

The Indirect Passive

Future Simple: I will hand you some papers now. You

The Indirect Passive

Future Simple: I will hand you some papers now. You will be

The Indirect Passive

Future Simple: I will hand you some papers now. You will be handed some papers now.

The Indirect Passive

19. They showed her the easiest way to do it

The Indirect Passive

19. They showed her the easiest way to do it 19. She

The Indirect Passive

19. They showed her the easiest way to do it 19. She was

The Indirect Passive

19. They showed her the easiest way to do it 19. She was shown the easiest way to do it.

The Indirect Passive

20. They have offered him a new job.

The Indirect Passive

20. They have offered him a new job. 20. He

The Indirect Passive

20. They have offered him a new job. 20. He has been

The Indirect Passive

20. They have offered him a new job. 20. He has been offered a new job.

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